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TEXT REVIEW GUIDE Spring 2015 CCJS 300 EXAM II 2 Handouts on SPSS to study for the exam CHAPTER 12 VARIABLES LIST Variables list list of variables being measure keyed to the question number in the questionnaire which are designed to measure each variable Ensures proper coverage balance and non duplication of items DATA MANAGEMENT Process by which raw data gathered by some instrument or measurements are converted into numbers for analysis purposes Steps 1 Data Gathering Instrument EX Questionnaire 2 Codebook Codes Instructions for Coding 3 Code sheet Transfer Sheet 4 Data Entry Keyboard Entry Keypunch 5 Data Verification Cleaning 6 Data File Data Disks Tape Computer Memory or Data Decks SIMPLE DATA PRESENTATION Summarizing and using univariate statistics Running the marginal single variable tabulations of the type of data which appears in the margins of tables Through the use of rates statistics tables graphic displays frequency distributions and other summarizing procedures it should be possible to communicate the significant findings in an understandable painless fashion GRAPHIC PRESENTATIONS Graphs or pictorial presentations of data are an attractive means of capturing the readers attention as well as of summarizing data particularly from frequency distributions EX SPSS Excel Harvard Graphics Pie Charts Bar Graphs and Frequency Polygons ELABORATION Process of introducing or controlling for third variables control or test factors by sub classifying original tables WAYS OF ELIMINATING DISADVANTAGES IN MAIL SURVEYS P133 139 2 groups a Those who have yet to respond b Those who refuse to cooperate surveys Oversampling As long as this rate is small less than 1 percent for example it is an expected loss in Creates a replacement pool May introduce error new respondents do not match original subjects Allows study to continue with a filled sampling frame Ways of increasing responses in mail surveys Follow up renewed mailings mailing of shortened versions postcards telephone calls interviews telegrams mailgrams reminder thank you postcard Offering remuneration offering rewards or incentives to survey participants Altruistic appeals appeals to respondents concern for science and humanity Use of attractive format appearance may impress the respondent Sponsorship endorsements the greater the public visibility and reputation of the organization the greater the potential response Endorsement cover letters from prominent individuals may increase response Personalization attempt to make the appearance of the survey package less impersonal Handwritten P S increases response rate Shortened format may encourage response from subjects who were originally hesitant because of the length of the survey Good timing Avoiding competitive seasons or other historical events that may impede response Avoid vacation periods Household questionnaires at the end of the week Business surveys fare better at the beginning of the week P144 147 INTERNET SURVEYS E mail surveys and web based surveys ADVANTAGES OF INTERNET SURVEYS Access of specialized populations is 100 possible Faster and cheaper than telephone surveys Web surveys much faster and cheaper than paper and pencil and data processing is faster and cheaper Results can be published online instantly to reward the respondent Labor costs for design and programming may be high DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNET SURVEYS Sampling problems Limited to those with email accounts Only 42 had internet access in 2000 Sampling bias underrepresents females minorities undereducated and elderly Misinterpretation of questions Email respondents may lack anonymity in responses Confidentiality is an issue Hackers can intercept responses to sensitive items P150 166 TYPES OF INTERVIEWS Structured Interviews expected pattern Consists of check off responses to questions that are factual and easily fit an EX Ranges of incomes check which one applies Avoid soliciting additional comments but record them verbatim when they occur Disadvantage Advantages Elicit only limited response patterns Easy administration and data processing Unstructured Interviews Sometimes referred to as focused clinical or nondirective interviews Open ended responses Present a tabulation nightmare but provide qualitative detail and complexity of response that may be required Depth Interviews or case studies More intensive or detailed interviews that are particularly useful in life histories INTERVIEWING AIDS AND VARIATIONS Interview schedule structured interview protocol notes that can be reconstructed into finished form immediately after the interview Videotapes may be used Recording of interviews by means of tape recorders Relieves interview from taking on the spot notes Enables them to concentrate on conducting the interview A Dictaphone transcript enables verbatim reconstruction of interviews Electronic patch can be attached to phone that can record verbatim cassette recording of interviews Standard procedure to ask permission beforehand Can shut off the device for off the record responses Pictorials photographs and motion pictures Randomized Response Technique RRT Means of coping with resistance to sensitive questions by using indeterminate questions ones that the actual question answered is known only to the respondent EX 100 married men asked to raise their hand if they got a head on the coin or they abused their wives If sixty hands are raised then we can assume 10 are abusers DEMEANOR OF INTERVIEWER Surveyors should match subjects with respect to age sex race social class and dress Attire should be comfortable Neither overdressed or underdressed Should run a few practice interviews Language style should be adapted to group being studied Should attempt to build rapport by being friendly and diplomatic as well as convincing regarding the importance of the study Casual talk can be important Interviewer should give impression that it will be pleasant and rewarding Must be a sympathetic diplomat but also a persistent boor a person willing to ask sensitive questions generally considered nosy PROBING Follow up questions that focuses expands or clarifies the response given EX Response I guess so Probe what do you mean by that Should not appear to be cross examination rather a natural extension of the interview Being silent can say you are going to have to come up with something better or provide an improved explanation Problem Overly friendly respondent Digression can be re oriented by showing inattention by putting

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UMD CCJS 300 - Exam 2

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