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http www pearsoncustom com cas 100a Hi Everyone Here s the study guide for exam 2 The exam will be on Monday November 16 Please note the instructions for the Multiple Choice portion of the exam You will need to select the best answer even though other answers might arguably be true as well Please be familiar with these terms and concepts for the exam The goals purposes for different kinds of speeches Persuasion Reasoning The tests for validity of different kinds of reasoning and appeals The arguments used to defend a policy The different kinds of speeches Thesis statements The different types of arguments Analogical Sign Inductive Deductive Example Causal and Classification The different types of objections to arguments Claims Warrants and Data Invention Arrangement Style Memory and Delivery The Classical Canon Audience Analysis Groupthink Maslow s Hierachy of Needs High Quality Group Decision Making Organizational Patterns The role of the audience in public speaking The types of fallacies Exigency Resources Constraints Audience The Rhetorical Situation Plagiarism The steps in Monroe s Motivated Sequence Leadership Styles Critical Listening Critical Thinking Good luck Dave Dzikowski chic tableau

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PSU CAS 100A - Study Guide

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