PS 251 Review Heinz Hartmann Father of Modern Ego Psychology EXAM 2 ego autonomy positive view primary ego apparatus primary autonomy secondary ego apparatus secondary autonomy id ego matrix conflict free functioning departure from Freudian conflict theory average expectable environment ego doesn t grow out of the id rather they both grow from some unknown medium according to Freud ego rider id horse ego has no energy of its own phylogenic biological stuff in the brain we are born with ex needs perceptions etc when these in born processes are working well it leads to secondary autonomy rationalizer adaptation to the environment and coping with demands from your surroundings ego steals libidinal energy from the id so it can function Hartmann furthered Freud s conflict theory by saying that the ego must have its own source of energy for there to be a true conflict we are born with an ego but it takes some time to develop have to mature balance all structures work together and you can be productive ego is an important structure ego is a rational institution process content we are rational and have areas of conflict free functioning ex process of perception is conflict free but content may be highly conflictual functioning allows a child to grow and redefine his her environment and achieve secondary autonomy if conflict is necessary how can the ego conflict against the id using id based energy Hartmann argued that the ego must have its own source of energy for there to be a true theory of conflict forerunner to got goodness of fit model environment that is growth promoting and provides both frustration and satisfaction within reasonable limits ex generosity not spoiling ex parent child relations good home environment leads to healthy development critical to mental health mental equilibrium way of describing a mentally healthy individual all things are in 4 regulatory processes primary and secondary happiness phylogenic ego autonomy contributions 1 Equilibrium between environment and individual child has needs and environment is tuning in child feels emotionally supported 2 Equilibrium of the instinctual drive needs are met 3 Structural equilibrium of mental components delay gratification id ego superego work together 4 Allows for special apparatus of ego to work go from primary to secondary autonomy primary and secondary autonomy primary child who is happy at home w parents secondary setting goals to reach for when primary autonomy inborn processes are working well it leads to secondary autonomy so need to achieve primary happiness first then develop a rationalizer secondary autonomy happiness phylogenic biological inborn processes stuff we are born with primary autonomy primary apparatus ego apparatuses of primary autonomy our biological needs and drives 1 Rational irrational process of the ego born w irrational side but w tendency to be rational 2 Id Ego Matrix 3 Reciprocal relationship btwn organism environment importance of social factors on development 4 Hartmann influenced ego psychology object relations theory separation individuation Mahler 5 Confirmed the importance of interchange between child and parents 6 Clinically showed that certain personality disorders Axis 2 Borderline Personality Disorder may be the result of disruptions in the parent child dyad Anna Freud psychosexual development and defense mechanisms infantile cast defenses and ego id are inescapably bound regulated by superego more emphasis to ego first systematic and comprehensive study of defenses interested in how kids confront life situations parents play a huge role defense during early stages of psychosexual development believed that each phase of psychosexual development was associated w drive component that evokes characteristics of defense defense mechanisms from earlier phases of development can persist adjacent to those of later development infantile immature behavior used inappropriately by adults defense mechanisms are not in and of themselves pathological pathology categories of defense mechanisms repression suppression regression reaction formation rationalization displacement sublimation projection real vs neurotic anxiety character disorders etiology therapy issues w children 6 developmental lines serve to maintain normal psychological well being but how you use them can become pathological 1 Narcissistic used by children psychotics self centered most problematic projection denial distortion 2 Immature used by adolescents depressed OCDs projection regression acting out etc 3 Neurotic used by adults under stress anxiety hysterics displacement repression reaction formation rationalization 4 Mature used by mature adults normal adaptive functioning humor sublimation unconscious forgetting conscious forgetting returning to less mature modes of behavior doing the opposite in order to conceal a hidden desire providing a logical excuse for doing something when the real reason is an ego threat taking out unacceptable impulses on a less threatening target channeling unacceptable impulse into something positive having unacceptable thoughts but acting as if they were other people s thoughts anxiety what is felt by ppl experiencing danger experience anticipation of danger both mobilize defenses Three Sources of Danger 1 adult neurotic moral anxiety superego dissatisfaction superego vs ego conflict 2 child neurotic realistic anxiety fear of danger in real world 3 neurotic anxiety danger of the strength of the unconscious impulse precipitated by unknown or repressed danger repression fails impulse is too strong threatens ego independence ego vs id conflict treated in therapy if defenses work the person becomes rigid etiology cause of character disorder only when defenses fail do we see unconscious material emerge into awareness allowing an analyst to explore these issues 1 Preparatory Stage winning their respect charismatic adult interesting to kid and interested in kid 2 Don t analyze too much sometimes play is just play 3 Different treatment goals than w adults not transference based but reality based help them w maturation development teach socialization coping skills rules limits show them how the world works 4 Therapist as a very special kind of teacher kids are captive audiences can t protect them from everything but be there for them so they re not alone 1 Dependency to Emotional self reliance 2 Suckling to Rational eating 3 Wetting soiling to Bladder bowel control 4 Irresponsibility to
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