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Heather and Tyler s Notes 9 26 13 The Varieties Of Progressive Reform Reforming democracy Checking the power of Big Business Health Safety and labor rights The fight for industrial freedom Louis Brandeis unions were an essential part of freedom workers needed more say to have industrial freedom Socialists during the progressive era greatest influence Eugene Dubbs Effective Freedom o John Dewey o Ida B Wells Feminism o Charlotte Perkins World War I The Great War 1914 1917 i Instability in Europe Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand king of Austria Long term causes o Nationalism The idea that your country is the best extreme patriotism ethnocentrism o Military Spending o Germany o NAVY o Britain then strengthened its navy o Imperialism o RIVAL ALLIANCES o Germany o Austria Hungary o Italy o Britain o France The Road To War Reactions to War o Opposition Feminists pacifists social reformers Socialists o Support for War Neutrality Lusitania 1915 Wilson s Re election 1916 The US joins the war 1917 Well balanced before we joined o Germany resumes submarine warfare reserve the right to target US ships o Zimmerman Telegram o Russian Revolution The Fourteen Points Freedom of seas Free Trade Open Diplomacy Self Determination for all nations The Creation of an international organization to preserve international peace League of Nations Precursor to the UN THE WAR AT HOME Governmental Powers o Selective Service Act 1917 o Federal agencies War Industries Board Railroad Administration Food Administration Propaganda o Committee of Public Information Run by George Creel o 4 Minute Men o Forty Minute Men o Liberty Bonds PROGRESSIVES VIEWS ON GOING TO WAR Proponents o Strong Regulatory State John Dewey Effective Freedom War Labor Board and American Federation of Labor improve labor conditions Committee of Public Information used progressive language of social cooperation and expanded democracy Opponents o Wartime mobilization challenged freedom Randolph Bourne Curtailment of Civil Liberties Espionage Act 1917 Sedition Act 1918 Contradictions Americanization programs Loyalty as an opportunity

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UD HIST 206 - The Varieties Of Progressive Reform

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