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1 Many of water s special properties such as cohesion and high heat of vaporization result from A the covalent bonds between oxygen and hydrogen within the water molecule B the small size of a water molecule C the tendency of water molecules to repel each other D the hydrogen bonds between water molecules 2 In experiments done in the 1920s to study the bacterium that causes pneumonia Frederick Griffith found that harmless R strain bacteria became lethal S strain bacteria when mixed with a culture of heat killed S strain bacteria This is because bacteria can undergo Points Awarded Points Missed Percentage 69 75 30 25 69 8 Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D A binary fission B conjugation C transformation D transduction Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C 3 You are examining this recent core from a pine tree in North America It spans three decades 1950 to 1980 Which of the following statements is supported by the pattern of the rings in this core A The climate conditions were very consistent across all three decades B The climate was cooler and drier in the 1970s than in the 1960s and 1950s C The climate was cooler and drier in the 1950s than in the 1960s and 1970s D The climate was very warm and wet only during the 1960s Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C 4 Which of these statements about obligate anaerobes is true A They cannot grow in the presence of oxygen and some species may die B They must have oxygen to survive C They will use oxygen if it is present but can survive without it D They generate oxygen through photosynthesis Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A 5 is not a function of proteins A Storage of genetic information in the nucleus B Digestion of food C Transportation of oxygen in the circulatory system D Coloration of the skin and hair Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A 6 Which of the following statements about natural selection is most accurate A Natural selection is a random process B Natural selection results in organisms that are perfectly adapted to their environment C Mammals in cold climates need warm fur so they evolve thick coats D Natural selection can only act on populations with genetic variation Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 D 7 This is an image of a phospholipid bilayer This bilayer forms in water because phospholipids have a head region and tails A hydrophobic hydrophilic B hydrophilic hydrophobic C hydrophilic hydrophilic D hydrophobic hydrophobic Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 B 8 A paleontologist is radiometrically dating three rocks from three different sites using the Potassium Argon clock which has a half life of 1 25 billion years The data she has obtained is shown in the table below Based upon these data which rock is the oldest Rock being test Rock A Rock B Rock C Amount of parent element Potassium present 50 12 5 25 A Rock A B Rock B C Rock C D You cannot determine this from the information given Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 B The bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae is the organism responsible for bacterial pneumonia It has a cell wall that is predominately made of peptidoglycan and no outer membrane Based upon these characteristics this bacterium is It has the ability to take up DNA from its environment this ability is known as 9 10 A gram positive transformation B gram negative transformation C gram positive transduction D gram negative transduction Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A Which of the following would NOT be true of a Gram bacterium A The plasma membrane is a phospholipid bilayer B The cell wall contains a large amount of peptidoglycan C There is a phospholipid bilayer as the outside layer of the cell surrounding the cell D The cells will appear purple after gram staining Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C wall 11 Clostridium botulinum is an anaerobic gram positive bacterium and produces botulism toxin one of the most potent human toxins Endospores of this bacterium are often found in honey and parents are advised not to feed raw honey to children under the age of two because it can lead to infant botulism Why is it dangerous for infants to consume these endospores A Because the endospores can sporulate in the anaerobic conditions in the human gut and produce botulinum neurotoxin leading to paralysis B Because the endospores can multiply in the bloodstream causing organ failure and death C The endospores do not secrete the neurotoxin botulism can only be caused by ingesting food that contains living C botulinum bacteria D Because the endospores can sporulate in the aerobic conditions in the human gut and produce botulinum neurotoxin leading to paralysis Points Earned 0 0 2 5 A Correct Answer s 12 Ice floats in liquid water because A ice contains air bubbles that reduce its density making it less dense than liquid B it is held on top of the liquid water by the high surface tension of liquid water C the water molecules in ice are held further apart than the molecules in liquid water water D there are fewer hydrogen bonds between water molecules in ice than there are in liquid water Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C 13 This figure shows the final structure of a functional insulin protein on the right What is the term used to describe the structural level of this functional insulin protein A Primary B Secondary C Tertiary D Quaternary Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D 14 Organism Large population Hard shell Lives near the shore river or ocean Lives where oxygen content is low A Y N N N B C D Y N N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Rank the fossils of these organisms from most common 1 to least common 4 A Organism A B Organism B C Organism C Points Earned Correct Answer s D Organism D 0 0 2 5 A 4 B 1 C 3 D 2 A 50 1 half life B 37 5 1 5 half lives C 25 2 half lives D 18 75 2 5 half lives Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D 15 Researchers from the Pennsylvania Geological Survey and Dickinson College took samples of fossil plants from the bottom of a pond in Cumberland County The plants represented in the sample were the same species that are found in tundra environments in the far north today They used Carbon 14 radiometric dating to estimate the age of these plant fossils the half life of Carbon 14 is 5730 years They determined that these fossils are about 14 325 years old Approximately what percentage of the parent isotope C14 remains in these fossils 16 Which of the following statements best describes the conditions on early Earth and its impact on the evolution …

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