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Psychology 101 Fall 2015 Exam 2 Study Guide 10 10 15 This is intended to be a guide only You are responsible for all of the lecture material and assigned reading material Genes environment and behavior psychopathology 1 What do we know from twin studies about the heritability of intelligence personality and Intelligence is highly inheritable a b Psychopathology psychological and behavioral dysfunction highly inheritable c Temperament and personality high heritability fears and anxieties activity level sociability 2 What are environmental influences on intelligence e g malnutrition breastmilk a Poor prenatal care leads to risk of learning disabilities and lower IQ malnutrition b Breastmilk leads to better neurological development and higher scores on cognitive tests 3 What is the evidence for the malleability of the brain e g what are the effects of enriched and deprived environments on intellectual abilities a Exposure to toxins leads to lower IQ b Stressful family circumstances leads to lower IQ c Healthy and stimulating environment leads to increased IQ Developmental psychology 4 What is the last lobe of the brain to develop a The frontal lobe 5 What are the primitive reflexes e g rooting i Causes child to instantly suck anything that touches its mouth stimulated by how a baby ii Activated when nipple is touched to the child s mouth i Newborn will turn its head towards anything that strokes its cheeks Goes away at four months Assists in breastfeeding i When temperature changes the infants head shifts really quickly or startled by a sudden ii Legs and arms jerk up then arms and legs come down fists clench and they begin to cry i Infant will grasp whatever touches its fingers or hands a Sucking b Rooting c Moro eats noise d Grasping e Babinski i Big toe remains extended when the sole of the foot is stimulated 6 What is the evidence for infants sensitivity to smell and sound a Smell i Begin to develop in womb ii Preference for mother s milk breastfed babies are particularly sensitive to mothers body odors b Sound i Fetuses respond to sounds ii Auditory discrimination develops rapidly after birth iii Particularly sensitive to language sounds 7 What is the least developed sense at birth a Vision 8 What was Piaget s approach to cognitive development What are his stages of cognitive development 1 Something continues to exist even when it cannot be seen 1 Inability to differentiate between self and other Inability to understand any perspective other than their own 1 Preoperational mode of thought in which inanimate objects are imagined to have 1 Understanding something stays the same in quantity even though its appearance 1 Ability to recognize that numbers and objects can be changed and then returned 1 Ability to recognize relationships among things in a serial order a Sensorimotor i What is object permanence b Preoperational i What is egocentrism ii What is animistic thinking life and mental processes c Concrete operational i What is conservation changes ii What is reversibility to their original state iii What is transitivity d Formal operational i Age 11 to adulthood ii Abstract reasoning iii Thinking about future possibilities 9 What are adaptations What are assimilation and accommodation a Adaptations are becoming accustomed to new observations and experiences i Assimilation fitting new information into present system of knowledge and beliefs schema ii Accommodation as a result of undeniable new information changing existing schema 10 What was Vygotsky s theory of cognitive development a What is the zone of proximal development a Level at which a child can almost but not fully perform a task individually b What is scaffolding a Teacher adjusts amount of support to a child s development 11 What were the results of Harlow s studies of infant attachment a Proximity and security is the most important in attachment 12 How did Mary Ainsworth study attachment What were her resulting attachment styles a She studied attachment by leaving infants in a glass room and observing them through the outside b Secure attachment i Feel confident that the caregiver will be able to meet all of their needs i Do not seek the attachment figure when they are distressed Likely to have an insensitive i Will act as if dependent and clingy but will reject the attachment when they engage in c Insecure avoidant and careless caregiver d Insecure ambivalent interaction 13 What is ethological theory What was Langlois et al s 1995 study a Babies and parents have early biologically programmed behaviors that facilitate care of babies b Langolois et al Infants rated for attractiveness i ii Mothers observed interacting with infants iii Attractiveness affection and attention 14 What are Baumrind s 2 dimensions of parenting What are the resulting 4 parenting styles How do they predict later outcomes a Two Dimensions of Parenting warmth and control b Four parenting styles c Authoritarian low warmth high control i Controlling demanding high emphasis on obedience ii Very restrictive lots of rules iii Lower self esteem d Permissive high warmth low control i Very few rules or restrictions ii Easily frustrated e Uninvolved low warmth low control i Least effective most detrimental ii Low self esteem f Authoritative high warmth high control i Not overly demanding or hostile child centered ii Most optimal higher grades 15 What is Kohlberg s theory of moral development What are his 3 stages a Cognitive abilities determine evolution of moral reasoning b 3 Stages of Moral Development i 1 Preconventional Morality before age 9 1 Avoid punishment or gain reward ii 2 Conventional morality Good boy morality Law and order iii 3 Postconventional Morality 1 2 1 Individual principles and conscience 16 What are the conflict and continuity models of adolescent development a Conflict conflict and crisis are normal in adolescence b Continuity model adolescence is not a turbulent period 17 What are Erik Erikson s 8 stages of social development know basic principle of 1 4 and more detail about 5 8 a Infant i 0 2 ii Trust vs distrust b Toddler i 2 3 ii Autonomy vs shame c Preschooler i 4 6 ii d Preadolescent Initiative vs guilt Industry vs inferiority Identity vs role confusion e Adolescent i 7 12 ii i 13 19 ii f Young adult i 20s ii g Middle adult i 30s 50s ii Generativity vs stagnation h Elder i 60s ii Integrity vs despair Intimacy vs isolation 1 Establish enduring committed friendships and relationships 1 Generativity generate things that can

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