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Groups Group a collection of persons who are perceived to be bonded together in a coherent unit to some degree study smaller groups and generalize to larger Common Features of a Group Interact often group important to members members share goals and outcomes interdependent common identity structure hierarchy most groups small 2 to 6 people homogeneous recruit similar specific steps to socialize members very clear norms and enforce norms Sports team versus people at bus stop Benefits of Membership Self knowledge join when unsure about things study group Self enhancement if belong look better Psy Chi Club Self transcendence social justice approve and agree with goal status of group irrelevant Accomplishing social change Resources church money and social support Group fulfills ostracism needs inclusion control control others with group norms affection Costs of Membership restricts personal freedom demands on time energy and resources pressure subtle but effective Studying Small Groups difficult Statistical Problems interdependence assume independence but no less observe more survey Running Group Experiments difficult less observation more survey Measuring Behavior difficult College Samples more willing to adhere to group norms willing to be low status 1 Group Composition Tokenism Diversity need people with different skills Heterogeneity best when only one member must find right answer new solutions flexibility adaptability and creativity Socialization Model a process of mutual adjustment that produces changes over time in the relationship between a person and a group Moreland and Levine both change o Membership Phases 1 prospective member Individual reconnaissance finding out things Investigation Group recruitment and look good Increased commitment go on to next level 2 Socialization new member individual assimilates group accommodates increased commitment go on to next level 3 Maintenance full member individual role negotiation group role negotiation can go on forever or commitment decreases and on to next level 4 Resocialization marginal member individual assimilate group accommodate increased commitment go back to Maintenance decreased commitment go to next 5 Remembrance ex member individual remember good times group remember good times 2 Group Structure status roles set of behaviors that individuals occupying specific positions within a group are expected to perform Stanford Prison Experiment Zimbardo 1973 mock prison guards and prisoners correlation to Iraq make ordinary people abusers without clear roles environment mock arrests no hypotheses no differences in beginning sunglasses mask identity of guards no name most unethical beginning guards authority questioned push back prisoners seemed dangerous to guards 8612 breakdown lasted 6 days supposed to be 14 Zimbardo was changed too scared of break in turn prisoners against each other safer for guards good bad prisoners flipped and broke solidarity norms rules within a group formal and informal cohesiveness all forces that cause group members to remain in the group increase when effort required to gain entry increase when existence of external threat competitor increase when smaller increase when perform well perform well when entitativity extent to which a group is perceived as being a coherent entity how groupy a group increase seems to an outsider 3 Group Dynamics Minority Influence how minority changes opinion of majority privately accept versus public factors increasing effectiveness consistency and flexibility Moscovici methodology stale Status individual s position or rank in a group 1 Leadership extraverted intelligent driven by desire for power charismatic socially skilled Leader Qualities expertise in field highly invested tall mature older more aggressive less open to new experiences confident aware of other people romanticize Effective leader published book before president small family tall Leadership Styles o transactional leaders leaders who set clear short term goals and reward people who meet them o transformational leaders leaders who inspire followers to focus on common long term o task oriented leader leader who is concerned more with getting the job done a lot or goals little control situation o relationship oriented leader leader who is concerned primarily with workers feelings and relationships moderate control situation o Autocratic leader makes decision alone tyrant limited time good style o Democratic involve members in decision o Laissez faire nothing to do with groups o Craft productivity LF useless D best products as soon as A left goofed off Leadership and Gender women communal men agentic women double bind now more accepted as bosses 1953 5 2002 19 Negotiation o Social Dilemmas situations in which each person can increase his or her individual gains by acting in one way but if all or most persons do the same thing the outcomes experienced by all are reduced selfish or selfless 1 Public Goods individuals must contribute to a common pool in order to maintain the public good public television 2 Commons everyone takes from a common pool of goods that will replenish itself if used in moderation but will disappear if overused natural resources fishing 3 Prisoner s Dilemma between 2 people if Mario rats out Luigi his sentence is 0 if Luigi rats out Mario his sentence is 0 if together both shorter Factors Influencing Cooperation reciprocity able to pay back increase selfless 1 2 personal orientation a cooperation maximize group outcome b individualistic own outcome c competitive maximize own to hurt you 3 communication increased 4 group size smaller increased cooperation 5 group identification more more cooperate 6 higher payoffs 7 future interaction Group Performance Social Facilitation effects on performance resulting from the presence of others Perform better on simple mastered tasks perform worse on complex unlearned Identifiable individuals o Drive theory o Evaluation apprehension concern for others evaluating us o Distraction conflict theory when we wonder how co actors doing how audience reacting distracted o Mere presence arousing even when not evaluated or distracted Social Loafing reductions in motivation and effort when individuals work collectively in a group undistinguishable individuals women less likely collectivists less likely o Diffusion of Responsibility 4 ppl only 25 responsible less effort o Deindividuation reduced self awareness and increased social identity brought on by external

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