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2 9 15 Nutrition Attitudes Behavior cont d on a global basis est 20 of men 35 of women 40 of all children are anemic primarily Other dietary events impair learning iron deficiency anemia long term functional problems with motor skills attention span problem solving abilities due to iron deficiency Lead toxicity low level exposure causes long term behavioral effects impaired reading skills aggression increases absenteeism dropout rates Food Additives Sugar Hyperactivity Food colorants preservatives linked to hyperactivity impulsiveness and short attention span Sugar no proven link Future Research it is difficult to separate the effects of diet on behavior from the social economic educational and genetic influences many assumptions about diet behavior must await confirmation through research Healthy Diets Dietary Guidelines MyPyramid More Unit 6 Healthy Eating achieving balance between good taste good for you Characteristic of Healthful Diets healthful diets share 3 characteristics adequacy variety balance healthful diets can come in many forms Adequate diets consist of foods that together supply sufficient protein vitamins and minerals ALSO have enough calories to meet a person s need for energy maintain a healthy body weight Essential Nutrients substances the body requires normal growth health but cannot manufacture in sufficient amounts must be obtained from the diet in amounts corresponding to RDAs Als Variety the essential nutrient phytochemical contents of foods differ consuming a variety of foods from each basic group increases the probability of obtaining enough nutrients Balanced diet provides neither too much nor too little of calories nutrients and other components of food such as fat sugar and fiber Macronutrients the group name for the energy yielding nutrients of carbohydrate protein and fat needed din relatively large amounts in our daily diet AMDRs Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges guidelines for balanced intake of macronutrients total caloric intake that should consist of carbohydrate protein and fat total caloric intake for added sugars essential fatty acids linoleic linoleic acids reduce saturated fats trans fats as much as possible Saturated Fats fats that tend to raise blood cholesterol levels risk for heart disease solid room temperature found primarily in animal products such as meat butter and cheese Trans Fat a type of unsaturated fat present in hydrogenated oils shortening margarine pastries and some cooking oils that increases the risk of heart disease AMDRs Average Adult Intake How balanced is the American Diet Americans consume too much fat added sugars too little of essential fatty acids American diet is too high in calories too low in fruits veggies whole grains Guides to Health Diets many nations have free science based health guidelines with recommendations for dietary intake physical activity US guidelines Dietary Guidelins for Americans How to guide for consumers MyPyramid 9 focus areas 23 key recommendations Dietary Guidelines for Americans Science based guidelines to promote health reduce risk for major chronic disease stresses consumption of nutrient dense foods balancing caloric intake and output increasing physical activity DGAs are updated every five years Focus Areas Key Recommendations Guidelines on adequate nutrients within calorie needs weight management physical activity food groups to encourage fats carbohydrates sodium potassium alcoholic beverages food safety Implementing Dietary Guidelines MyPyramid Food Guide food selection physical activity DASH Eating Plan Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Dietary intake only MyPyramid gov Whats In MyPyramid Recommendations for daily food choices food amounts for healthy diets specific food groups lean meats fish prepared without fats veggies prepared without butter margarine no added sugar low fat dairy products nonfat milk MyPyramid gov MyPyramid Menu Planner based on your food preferences MyPyramid Plan based on age sex weight height activity level MyPyramid for Kids resources for elementary ages MyPyramid Plan for Professionals Tips Resources food groups physical activity eating out Inside the Pyramid explains food groups measures discretionary calories physical activities MyPyramid for Pregnant Breastfeeding Mothers track evaluate plan dietary changes MyPyramid Tracker dietary physical activity assessments uses measurements in cups teaspoons ounces Limitations of MyPyramid inaccessible to people who do not use the internet does not address infant therapeutic or vegetarian diets may not correspond to food preferences

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Nutrition Attitudes & Behavior

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