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MPC Ch 3 Newspapers Ch 4 Magazines Ch 3 Newspapers partisan press to critique government and disseminate the views of different political parties that begun to emerge and sponsor newspapers 1st newspaper Publick Occurrences sept 25 1690 Ben Harris 1784 first daily paper 1st national newspaper USA Today Easy read only 1 jump article section 1830s true mass media newspapers info valued affordable ethnic minority newspapers created due to lack of negative coverage in press Daily Creole 1856 1st black owned daily in south today more than 125 A A papers Chicago Defender Amsterdam News Pittsburgh Courier Atlanta World penny papers 1 cent affordable papers paper and production advances during Industrial Rev and rise of the middle class human interest stories new accounts focusing on daily trials triumphs of human condition New York Sun and New York Morning Herald wire services began as commercial and cooperative organizations that relayed news stories and info around country world using telegraph lines Later radio waves digital transmissions 1st major one Associated Press 1848 Yellow journalism era emphasized human interest stories crime news larger headlines easier to digest copy over dramatic sensational or news reporting corruption of business gov late 1800s press war Joseph Pulitzer s New York World Vs William Hearst s New York Journal New York Times Adolph Ochs distributed nationally dawn of 20th century modern journalism provided ONLY facts objective journalism distinguishes between factual reports from opinion columns modern reporters strive for neutral attitude for balance of coverage advocacy journalism reporter identifies actively promotes particular cause viewpoint precision journalism applying social science methods to know public ex political polls Literary journalism fiction storytelling to nonfiction material description inverted pyramid style Answering story s LEAD who what when where how why at top and narrowing detail interpretive journalism aims to explain the ramifications of key issues and place them into broader historical social context consensus oriented journalism promoted social and economic harmony positives in the regions counties or municipalities they served conflict oriented journalism front page articles that focus on events or issues deviating from social norms 1st African American aimed newspaper freedom s journal 1827 1829 Native American Press Assoc documented 500 dif native papers The Underground Press voices opinions of minorities and others whom mainstream press has sidelined ex 1st one Village Voice 1955 Newshole remains after ADs are placed into newspaper editorial syndications wire services general assignment reporters handle stories that might merge break in a given day specialty reporters assigned to particular beats courts schools police or topics edu religion Bureau reporters file reporters for other major cities feature syndicates provides work for nation s best political writers editorial cartoonists comic stip artists self help columnists Ex United Feature Tribune Media Services Joint Operation Agreement 2 companies combine so one doesn t die they do NOT share editorial ex Times Daily News in NYC newspaper chains companies that own several papers throughout country power to control info Paywall allows readers to read 20 articles month while subscribers have unlimited citizen s journal people who are NOT professional journalists who use internet and blog sites to spread info and opinions about fav issues ex CNN s ireport dateline where story took place originated from byline who wrote article The Reporter Akron positive outlook on African Americans voice of civil rights decine of paper b c the color barrier broke and those working for them left for other jobs write their opinion editorial columnists critics publisher CEO oversees editorial and business Akron beacon journal Ohio com Plain Dealer Cleveland com Ch 4 Magazines Narrowcasting due to TV popularity defined audience LGBTQ African American Students gender Success depends on Add s success LIFE John Johnson Negro digest and reader s digest JET came after reader s digest proposed controversial topics interracial marriage Ebony Much like Life s red logo at 1st presented readers w success in African American life Vibe Quincy Jones hip hop R B rap b c Rolling Stones did not cover rap TV Guide Sold well at check out stands Cosmo Latina narrowcasting examples Essence beauty and intelligence of A A women Whoever is on cover of magazine determines who will buy issue that is not already subscribed to it 2 different covers appealing to different audiences Adds editorial importance and main revenue for magazines 1811 Niles Weekly 1st news weekly 1821 Sat Evening Post 1st medium 1st political mag The Review 1704 London Mission Statement guided force for growth development Bi weekly every 2 weeks Quarterly 4 times year Magazines tend to be 8 5 x 11 except ESPN Reader s Digest Muckrakers willing to crawl through society s muck to reveal story general interest magazines offered investigation articles but also covered a wide variety of topics aimed at a broad national audience pass along readership total number of people who come into contact with a single copy of a magazine LIFE Trade Publications speciality magazines targeted at narrowly defined audiences supermarket tabloids push limits of credibility People US Weekly Globe Webzines online Alternative magazines topics that lie outside mainstream Advertisements newsstands subscription sales more successful more they can charge for Ads regional editions national magazines whose content tailored to interests of different geographical areas Sports Illustrated Split run editions editorial content remains same but magazine includes few pages of ads purchased by local regional companies Newsweek Sports Ill Demographic editions targeted to particular groups of consumer occupation class zipcode since 1950 magazine sales have went down but subscription prices have went up Evergreen subscription automatically renewed on a credit card unless subscription request that it be stopped Editorial dept lifeblood produces the periodical content excluding ads Production Tech Dept maintains computer hardware software and layout each issue desktop publishing enables an aspiring publisher editor to write design layout print publication or post online Magalogs limited distribution publications for client companies that combine glossy magazines w sales pitch of retail

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KSU JMC 20001 - Chapter 3: Newspapers

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