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The Middle Ages 400 1450 Most of the surviving music of the Middle Ages is sacred Music was in Latin not the vernacular The role of music o Church services o Religious communities o Public events morality plays 1 Medieval Sacred Music a The role of music i church b the development and preservation of sacred music i notation ii manuscripts use one for multiple singers iii codification of chant Pope Gregory Gregorian chant complied all of the chants c music of the early Christian Church i plainchant chant Gregorian chant ii nonmetric melodies set up in the church code iii a capella d early notation of chant i neumes worked if you already knew the chant not if it was new e categories of chant melodies i syllabic one pitch per syllable ii neumatic a few pitches per syllable iii melismatic melodic several pitches 2 Hildegard of Bingen 1098 1179 a Given to the church by her parents b Experienced visions c Wrote poetry plays and work on science and medicine d Composer or highly original works e Alleluia O virga mediatrix i Monophonic non metric a capella 3 Medieval and Renaissance Secular Music a Singing w friends was a part of Medieval culture as it is today b Songs learned by oral transmission or newly composed c Instrumental music to accompany dance was usually improvised d Composed instrumental music often followed vocal genres e Sumer is icumen in i Polyphonic ii Round iii Use of two ostinatos iv Text set syllabically v A cappella f Tielman Susato g Dances i Ronde ii Saltaro 4 The Madrigal 2 a Most important secular genre of the 16th century b Aristocratic form of poetry and music popular in Italian courts c Texts were short poems emotionally expressive words d Word painting the use of music to imitate illustrate the meaning of the text e John Farmer 1570 1603 i Fair Phyllis 1 English madrigal 2 Varied textures 3 SATB a cappella 4 Use of word painting 3

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Auburn MUSI 2730 - The Middle Ages

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