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1 Landscape Architecture Architecture shelter from the natural world comfort delight beauty separation of exterior and interior environment controls climate Logical Architecture sustainable designs green buildings Survival Cool Zone Eskimo House and Igloo small openings round shape allows cold wind to pass over with ease and it gives the most interior space with the least amount of exposure of the outside of the building geodesic dome lightweight but strong structure Temperate requires exibility to adapt to the changing seasons pueblos sides could roll up or down like a window shade to allow wind circulation during hot days and to block it off during cold teepees portable structures top is open as a chimney survival caverns small and compact with a big replace and tiny windows french colonial house small windows steep roof with dormer windows large replace double hung windows cool air comes through the bottom and hot air leaves through the top big porches as outside living room ingle nook where you gather around the replace center of family life Hot and Arid mud buildings adobe unbaked bricks early houses did not have doors very thick walls act as an insulator to extreme weather hot and cold roof is at and used as a living space contemporary church designed to look like adobe houses Hot and Humid no walls keeps cold out umbrella roof keeps the hot sun off and the rain out vents on the roof to let the hot air out more modern roof spreads way past the walls dormer windows designed to stay cool elevated huge porch no hallways because they would block the cross ventilation glass walls curtain walls and steel framework Landscape Architecture and the Allied Professions Engineering Man nature art and technology Urban Planning link to engineering and classic landscape architecture Types of Engineers civil structural transportation electrical mechanical geotechnical sanitary environmental petroleum chemical construction 2 RSVP process was used to design a fountain in Portland Value Action Post construction evaluation Pedestrian linkage system is a system of nodes and links Levi Straus poor german immigrant who came to the united states sold tough pants made from denim to people who were panning for gold during the gold rush became a huge corporation so they moved into a tall of ce building that separated workers on different oors they bought an old red brick building and built two new buildings between buildings they designed a plaza and a park with a stream Atchafalaya People culture of the people in the swamp canoes grow or raise food putt putt boat Interpretation of the culture in the Louisiana swamp exhibit in Audubon Zoo high ground in Louisiana is near the water chose native plants to the swamp animal exhibits music food storytelling rougarou community events Swamp fest dug the swamp in high ground Culture house replicate net and trap making turtle farming mossing hanging moss on clothes line to dry pull boats got its name because it pulls the cypress tree that was cut down out of the water milling Piette Part Louisiana the last swamp town camp boats and oat houses reptile exhibit built a fake building on the back of the building a trading post designed a museum exhibit but it became of souvenir shop a Louisiana christmas tree oil and gas mining thingy the changing swamp environment a swamp landscape expressing culture environment and our ancestor s way of life Guest Lecturer Rowan Oak pre settlement landscape The history of landscape is embedded in natural process Although the story may be interrupted by moments of human intervention the narrative is ultimately cyclical rather than linear This sense of the natural order is evoked in the restless cycles of Faulkner s look at may different maps elevation forest types political drainage many Indian names for cities and rivers early settlement era indian names begin being replaced with English 3 Colonel Robert Sheegog era rst property owner of Rowan Oak The landscape at Rowan Oak retains an underlying geometric order and cardinal orientation that can almost certainly be attributed to the original surveying of the property It appears that the cardinal geometry imposed by the survey also served as Sheegog s baseline for siting the property s earliest structures and landscape features The house is located at the center of intersecting N S E W axes that divide the property Civilization carved from natural order roads Rowan Oak was in the country Bailey era the second owner William Faulkner era very famous American writer Faulker named the place Rowan Oak he paid his labor helpers in whiskey which is shown in the crookedness of the walls and stuff Landscape tells stories Rowan Oak tells a story of gender 4 areas of landscape at Rowan Oak Enlightenment Landscape clear geometry red cedar and daffodils Agrarian Pragmatic Landscape showed Faulkner s love of horses Horticultural Domestic Landscape requires a higher level of management Service Area Landscape never meant to be pretty had an outhouse working landscape What makes a good memorial has a particular meaning that separates it from other places tiger stadium churches cemeteries Characteristics symbols cross buddha about an event civil war special person Abraham Lincoln Thomas Jefferson George Washington FDR strong image movement and sequence involved FDR memorial process of developing the monument 1960 competition for the best memorial winning entry but it had to be approved by the Fine Arts Commission because its in Washington DC it wasn t approved 1966 Marcel Breuer designed one but it couldn t be built either 1970 rose garden what FDR wanted was rejected wrote guidelines and hired Lawrence Halprin must include water sculpture and no major intrusive structures 1975 preliminary concept was approved by the commission 4 1978 ne arts commission approved it built it didn t get built because of politics 25 years Congress would not fund the memorial Halprin never gave up built in 2003 4 garden rooms connected by passage ways tells the story of each of his terms non decorative sculpture helps tell the story of the challenges FDR faced 4 different sculptor s works are uni ed by using the same material in the last room FDR is depicted with a big cape not really showing the wheel chair people got pissy added another sculpture at the beginning of him in his custom made wheelchair Guest Lecturer Van Cox Walden Subdivision 91 5 Acres 149 lots Density as many parcels of land on the property they

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LSU LA 1201 - Landscape Architecture

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