INR 3932 Final Exam Study Guide 1 13 Chapter 1 Living in a Global Society Globalization is the process of increasing interconnectedness between societies so that events in one part of the world have more and deeper effects on people and societies far away o 3 perspectives on globalization 1 Globalists view globalization as inevitable development that can t be resisted or influenced by human intervention particularly through traditional political institutions such as nation states 2 Traditionalists argue that the significance of globalization as a new phase has been exaggerated They believe that most economic and social activity is regional rather than global and still see a significant role for nation states 3 Transformationalists contend that globalization represents a significant shift but they question the inevitability of its impacts They argue that there is still significant scope for national local and other agencies Technology fax Internet emails Skype blogs Facebook o Allows easy access to information and communication across borders o New Zealander scan work in Australia Australians can work in US etc o Facilitate transactions everything we own comes from somewhere different in the o Increased intercultural encounters create opportunities of understanding and world possibilities of misunderstanding o Contributor to cultural diversity Mass Migration and International Exchange Promoting inter ethnic co existence is a challenge we face in our multicultural society o Immigration flow mainly from developing to developed countries Global Transformation refers to the worldwide economic and technological changes that influence how people relate to one another o We are not aware of the cultural rules governing our behavior until we encounter behaviors that are different from our own Examples killing cows in India not wearing an abaya in Saudi Arabia Ethnocentrism means seeing our own culture as the central and best one and seeing other cultures as insignificant or inferior o This may lead to prejudices stereotypes or discrimination o The opposite is ethno relativism when Intercultural knowledge is learned it opens doors to the treasure house of human experience Reveals myriad ways of experiencing sensing feeling and knowledge Sensitive communication can increase relational closeness and deepen cultural self awareness o Ex China is a collectivistic culture the development and maintenance of cooperative relationships of cooperative relationships is important Guanxi is a special type of relationship which contains trust favor dependence and adaptation 1 Cross cultural adaptation is not a process that is unique to immigrants host nationals also have to experience cultural adjustments when their society is joined by culturally different others Case Study Cronulla Riots Sydney Australia raw racism fuelled a violent demonstrations by thousands of young people o Confrontations between white Australian youths and Middle Eastern Australian youths Crowd beat anyone up who looked Middle Eastern Those Middle Eastern headed for beach suburbs to launch similar savage acts of revenge Australians protested Aussie pride no lebs we grew here you flew here o Six individuals evacuated for medical care o After 911 everyone even more nervous for terrorist attacks Cronulla riots represented an attack on entire community Culture particular way of life for a group of people comprised of knowledge experience beliefs values traditions religion notions of time worldviews geographic territory etc Communication the process by which people use shared verbal or nonverbal code systems and media to exchange information in a particular context Diversity the existence of difference within a larger society Global Village Marshall McLuhan s description of a world in which communication technology brings news and information to the most remote parts of the world Immigrants people who leave their home country to live in another country on a permanent status Integration immigrants cross cultural adaptation strategy People who adopt integration strategy try to maintain their heritage cultural traditions and practices while attempting to gain acceptance into the host culture Intercultural Communication communication between individual from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds or between people from subculture groups o Necessity and Benefits Building intercultural understanding Understanding is the first step towards acceptance People around the world have accumulated a rich stock of cultural traditions and customs but we are often not aware of the cultural rules governing our behavior To understand another culture we must communicate with its people Migration the movement of individuals from one location to another across national or cultural borders Multiculturalism can be used to characterize a society with diverse cultures as an attitude it can refer to a society s tolerance toward diversity and acceptance of equal societal participation o AKA Interculturalism Chapter 2 Communication 2 o Communication is as old as human history indigenous people painting on rocks in Uluru central Australia and sending official information through long periods of travel o Definitions of communication differed in so many ways that communication might better be theorized as family of related concepts rather than as a unitary concept Embedded in all definitions of communication are the factors of people message channel and context o Source the origin of information is someone who needs and wants to exchange information with others o Message is the verbal and or nonverbal form of ideas though or feeling that one person wishes to communicate to another person or group in some place at some time within a specific context o Channel can be sound sight words the telephone the internet fax and so on o Receiver the intended target of the message o Encoding shared language used by individuals to categorize their experience and to communicate it to others these feelings must be converted into words and actions in order to be communicated to others o Decoding the process by which the receiver as the target of the message converts to coded message back into meaning Process of assigning meanings to codes o Noise interferes with the receipt of a message o Feedback refers to the response of the receiver after receiving the message o Communication as dynamic A process is anything that is on going and continuous you cannot talk about the exact
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