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People Lyndon B Johnson Promoted Great Society Wanted to push to renew education rebuild cities restore natural environment Pushed for civil rights for African americans Wanted to be president of the people Wanted opportunity for young people Robert McNamara US secretary of defense Pushed Johnson to Americanize the ground war in an attempt to stabilize south Vietnam Governor of Alabama Tried to stop federal gov from desegregating university of Alabama Laid groundwork for conservative resurgence Said silent majority were the people he referred to as his supporters Watergate Scandal George Wallace Richard Nixon Jimmy Carter Promises he is free from Watergate Campaigns on slogan I will never lie to you Portrayed as normal man Owned peanut plantation and was a millionaire Daughter was promoted Believed cold war containment was no longer real world That US had to accept communism and move on Previously naval officer Had to deal with stagflation Allan Bakke Harvey Milk White man who sued University of California Davis Medical School for rejecting him in favor of less qualified minority First openly gay man elected into public office on San Francisco Board of Supervisors Assassinated by disgruntled former supervisor Dan White Ronald Reagan Asserted a renewed confidence in free markets and called for smaller gov role in economic regulation Aggressive anticommunism abroad Conservative Things Great Society Proposed by Johnson the Great Society rests on abundance and liberty for all It demands an end to poverty and racial injustice Promoted environmental reform as well Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 Created a series of programs to help poor Americans Headstart Job Corps and Upward Bound and Volunteers in Service to America VISTA were several of these programs Headstart Provided free nursery schools to prepare disadvantaged preschoolers for kindergarden Job Corps and Upward Bound Provided young people with training and employment Volunteers in Service to America Modeled on the Peace Corps offered technical assistance to the urban and rural poor Community Action Program Encouraged the poor to demand a voice in the decisions that affected their lives Led to people pressing city and state governments to expand social programs Elementary and Secondary Education Act Authorized 1 billion in federal funds for teacher training and other educational programs Higher Education Act Provided federal scholarships for college students Environmental Reform Programs Johnson pressed for expanded national parks improvement of nations air and water protection for endangered species etc Department of Housing and Urban Development Created by Johnson Immigration Act of 1965 Abandoned quota system that favored northern Europeans Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Promoted by Johnson if you felt discriminated in work place you could place charges on the employer through the federal government Bretton Woods Agreement system of rules institutions and procedures to regulate the international monetary system Gulf of Tonkin Johnson had gotten reports that North Vietnamese torpedo boats had fired on the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin No real proof of this Anyway decided to take all action necessary The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave him power to conduct operations in Vietnam Operation Rolling Thunder Massive bombing against North Vietnam The US dropped twice as many bombs on Vietnam than the Allies had dropped on both Europe an the Pacific during all of WWII Students for a Democratic Society Group formed by students from Big Ten an Ivy League schools who rejected Cold War foreign policy including Vietnam Referred to their movement as the New Left The Tet Offensive Tet is the Vietnamese New Year and on January 30th 1968 the Vietcong unleashed a massive assault in South Vietnam It struck thirty six provincial capitals and five of the major cities News was broadcasted on TV that they overthrew the US Embassy Showed that the US was not in fact winning the war Vietnamization Nixons new policy that dropped American troop levels by almost 500 00 throughout the late 60s and early 70s American casualties lowered but the killing in Vietnam continued My Lai Massacre In the South Vietnamese village of My Lai US troops executed nearly five hundred women and children Was known only in military until a year later where it became public Only one man was convicted SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Treatment between Nixon and Soiet Premier Brezhnev that resolved tensions over Cuba and Berlin One step toward ending Cold War Paris Peace Accords Peace treaty between North and South Vietnam after Nixons Christmas bombings D tente Sought by Nixon was a easy of tension between US and Soviet Union Watergate Scandal On June 17 1972 at Washingtons Watergate office five men were apprehended who were holding wiretapping equiptment while they were breaking into the HQ of the Democratic National Committee Nixon denied any White House involvement The men eventually began to talk and said Nixon was involved and that Nixon had installed a secret listening device inside the Oval Office Affirmative Action Procedures designed to take into account the disadvantaged position of minority groups after centuries of discrimination Equal Rights Amendment Fought for by women to create an equal society Reaganomics Set of policies aimed to increase the production of goods Emphasized investment in productive enterprises by reducing taxes paid to corporations and wealthy Americans who could then use their funds to expand production Operation Mongoose Code name for the assassination of Fidel Castro Realpolitik A System of politics based on a country s situation and its needs rather than on ideas about what is morally right and wrong Reagan Doctrine To stop communism wherever it already was Specifically smaller areas Operation Urgent Fury 700 marines landed in Grenada and overthrew government due to the belief that Grenada might be the next Cuba Mutual Assured Destruction We wouldn t fire for fear we would be fired on SDI Program proposed by Reagan that would create a space defense system that could shoot down nuclear weapons from space Events Other The Great Society Johnsons new vision for his presidency Aims to push to renew education rebuild cities restore natural environment Kept some of Kennedys programs but introduced many new ones Also aimed to end war on poverty through economic opportunity act and Started by pushing civil rights legislation several

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