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2504 Ch 1 The Wellness Continuum Striving for improvement in all six wellness dimensions is a lifelong process Concentrate on the most pressing needs first then strive for balance across the continuum Health Wellness Physical Fitness The personalized aspect of wellness The absence of disease or illness A very inclusive term because it can be from environmental health to personal health can be very personalized the individualized aspect of health describes a vibrant state that an individual lives in so they can live life to the fullest so they can readily adapt to change and they can particularly participate in society Individual s ability to perform moderate to vigorous physical activity without undoable fatigue Physical activity is any activity that uses skeletal muscles o Running walking climbing etc anything you do o Exercise is a form of physical activity because it is a planned structure Wellness achievement of the highest possible level of health across six dimensions Physical o Fitness muscular strength flexibility o body composition o diet alcohol and tobacco use o anything that affects ability to do work Social Intellectual o the ability to have satisfying relationships o being able to maintain a sense of social connectiveness o how well you communicate o being able to give ask for support o ability to think effectively in order to solve problems and so you can meet life s challenges o to learn from mistakes o being able to organize things o having a sense of humor o The ability to control emotions and also to be able to express them appropriately and at the Emotional right times Spiritual o Belief in God o self esteem person s overall evaluation of their work o self confidence having confidence in yourself o self efficacy how strong your belief in yourself to do things o Any religious beliefs o Where we get our values norms morals o What is right and what is wrong Environmental o Understanding how your environment can positively or negatively can affect you and what you do can affect your environment o Where you live where you work where you go to school Whey does wellness matter Good wellness habits can help you live a longer healthier life o More years overall o More healthy years Good wellness habits benefit a society as a whole Females live longer life expectancy around 77 years old Six Stages of Behavior Change Precontemplation Contemplation o No intention of changing yet unaware of or in denial about a problem o Recognizes there may be a problem and starts to see a need for change Preparation Action Maintenance Termination Relapse o Starts to focus on what can be done on developing a plan o Executes a plan publicly states a desire to change enlists help and sets realistic goals o Works to prevent relapse and continue with gains o In this stage after completing six months or more without relapsing into old habits o New behavior is ingrained and ongoing o Not an original state of behavior change but happens periodically for most people trying to o Causes include overconfidence temptations stress or emotional distractions and putting change oneself down 2504 Ch 2 The 3 Primary Levels of Physical Activity 06 21 2015 Physical Fitness Physical Activity Exercise o The ability to perform moderate to vigorous levels of activity without undue fatigue o Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles resulting in an expenditure of energy o Planned or structured physical activity done to achieve and maintain fitness Physical activity is often measured in MET levels metabolic equivalents how much energy or oxygen is used for activity o METs are grouped into 3 activity categories Light lifestyle 3 METs Moderate 3 to 6 METs Vigorous 6 METs o 1 MET resting sitting quietly o 2 MET twice the value The 5 Health Related Components of Fitness Cardiorespiratory Endurance the ability of your cardiovascular and respiratory systems to provide oxygen to the working muscles and tissues during sustained physical activity and exercise Muscular Strength ability of your muscles to exert force Muscular Endurance ability of your muscles to contract repeatedly over time Flexibility ability to move your joints through a full range of motion Body Composition relative amounts of fat and lean tissue in your body The 6 Skill Related Components of Physical Fitness Agility ability to rapidly change position of your body with speed and accuracy Balance maintenance of equilibrium while you re stationary or moving Coordination ability to use both senses and your body to perform motor tasks smoothly and Power ability to perform work or contract muscles with high force quickly Speed ability to perform a movement in a short period of time Reaction time the time between a stimulus and the initiation of your physical reaction to that accurately stimulus Principles of Fitness system is used to Overload Principle the amount of training that you do undertake must be more than your body o Adaptation a change in the body as a result of the overload Training Effects whole body systems are affected Dose Response Relationship how much you overload your system will show how many changes and how long those changes last and how quickly you see those changes last response will depend on how much dose overload Diminished Returns if you do too much too fast you over train you do not see as many changes Principle of Progression in order to effectively AND safely increase your fitness level increase your health level you have to gradually increase your program s intensity the frequency and or the time you put in o The 10 percent rule Increase your program frequency intensity or duration by no more than 10 percent per week Principle of Specificity improvements to a particular body system to a particular muscle group will occur only if that certain body system is overloaded the drills that you do must be targeted to a specific goal that you want to accomplish Principle of Reversibility all things that we see as a result of training will revert back to original levels when training is stopped o Use it or lose it person Principle of Individuality adaptations for a training overload can vary greatly from person to Principle of Rest and Recovery you need to give your body time to recover from the increased physiological and structural stress that you place on it when you do physical activity or exercise How much exercise is enough For adults most governmental agencies credible professional or private organizations recommend at

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LSU KIN 2504 - The Wellness Continuum

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