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Exam 6 02 24 2015 Vestibular System Information head position and motion movement of your head why s this important because if I move my head one way my body moves that way Type stereocilia o gives us an idea about our body o bend these by water movement o waves are created by splashing of water instead of air hearing Components o Semicircular canals 3 rotation with direction but need a reference gravity helps us know where gravity is impacting us and how to move our body in relation to it o utricle and saccule with otoliths going to tell us relative to gravity need two because we can move our head sideways we can move our head up and down otoliths gravity gives us our starting point rocks in our head acceleration relative to gravity they roll toward gravity roll toward down roll over the stereo cilia in utricle and saccule which triggers mechanical receptors and are activated if we aren t changing speed utricle and saccule are activated if we are at a steady speed our semicircular canals are activated usefulness down o vestibular system is telling you when your head is going up or so brain doesn t want vision to be altered therefore brain adjusts your muscles in your eyes instead like motion picture nice even picture want picture to be as stable as possible especially o visual tracking when in fight or flight o coordination and spatial recognition keeps you balanced we need cerebral geometry alcohol ruins this police ask you to show your vestibular system working properly touch your nose o under your influence you have bad cerebral geometry Visual System Information energy waves o our receptors can only register the area of within a certain spectra range Type photoreceptors o using a specialized cell Components of the eye o Cornea and lens focus image why you re not 20 20 eye may be too short too long mismatch of shape of eye and cornea and lens o retina transforms into signal energy waves are transformed into a signal and activates the receptors receptors are at back of your retina in front of them are afferent neurons we lose some energy by hitting these before it gets to the registering cells not optimal perfect but not a big deal because we are active during the day and there s tons of light octopus has the correct eye will see better receptors are in front we send our signal to the CNS via afferent neurons at the same place no receptors blind spot o Encoding rods dim light black and white our few photons due to dim light have more of a chance of reaching these rods cones bright light colors color vision based on three cone pigments blue cones green cones and red cones BGR what about yellow these cones are ranges what brain is thinking some green more red and no blue yellow multiple cones are activated and that s why you can see different colors colorblind lacking pigments most of the time they have the same number of cones as a person that can see colors problem with red and green cones they re curves overlap aka red green colorblindness is common 10 20 white men colorblind people have trouble with stop lights so they look at location instead more accidents driving at night because can t see location as well Chemosensory System information dissolved chemicals Type chemoreceptors Components o External taste and smell o Internal pH O2 CO2 etc Taste in mouth and throat o lots of surface area more receptors wavy and bumpy tongue gives us more information o categories salt Na channels sour H blocks K channels can avoid these and make sour or have them and taste sour sweet sugar binds bitter various substance bind eat less of this so that you don t get toxins in your body protective part unami glutamate MSG binds tasteful key for metabolism that is lacking in environment Info dissolved chemicals Have to be dissolved in a water environment Type chemoreceptors Components o External Taste and smell Taste In mouth and throat Some found in lungs Main categories of receptors Lot of surface area more receptors Salt Na channels Sour H blocks K channels Sweet sugars bind Bitter various substances bind Umami glutamate MSG binds Olfaction in the nasal passages Receptors o Savory or flavorful o 2 pans of brownies but if you add umami to one you will prefer the one with umami likely adding a fat receptor to this list soon Differ in type and quantity from person to change in the individual every 2 months as person well o adjust o if you live on a farm your nose adjusts to the smell and it wont bother you as opposed to it smelling bad to another person who is just visiting o Internal pH O2 CO2 etc Perception How we interpret these signals cerebral o Different for every person o Brains don t all process things equally Often signals combine o When we talk about things we perceive we don t realize how much all of our senses are involved o E g taste When we talk about taste we mainly think about what is happening in our mouth Not the only thing that influences taste When you have a stuffed nose food tastes different How it smells combines with how it interacts with the receptors on the tongue Can also rely on sight If we take something and change the color and appearance of it you don t want to eat it as much Can also rely on hearing If you plug up your ears you cant hear the crunch of a potato chip and will think they are stale o We can detect changes in the environment and change behavior as a result but not even realize that we did it bc of something our nose told the brain Ex An individual will be more or less interested in you because of what your nose tells you Looking for someone with good DNA and that would make a good partner and nose and brain can figure that out Better at detection than consciously aware Types of Muscle can control any muscle movements in this category by ourselves 1 Skeletal o striated to bone via tendon supports and moves skeleton voluntary control 2 Cardiac o striated the heart muscle Autonomic involuntary control 3 Smooth o NOT striated contrasts in control with the skeletal muscles Sheets surrounding organs When we contract it we change the size of the organ Contraction alters flow of what happens around the Ties in with equation number 3 Change the amount or change the pressure of organ what is in there Autonomic involuntary Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle A muscle is an organ Fibers are a bunch of cells put together bc all of the nuclei is still put together o Bundles of myofilament units inside of the myofiber o Muscle and connective cells Myofibers o Muscle cell

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