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Chapter 13 Social Psychology the study of the causes and consequences of sociality Social psychology Social behavior Social influences Social cognition how people interact with each other how people change each other how people think about each other Social Behavior Interacting with People Prejudice Discrimination Group polarization Common knowledge effect Cooperation Group Aggression behavior with the purpose of harming another animals aggress when their desires are tendency for group discussions to focus on tendency for groups to make decisions that are more collection of people that have something in common that positive or negative behavior toward another person based behavior by 2 or more individuals that leads to mutual benefit positive or negative evaluation of another person based on their Frustration aggression hypothesis frustrated distinguishes them from others group membership on group membership information that all members share extreme than any member would have made alone interpersonal harmony concerned with their personal values responsibility for their action when surrounded by others who are acting the same way Social loafing cooperate with their relatives those benefits will be returned in the future tendency for people to expend less effort in a group than alone tendency for groups to reach consensus in order to facilitate the process by which evolution selects for individuals who when immersion in a group causes people to become less behavior that benefits another without benefiting oneself behavior that benefits another with the expectation that tendency for individuals to feel diminished act of helping strangers in an emergency Bystander intervention Altruism Kin selection Diffusion of responsibility Reciprocal altruism Deindividuation Group think Attraction is caused by 1 Situational Factors o Physical proximity o Mere exposure effect frequency of exposure 2 Physical factors o Beauty standards i Body shape tendency for liking to increase with the ii Symmetry iii Age 3 Psychological Factors o Intelligence humor sensitivity and ambition o Similarity 2 kinds of love 1 Passionate love and intense sexual attraction for a partner s well being 2 Companionate love experience involving feelings of euphoria intimacy experience involving affection trust and concern Social exchange as they perceive a favorable ration of costs to benefits hypothesis that people remain in relationships only as long 3 caveats cost benefit ratio that people believe they deserve 1 Comparison level or could attain in another relationship are roughly equal 2 Equity 3 Willing to settle for less favorable cost benefit ratios state of affairs in which the cost benefit ratios of 2 partners Social Influence Controlling People Social influence Motivations that make us susceptible to social influence the ability to control another person s behavior o Hedonic motive o Approval motive motivated to experience pleasure and avoid pain motivated to be accepted and not rejected Norms customary standards for a behavior that are widely Norm of reciprocity unwritten rule that people should benefit Normative influence another person s behavior provides info shared by members of a culture those who have benefited them about what is appropriate getting someone to deny an initial request they are doing it Door in the face technique influence strategy that involves Conformity tendency to do what others do simply because Obedience tendency to do what powerful people tell us to do o Accuracy motive Milgram s Experiment electric shocks to learn believe what s right and not what is wrong Attitude an enduring positive or negative evaluation of an Belief enduring piece of knowledge about an object or event another person s behavior provides object or event Information influence information about what is true communication from another person Persuasion person s attitudes or beliefs are influenced by Systematic persuasion beliefs are changed by appeals to reason process by which attitudes or Heuristic persuasion Foot in the door technique process by which attitudes or beliefs are changed by appeals to habit or emotion following to up with a larger one person recognized the inconsistency of his or her actions attitudes or beliefs making a small request the an unpleasant state that arises when a Cognitive dissonance Social Cognition Understanding People Social cognition Stereotyping on their knowledge of the categories to which others belong the processes by which people come to understand others process by which people draw inferences about others based 3 reasons stereotypes are self perpetuating tendency for people to behave as they are 1 Self fulfilling prophecy expected to behave Stereotype threat others may hold fear of confirming the negative beliefs that tendency for people to see what they expect 3 Subtyping 2 Perceptual confirmation to see to modify their stereotypes rather than abandon them inferences about the causes of people s behavior tendency for people who receive disconfirming evidence Attributions o Situational attributions o Dispositional attributions person s behavior was caused by some o Correspondence bias fundamental attribution error temporary aspect of the situation a person s behavior was caused by relatively enduring tendency to think feel or act a certain way make a dispositional attribution when we should instead make a situational attribution o Actor observer effect our own behaviors while making dispositional attributions for the identical behavior of others tendency to make situational attributions for tendency to

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KSU PSYC 11762 - Chapter 13- Social Psychology

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