Chapter 12 Know microexpressions sympathetic vs parasympathetic nervous systems various theories of emotion Microexpressions the expressions associalted with emotional intelligence Hard to report it Sympathetic VS Parasympathetic nervous systems sympathetic is a flight or fight response Parasympathetic is a resting state where you are not in a fight or flight situation Various theories of emotion James tells us its strictly an interpretation of our physiological response Know the widely accepted 6 basic emotions Duchenne smile Emotional Intelligence Know the difference between fear and anxiety and the brain region associated with fear Also GAD PTSD 6 basic emotions Happiness anger fear surprised Duchenne Smile The involuntary movement of smile muscles REAL smile Emotional Intelligence Reading microexpressions Phineas Gage who had a personality change because he got a railroad pipe through his head Fear VS Anxiety Fear is ACUTE and a temporary stage and more intense Anxiety is more chronic and a sense of dread Post traumatic stress disorder Result of trauma People with PTSD had a smaller hippocampus so are people with smaller hippocampus in danger Way to determine if someone has a genetic predisposition to a small hippocampus is by checking their twin Brain region associated with fear GAD PTSD people with low levels of cortisol are associated correlate with PTSD Know patterns in sexual aggression direct and indirect influences on happiness Know Selye s Concept of Stress Also Direct and Indirect influences of stress on health Know the link between PTSD cortisol and the hippocampus Know and be able to recognize examples of the 3 types of coping strategies Patterns in sexual aggression Sexual violence are the most common type of violence Men and women have the same number of incidents of violence Women are just as likely to inflict sexual aggression although men will be more likely to inflict MORE damage Direct And Indirect influences on happiness Selye s Concept of Stress an event not a long term example divorce marriage Direct influence on sleep Chapter 13 Avoiding and accepting responsibility toward others big topic understand attributional theory somewhat big topic Types of persuasion slides on interpersonal attraction and influence Bystander Apathy if they wont do anything then I wont Bystander helplessness if they cant do anything I can t Social Loping shared workload means if a group of people are assigned work to do then they will do less work but if you were assigned a project by yourself youre more likely to put it even more time then expected External attribution when we blame of credit the situation Internal attribution when we blame or credit the person for the situation Chapter 14 Freud s stages of psychosexual development Jung Rogers Maslow Approaches to studying personality personality tests and their purposes The Big 5 projective personality assessments Know what cognitive dissonance means Chapter 15 Know the DSM IV classifications Also know types of therapy such as Psychodynamic CBT Humanistic etc Also be able to recognize and explain the term Therapeutic Alliance Chapter 16 Know the different types of anxiety disorders we discussed and be able to name the treatment of choice if one exists Also know the different types of alcoholics Know the treatments available for depression some possible reasons why women seek treatment for depression more than men do Know what rebound effects are and the addiction treatments we discussed Know the neurotransmitter we discussed as it relates to schizophrenia and how the theory came to be Know the treatment s for schizophrenia Finally know the core symptoms of autism the difference between high functioning autism and Asperger s syndrome Exam questions Going for a run when faced with a stressful situation is an example of A problem focused coping B Reappraisal C Emotion focused coping D Avoidance coping The Duchenne Smile C Is a genuine smile involving involuntary eye muscle activation Ignoring cries for help from a person in a crowded street may be an example of is not one of the traits in the Big 5 model of personality A Bystander helplessness or apathy B Pluralistic ignorance C Social Loafing D A B A Agreeableness B Selfishness C Extraversion D Neuroticism A Extreme Sadness B Lack of happiness C Sleep disturbances D Impulsivity Which is always a feature of depression Which is not a core feature of autism A Language deficiency B Repetitive Behaviour C Social issues D Restricted interests What is the best treatment for depression NONE OF THE ABOVE because there is no better therapy than another It all depends on the patient The Pineal Gland is controlled by the and secretes a Superchiasmatic Nucleus Melatonin According to the Equity Principle relationships work best if Each person believes there is an equal exchange Childhood abuse would be an example of Axis IV Classification A type II alcoholic is Most likely male starts drinking at early age likely to have other legal issues ALL OF THE ABOVE
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