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PS 251 Review EXAM 1 Introduction public self private self paradigms models theories personality character nomothetic idiographic Freud free association resistance parapraxis economic theory dynamic associations injury cure model creative illusionism the idea that different theorists developed their theories about personality who someone is when they are aware of the presence of other people social acceptance who someone is in their own head when they re alone subjective experience based on their own experiences observations on their own behavior consensual validation if other ppl agree that they re right they feel confident in their theories serve as maps of the human psyche adequate theories attempt to explain reality normal pathological processes change processes development and must be systematic best is a MULTIMODAL approach the set of psychological traits mechanisms within the individual that are organized and relatively enduring that influence his her interactions with adaptations to the intra psychic physical and social environments stable predictable thoughts feelings behaviors seeking to formulate laws general involved in the study of individual cases psychic determinism mind active system everything has some meaning as long as we give it space in our mind unstructured therapy method used in psychoanalysis in which an individual reports everything that comes into awareness Freud felt that despite a subject s efforts to remember a certain resistance kept them from their most painful important memories a minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses slip of the tongue Freudian slip reveals something about the unconscious we only have so much psychic energy at our disposal so if we use too much for any one thing we will be out of balance mind is active system thoughts are always changing two aspects of all human psychological experiences affect ideation topographical theory mind is composed of conscious preconscious and unconscious trauma repression treatment adaptation never the same even after treatment 1895 Topographic levels of the mind 1911 Fantasy Instinct what fuels the mind 1923 Structural Period Period of Revision components of psyche 1937 Object Relations largest part censor system defense mechanisms keep unconscious instincts desires memories at bay conscious part of the mind that operates in the world preconscious working memory info comes forward as a response to a stimulus sits on top of defense mechanisms unconscious largest part of mind part we cannot immediately access threatening to our conscious minds inappropriate fears impulses contained in our unconscious minds bc they are threatening to our conscious minds lead to anxiety cope with them through defense mechanisms different layers of the mind are in constant conflict and this helps shape personality processes that distort reality to protect the ego the system that protects the conscious level of the mind from the toxic stuff in the unconscious level by screening it and disguising it to make it less harmful refusal to acknowledge anxiety provoking stimuli different from lying bc they actually believe what they are saying more acceptable in children pushes threatening thoughts into the unconscious something is painful mind forgets it then you forget you even forgot it things that are repressed seek expression theory sexual abuse gets repressed but for it to stay that way takes psychic energy leaves symptoms in its place sexual abuse mental problems first recognition of post traumatic stress why refuted Freud presented his ideas to his colleagues by accusing them of abusing their daughters wives gets rep as a sicko and goes into seclusion 1897 and salvages his career by discrediting his patients Freud felt that dreams were the royal road to the unconscious wish antiwish sometimes do the opposite of what you want in 4 periods conscious pre conscious unconscious unacceptable impulse conflict theory defense mechanisms censorship denial repression seduction theory why it was refuted dreams wish fulfillment manifest content latent content dreamwork secondary elaboration instinct theory eros thanatos mourning melancholia cathexis decathexis catharsis abreaction structural theory id ego superego dreams the content may be distorted but the feelings are not what one actively experiences in a dream the part of dreams that underlies the conscious portion and reveals hidden meaning wedged in between manifest and latent content filters that make the latent content of a dream safe for the mind to see experience distortion displacement symbolization condensation things that don t belong together are condensed together incorporation dreams imitate real life conditions ex feeling cold in dream bc blankets fell off in real life distort the meaning of dreams even when we re awake when telling dream 1 might not find words to tell it correctly 2 part kicks in says don t say that defend against sharing the deepest parts of ourselves explains human behavior as motivated by automatic involuntary and unlearned responses libido psychological energy in Freud s view the sexual energy that underlies all psychological tension not infinite have to use it economically eros LIFE instinct SEX pleasure sexuality hard wired allows us to continue on our race thanatos DEATH instinct AGGRESSION fight flight fright survival instincts 1915 pub 1917 mourning grieving conscious short term can happen to anyone unresolved grieving can turn into depression SIGECAP melancholia depression unconscious long term can be caused by genetic disposition and or trauma SIGECAPSH Sleep Interest Guilt Energy Concentration Appetite Psychomotor Suicidal Homicidal thoughts complicated bereavement intense long lasting grief that takes a hold of a person and doesn t let go consumes their life transition between mourning melancholia paranoid ppl are angry ppl who don t see themselves as angry ppl take anger and project it out into the world anger is cathected but never de cathected the concentration of mental energy on one particular thing especially to an unhealthy degree the process of releasing psychological energy the expression and release of a previously repressed emotion achieved in a therapeutic setting mind has different components id ego superego id undifferentiated unsocialized core of personality that contains the basic psychic energy and motivations operates according to the pleasure principle

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