Emily Yehezkel General Psychology Review Sheet Chapter 5 Consciousness 1 Consciousness a person s subjective experience of the world and the mind 2 Levels of consciousness a Minimal Consciousness b Full Consciousness i A low level of sensory awareness and responsiveness i You know you are able to report your mental state c Self consciousness i Self as an object 3 Circadian Rhythms a Internally generated patterns of bodily functions that vary over a 24 hour period b Reflected changes in energy level mood and efficiency throughout the day c Regulate circadian rhythms i Suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain hypothalamus ii Genes period and timeless help distinguish night and day iii Melatonin hormone secreted by pineal gland that increases sleep a Jetlag disruption of the circadian rhythms due to crossing jet lag 4 Rhythms of waking and sleep production i Traveling west phase delays ii Traveling east phase advances b Daylight Savings Time 5 Types of sleep a Rapid Eye Movement REM Sleep i High frequency low amplitude brain wave activity ii Systematic eye movement b NREM Non REM Sleep Increasing bodily relaxation i ii Slower EEG activity brain acitivity iii Slower heart rate and respiration a Electroencephalograph EEG brain activity during sleep 6 Measuring sleep 7 5 stages of sleep a Sleep waves i Alpha and beta waves periods of wakefulness b Stage 1 i When sleep has just begun ii Theta and alpha waves c Stage 2 Sleep spindles i Brief period of activity ii K complex iii Theta waves d Stage 3 and 4 i Slow wave sleep SWS ii Slow large amplitude wave iii Neuronal activity iv Delta waves stage 4 e REM Sleep 8 Sleep cycles a For the first two cycles 1 4 4 1 REM b In later cycles i Stage 4 seldom occurs ii Amount of REM steadily increases 9 Sleep Disorders a Narcolepsy sudden uncontrollable episodes of sleep b Sleep apnea causes airflow to stop for at least 15 seconds c Insomnia problems in getting or staying asleep i Affects as many as 1 in 10 people d Night terrors panic attacks that occur within 60 90 minutes of falling asleep e Sleepwalking Somnambulism runs in families common in male children during NREM stage 4 sleep i Common in children ages 3 8 decreases with age i Not dangerous to wake a sleepwalker 10 Functions of sleep a Energy conservation b Restoration of the brain and body c Memory consolidation 11 Dreams a A state of consciousness that occurs during sleep b Associated with REM sleep c Characteristics of dreams i Logical thought ii Uncritical acceptance iii iv Meaningful sensations v Difficult to remember Intense emotions d PET Scans and fMRI show brain activity consistent with dream experiences i Visual association areas are highly active ii Brain centers involved in emotions are also active iii Parts of the frontal cortex are very active e Dream theories i Freud s Psychodynamic View a Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious b Manifest content a dream s apartment topic or superficial meaning c Latent content a dream s true underlying meaning d Problem potential interpretations ii Activation Synthesis Model a Dreams are produced when the brain attempts to make sense of activations that occur randomly during sleep b Function of brain information processing all the time even during sleep 12 Hypnosis a Altered state of consciousness characterized by a suggestibility and the feeling that ones actions are involuntary b Franz Anton Mesmer Mesmerism c Hypnosis factors i Visual relaxation visual imagery skills ii High concentration iii Belief that you can be hypnotized 13 Drugs system a Psychoactive drugs a chemical that alters the brain s chemical message i Behavior thought or perception ii Affect consciousness b Properties of drugs same effect i Tolerance higher and higher doses of a drug are needed to produce the ii Dependence drug becomes part of the body s functioning a Physical dependence relate to physical symptoms of needing the drug pain ill b Psychological dependence emotional need iii Withdrawal dependence has developed and use of drug is discontinued iv Addiction a combination of tolerance and dependence c Types of psychoactive drugs i Depressants a class of drugs that reduce the activity of the central nervous systems thus relaxing and calming a user a Alcohol ii Stimulants drugs that excited the central nervous system thus increasing alertness reducing fatigue and elevate mood states a Caffeine nicotine cocaine ecstasy 2 Narcotics opiates highly addictive drugs derived from the opium poppy that relieve pain a Endorphins 3 Hallucinogens drugs that alter sensation and perception and often cause visual or auditory hallucinations a LSD PSP Marijuana Chapter 6 Memory 1 Memory ability store and retrieve information over time a Encoding transform information into memory b Storage maintain information in memory over time c Retrieval bringing to mind information that has been previously encoded and stored already in memory d Elaborative encoding relating new information to knowledge that is e Visual imagery encoding Storing new information into mental pictures f Organizational encoding the act of categorizing information 2 Levels of processing a Semantic judgments meaning of the word b Rhyme judgments c Visual judgments appearance of word d Wollen et Al piano and cigar example e Palvio concrete vs abstract word lists a 3 divisions i Sensory memory stage 3 Memory storage the process of maintaining information in memory overtime 1 Storage for a brief amount of time 2 3 Echoic memory auditory Iconic memory visual ii Short term memory 1 Temporary holding place for information 2 George Miller 7 2 3 Tricks for STM a Chunking combining information b Rehearsal keeping information in STM by mentally repeating it i Maintenance rehearsal ii Elaborative rehearsal connecting to information iii Long term memory weeks years 1 A place in which information can be kept for hours days 2 No known capacity 3 Anterograde amnesia inability to retrieve information acquired in past no memories backward 4 Memory Amnesia Brain Functioning a H M Famous case study b Hippocampus removed c Difficulty forming new long term memories d STM or working memory remained intact e Serial position experiments i Primary effect tendency for beginning words to better be recalled ii Recency effect short term memory end of list recall iii Working memory active maintenance of information in STM 1 Includes operations used to work with info in STM f Memories in the brain i Long term potentiation LTP enhanced neural
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