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Information Systems 11 Calculating Awareness Awareness on the Internet The internet provides a vehicle to generate product awareness o People that are searching for a product are more likely to be influenced by information related to their search Use of the Internet for marketing is growing much faster than Only a small percentage of overall money spent on marketing is Although use of social media exhibits the greatest growth rates we traditional media used for internet marketing are not clear on how to measure its impact Proactive Consumer Behavior Consumer actively seeks information about products that they are interested in purchasing Uses Search Engine and reviews search results o Organic SERP position matters o Paid Placement on the 1st page noticed not always clicked Seek advice in social networks o Word of mouth in traditional o Discussion groups social world media facebook in virtual world Passive Consumer Behavior Consumer finds out about a product while they are pursuing other activities similar to traditional print or broadcast ads Banner Ads Video Clips Adsense o Ads run on Partner o Pay for number of websites impressions Similar to paying for display ads in magazine o Different costs charged for o More popular or more different websites specialized websites can charge more o Rule of Thumb 5 per thousand impressions Impressions 4 Marketing Awareness 75 Target Market Factor SPAM Popup ads Generic Targeted Type of Key Words High value of searches top of range of sktool Very competitive difficult to reach first page Lower volume searches Moderately competitive middle range of sktool Highly Focused Low volume of searches Not competitive bottom range of sktool Organic Search Rules of Thumb Marketing Exposure Organic SERP Position Not on first page Bottom of first page Middle of first page Top of first page 0 10 50 100 Websitegrader Score Less than 40 41 to 60 61 to 74 75 to 84 85 and greater Marketing Exposure Percentage Targeted Generic 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 50 50 100 Highly Focused 10 50 50 100 100 Calculating Organic Search Impact We are given monthly search volume which needs to be converted The Location of the SERP affects whether the link is noticed or not Cost of Organic Search Results Cost for Professional Advice Impressions Number of Searches x Marketing Exposure to annual search volume Impressions are links that were noticed Hubspot 100 month Pay Per Click Exposure is based upon presence on the first page of SERP Presence on first page is dependant upon budget o Different key words have different cost per click o Paid key words are clicked less than organic 20 of the time o Only pay when keyword is clicked o Longevity is determined by burn rate Longevity Keyword Adword Budget Clicks per day x Cost per click Marketing Impressions Longevity x Daily Keyword Searches Target Market Factor phrases will be associated with your target market Not all of those that proactively perform a search using keyword Assume 90 are in your target market Discount marketing impressions gained from organic and paid search by 10 Social Media Marketing World Wide Raves o This is an emerging unproven area of marketing that has great promise but very little guidance on how to evaluate return on investments made Information Systems 12 Hardware and Software Information Technology Infrastructure the shared technology resources that provide the platform for the firm s specific information system applications The set of physical devices and software required to operate o Telecommunication Services provide data voice and video o Data Management Services store and manage corporate data o Physical facilities Management Services develop and manage enterprise and the set of firm wide services budgeted by management and comprising both human and technical capabilities Provides a foundation for serving customers working with vendors and managing internal firm business processes Services platform perspective has a more accurate view of the value of investments o Computing Platform provide computing services that connect employees customers and suppliers into a coherent digital environment including large mainframes desktop and laptop computers and personal digital assistants and internet appliances connectivity to employees customers and suppliers and provide capabilities for analyzing the data the physical installations required for computing telecommunications and data management services coordinate with the business units for IT services manage accounting for the IT expenditure and provide project management services with policies that determine which information technology will be used when and how employees and offer managers training in how to plan for and manage IT investments o IT Research and Development Services provide the firm with research on potential future IT projects and investments that could help the firm differentiate itself in the marketplace o IT Management Services plan and develop the infrastructure o IT Standards Services provide the firm and its business units o IT Education Services provide training in system use to Main Components of IT Infrastructure Computer Hardware Platforms o Client Machines ex Desktop PCs mobile computing devices o Server Machines laptops Blade Servers ultrathin computers consisting of a circuit board with processors memory and network connections that are stored in racks take up less space than traditional box based servers servers o Mainframes capable of replacing thousands of smaller blade o Top Chip Producers AMD Intel IBM o Top Firms IBM HP Dell Sun Microsystems o Operating System used to manage the resources and activities Operating System Platforms of the computer multi tasking Allows multiple programs to share a single computer Provides services to software applications Access memory hard drive network and devices such as Provides users with access to system Run programs copy files change settings etc Windows Vista VP Mobile etc printers cameras display mouse etc o Client Level 95 of PCs and 45 of handheld devices run o Server Level 85 run Unix or Linux Microsoft Windows Scalable Reliable Less expensive than mainframe operating systems Enterprise Software Applications o Customer Relationship Management CRM o Enterprise Resource Planning ERP o Supply Chain Management SCM o Enterprise Application Providers SAP Oracle o Once a firm decides to work with an enterprise vendor switching can be difficult and costly Data management and storage o Database

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