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PSYSOC MIDTERM FALL 2015 I Week 1 Introduction GOWDA 1 A Sociology the systematic and scientific study of human social life groups societies and the social context in which behavior occurs B 2 Ways Sociologist study health illness 1 Sociology of Medicine the study of the medical system patient provider relationships trends and norms in medical practices etc a Medicalizations issue the process whereby more and more of everyday life has come under medical dominion influence and supervision Conrad reading 1 requires treatment must be fixed a increased use of drug for treating over the years 2 requires a person with specialized knowledge i e doctor to treat 2 Sociology in Medicine the study of the influence of social and cultural factors on health and illness rates a Race and Breast Cancer Mortality incidence vs mortality 1 Non Hispanic Whites highest incident rate lower mortality rate than AA 2 African American higher incident rate than NHW highest mortality rate a less likely to get care vs inferior care b less likely to receive an early diagnosis campaign not in all C Mortality Rates in the United States Mortality death communities 1 Total Mortality Rates including 11 infectious diseases declined from 1900 1970 2 Total Mortality minus 11 Infectious Diseases starts drastically in the 1900s and is approximately equivalent in the 1970s compared to total mortality rates 3 Percent GNP on Medical Care stated very low in the 1930 and increased dramatically in 1955 1970 etc 1 D Causes of Death decreasing order heart disease cancer chronic lower respiratory disease strokes E Cause of Death by World Regions Infectious vs Noninfectious Diseases Infectious Death decreasing order Africa E Mediterranean SE Asia America W Pacific Europe a infectious death is the opposite of noninfectious deaths ex Africa has least noninfectious deaths Europe has the most noninfectious deaths infectious diseases include maternal and perinatal conditions and nutritional deficiencies b F The Perception Problem Socially Unacceptable and Socially Acceptable 1 socially acceptable label everything as syndrome G Biopsychosocial Model proposes that all three factors biological psychological social affect and are affected by the person s health Context and Perspectives in Health Psychology Reading H Stress any challenging event that requires physiological cognitive or behavioral adaptations 1 Physical Illness product of the interaction between the mind and body 2 Social Readjustment Rating Scale SRRS rank stressful life events in decreasing order spouse s death divorce jail time personal injury illness marriage fired at work I Behavioral Medicine a multidisciplinary field that includes both medical and mental health professionals who investigate psychological factors in the symptoms cause and treatment of the physical illnesses J Way to Define Stress Appraisal of Life Events Richard Lazarus 1966 a Primary appraisal evaluation of the challenge threat or harm posed by event b Secondary appraisal assessment of abilities and resources for coping with event PSYSOC MIDTERM FALL 2015 GOWDA 2 1 stressors 2 adverse outcomes K Symptoms of Stress Direct and Indirect effects on Physical Illness 1 Psychophysiological Response a Immune System Responses 1 Immunosuppression release cortisol and CRF decreases production of immune agents 2 Psychoneuroimmunology PNI relationship between stress and immune functions a short term stressors physical threats enhance immune response b stress impairs immune response L Coping with Stress 1 Problem Focused Coping attempt to change stressor 2 Emotion Focused Coping attempt to alter internal distress 3 Self Healing Personality coping with stress a Hardiness 1 buffer against stress 2 personality style characterized by a Commitment sense of purpose in work family life b Challenge openness to new experiences and change c Control belief that one ha the power to influence important future outcomes M Predictability Control illusion of control helps alleviate reduce stress N Health behavior actions that promote good health 1 take part in beneficial activities diet sleep exercise avoid unhealthy activities drug alcohol smoking 2 Optimism and Physical Well Being a Optimism predicts good health and health promoting behavior b correlation pessimists may engage in risky behaviors Implicit Social Support Asians benefit focusing on valued social groups during times of stress 3 Social Support predicts improved immune cardiovascular and endocrine functioning 4 5 Explicit Social Support Europeans benefit seeking advice and emotional solace 6 Loneliness Kills a Increased Risk of Death 1 alone but feel happy 2 many social connections but lonely 3 objectively isolated and subjectively lonely greatest risk b if people interact with more people it solves social isolation issue but doesn t solve the loneliness issue 1 Relationships improve health by a helping us manage stress b improving functioning of the immune system PSYSOC MIDTERM FALL 2015 GOWDA 3 c giving meaning to people s lives 2 Friends protect your health a increase in the number of Americans with no friends b Dr Robin Dunbar U of Oxford need 3 to 5 friendship for optimal well being 7 It reduces negative consequence of stress more healthy if you are married and attend religious service 8 Social Factors interpersonal conflict a Friends family encourage a healthy unhealthy lifestyle b c economic resource being married having close friends buffer CHD d societal norms and cultural values 9 Effective Messages If you stop smoking there is a greater chance you could live longer a NOT effective If you dont stop smoking you will likely decrease your life expectancy O Following Medical Advice 1 Illness Behavior increased stress is correlated with such illness behaviors as more frequent visits to physicians P Cardiovascular Diseases 1 Primary Prevention a encouraging healthy behavior b media campaign increase awareness 2 Secondary Prevention a Stress management i e coping skills weight reduction decrease alcohol etc 3 Tertiary Prevention Prevention Treatment a patients who have already had cardiac event usually myocardial infarction MI b effective program if structured and individualized c Type A behavior can be modified reduces risk Q Psychological Effects of Stress Personality Coronary Heart Disease 1 Type A Personality impatient hard driving hostile pattern of behavior a more prone to Coronary Heart Disease CHD b Structural Interview lethal component hostility

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