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MPC EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE The mass medium that has changed very little over 100 years books Chapter 9 Internet Some demographics By the year 2020 more than half of the nation s children are expected to be part of a minority race or ethnic group Source U S Census Bureau Power means the ability or right to control people or things political control of a country or area a person or organization that has a lot of control and influence over other people or organizations ability to act or produce an effect rather have blacks lynched than be in SAE University of Oklahoma Media video went viral via Internet Culture racism Power National president University president severed ties frat is closed students expelled used the power of the University The Internet Additional meaning related to power empowerment You have knowledge to possibly change things to benefit you Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and government should treat all data on the Internet equally not discriminating or charging differentially by user content site platform application type of attached equipment or mode of communication ISP want to control access and charge more depending on your usage Access of Internet changes all media outlets Ex selling stuff newspaper classifieds which cost money vs internet craigslist which is free Power comes from accurate knowledge CASE STUDYS Net Neutrality pg 274 open neutral network everyone has the same access but major corporations would like to diminish this making higher paying customers have more access Fragmentation Polarization and Convergence pg 283 Online identities begun to feel less virtual Outcomes of power probabilistic based on multiple factors some of which we have control others not no money to change Influence to make a difference with facts and information not money KEY TERMS digitization ARPnet e mail microprocessors fiber optic cable world wide web HTML browsers instant messaging social networking sites blogs wikis internet service providers broadband directories portal search engines open source software phishing e commerce cookies spyware digital divide Wi Fi mass customization Chapter 10 Electronic Games MPC EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE Latinitas Inc CODE CHICA CONFERENCE VIDEO GAME DESIGN Women make up 47 of the gaming community yet few are at the development table On April 18 Latinitas presents a day of video game brainstorming design and demonstration During lunch women gamers and developers will sit and meet with attendees and all girls will develop their own game narrative and program it themselves Brief history Penny arcades and pinball machine The first video games in 50s and 60s Gaming systems 1972 onward Odyssey and Atari Pong Developed at universities Was big and bulky could not be portable like it is today Odyssey and Atari developed around the same time controversy Pong is the most famous Today Electronic gaming Consoles Computer games Move to electronic console where you can play multiple games on the device vs 1 game in a console Lots of different things you can do on video game consoles nowadays not just for playing games Example Netflix amazon etc Media convergence video games for movies ex Lego star wars movie and game Gaming today Graphics storylines designs voice actors music Different genres Entertainment Specialty magazines and offline online gamer communities Why does this matter Concerns about violent video games Concerns about portrayals of gender race age Powerful messages 47 of players are women 72 of US households play computer or video games People feel strongly about influence of video games for example Big changes with graphics and content after 2002 2003 Brings you to a virtual reality Music licensing fees MPC EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE The ratings system came into existence in 1993 after some organizations brought their concerns about violence in games i e Mortal Combat mature content to minors Rating system came without court order in 2011 misdemeanor to sell games with However no research shows that violent games making people violent Free speech in 2011 Tropes Gendered clich s Racial Ethnic clich s Stereotypes serve as a tool in plot development however this can become problematic with repetition Bad guy usually black or Latino in the games the object is to save a women repetition Women represented as a damsel in distress however 47 of videogamers are women Additional example Lionking the bad lion is black with an accent and the good lion is tan What are the consequences stereotyping For further reading watching Damsel in Distress on youtube com Evolution of video games https www youtube com watch v without an accent GoyGlyrYb9c Frame of reference who tells you it is wrong Repetition in games can be good or bad stereotypes repeated affect Young kids do not know so a frame of reference must be provided Notes about the Jason Blair documentary and other factors related to frames of reference including how to assess the many streams of Internet information What you decide your choice with consequences CASE STUDYS Consoles portables and entertainment centers pg 305 video game consoles now work as part computer part cable box They have become powerful entertainment centers social gaming is increasingly popular and through gaming through different mediums for example and iPhone gaming has become part of everyday entertainment Writing about games pg 312 gaming journalism reveal preview review cycle where they announce promote and evaluate new games New game journalism intensely personal form of game writing that would embrace the human side of gaming Our job is to describe what it is like to visit a place that doesn t exist outside of the gamer s head and go to a place report on its cultures foibles distractions and bring it back to entertain your readers KEY TERMS penny arcade pinball machine flipper bumper cathode ray tube arcades Atari avatar consoles fantasy sports massively multiplayer online role playing games collective intelligence development budget intellectual properties entertainment software rating board MPC EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 11 ADVERTISING Consumer in charge People do not want to be interrupted they want to be interested and actively engage in ads effective advertising Advertising defies WHY is the product better than another Brand adds value Perception and emotion drives business and what makes it become successful Not just tangible features Not just the brand perception of brand Everyone has different

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