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Chapter 3 Conditioning your Cardiorespiratory System The Heart 2 1 Respiration freshly exchange of gas in the lungs blood tissue Systemic Circulation oxygenated blood moves from heart to aorta to go out to body tissues deoxygenated moves from heart to pulmonary artery to go to the lungs 3 Pulmonary Circulation 4 Heart cycle heartbeat pulse a Systole consists of 2 phase pulmonary artery b Diastole when the ventricles contract and blood is pumped out of the heart either through aorta or ventricles relax fill up with blood so when the muscle contracts blood can be sent out 5 Blood Pressure pressure being exerted against vessel walls during heart cycle top number is when heart is contracting bottom number is when ventricles are relaxed and refilling a systolic number b diastolic number good indicator for potential stroke risk c measured in mm HG millimeters mercury d blood pressure is affected by how much you exercise e recommended norm is 115 75 recently revised from 120 180 f hypertension high blood pressure only 1 number needs to be consistently elevated ex 140 70 hypertension stage one if systolic is at 140 or if diastolic is at 90 Metabolic Systems Deliver Essential Energy ATP adenosine triphosphate stored in your body and from the foods you eat Immediate Energy System a cellular form of energy that must be constantly regenerated from energy o ATP is stored in muscle cells that only lasts for a short period of time few seconds o Creatine phosphate o Lasts for no more than 30 sec of physical activity stored in muscle cells rid phosphate molecule to continuously make ATP Nonoxidative Anaerobic Energy System o breaks down glucose stored throughout different parts of body and converts it to ATP o Only lasts for about 3 min Oxidative Aerobic Energy System o produces energy slowly at the same time nonoxidative system is working o focused in the mitochondria of the muscle cells o produces more ATP than any other system o fuels any activity after the 3 min of nonoxidative stops working All systems are interconnected The Cardiorespiratory System at Rest and During Exercise Resting condition Homeostasis Response to Exercise stable constant internal environment o Cardiac Output o Blood flow and heart rate increase so body can get back to homeostasis volume of blood ejected from the heart within one minute How Aerobic Training Conditions the Cardiorespiratory System Increases oxygen delivery to muscles to help with performance o Improves the transfer and use of oxygen by increasing blood levels of hemoglobin oxygen carrying component in red blood cells increasing plasma volume which increases blood volume to carry more oxygen and nutrients increase in the number of capillaries in the muscles that we train number of mitochondria increases so you can do more oxidative reproduction of ATP Improves the body s ability to use energy efficiently Improves ability to store more glycogen glucose in muscle cells o More mitochondria helps how efficiently we break down stored fat for energy use o Fat is most concentrated source of energy Training activities Table 4 1 Benefits of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Decreases risk of disease including those related to metabolic syndrome obesity related risk factors Helps control body weight and composition Improves self esteem mood and feelings of well being releases endorphins Improves immune function o stimulate the production of b cells and t cells to help fight off infection o lower stress levels Improves long term quality of life Assessing Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness Monitor resting heart rate o independent and free of disease for elderly people o good for those who are sick with cancer etc too to help them gain strength o as you exercise over time your resting heart rate will lower and your cardiorespiratory health is increasing Understand maximal oxygen consumption VO2max o body s ability to utilize oxygen during exercise o measured directly wear a gas type mask during activity o measure indirectly o with a regular training program you should see a 15 20 increase Test submaximal heart rate responses o Using a treadmill or stationary bike to measure heart rate and how it increases during Tests for cardiorespiratory fitness in the field and classroom exercise o Not maximal effort o Stay in moderate range of physical activity o 3 min step test o Look at how well your heart rate recovers o Take heart rate before and after starting You want to recover quickly to return within 10 beats of normal heart rate Determines how fit we are o One mile walking test See how fast you can walk the mile use a formula a to figure out VO2 max o 1 5 mile running test o 12 min walk run see how much distance you cover Creating Your Own Cardiorespiratory Program Set appropriate cardiorespiratory fitness goals o SMART goals specific measurable action oriented realistic time oriented Learn about cardiorespiratory training options Classes spin Zumba step etc Indoor workouts Outdoor workouts Differing formats min or more alternate periods of intense exercise with periods of low o Interval training intensive activities or even a rest period ex running sprints then walking moving from location to location and training on a certain amount of time or a certain number of repetitions on each station perform the same rhythmic activity for at least 20 o Continuous training o Circuit training recommended for you to do cardiorespiratory activities 3 5 times a week o Apply FITT Principles Frequency ACSM guidelines Intensity Assess your rate of perceived exertion RPE o Like to see between a 12 and a 16 moderate to vigorous activity o 64 to 90 o Corresponds with heart rate o Subjective o how hard you would rate your exertion in a specific activity o determined by checking heart rate o RPE scale from 6 to 20 o used especially in cardiac rehab centers Determine your target heart rate zones heart rate reserve o Measure your heart rate reserve HRR Determines intensity of cardiovascular endurance Determine max heart rate HRmax 220 age Determine resting heart rate norm is between 60 and 80 but varies between individuals Find the reserve max resting 202 80 122 HRR During cardiorespiratory activities you need to be within 40 to 85 of heart rate reserve HRR 122 x 0 40 52ish 130 x 0 85 110ish Add resting back to it to find training zone 52 80 132 110 80 190 bpm To decrease the range determine their level of fitness 1 40 50 for beginners 2 50 60 for intermediate level 3 60 85 for physically fit people Take

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