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Body Composition Concepts Body Composition o Body fat is a component of your body composition o Not measured by physical performance but still important in determining health o Estimating body composition involves determining body mass lean or fat free tissue and percent body fat Lean Body Mass made of fat free tissue Such as muscles bones skin other organs and body fluids Fat Mass body mass made up of fat adipose tissue Percent body fat percentage of total body weight made that is fat tissue Weight of fat divided by total body weight o Total body fat percentage Excellent Male 5 10 athletic Good Female 8 15 athletic Male 11 14 Female 15 23 Acceptable Male 15 20 Female 24 30 Overweight Male 21 24 Obese Female 31 36 Male 25 or more Female 37 or more Essential Fat fat essential for normal body function brain bones muscle Recommended o Males o Females 3 5 essential fat 12 essential fat because of child birth Storage Fat non essential fat deposited in tissue near the body s surface around major body organs provides us with energy insulation and padding storage varies from person to person o life style o hormones o genetics Body Composition for men and women Men Women o Muscle 45 o Essential fat 3 o Nonessential storage fat 12 o Bone 15 o Other 25 o Muscle 36 o Essential fat 12 o Nonessential storage fat 12 o Bone 12 o Other 25 Why do my body size shape and composition matter Knowing body composition can help assess health risk Evaluating body size and shape can help motivate healthy behavior changes By knowing your percent body fat you can more effectively determine your risk for chronic disease Obesity increases risk of heart disease premature death and disabilities How can I evaluate my body size and shape Calculate and know body mass index BMI o It is a number o Used to reflect relationship between height and weight o Calculate weight in lbs x 703 height in inches2 Limits people who have a lot of muscle weight Athletes Short and petite people Male and female BMI Underweight 18 4 or less Normal 18 5 24 9 Over weight 25 29 9 Obese 30 Measuring body circumference Waist circumference o Abdominal fat visceral fat risk for heart disease Waist divided by hip circumference waist to hip ratio Body fat pattern of distribution o Apple shape android more fat on upper body and trunk chronic heart disease o Pear shaped gynoid more fat in lower region not associated with increased shape Assessing Body Fat Skinfold measurements o 3 measurement sites Males chest abdomen thigh Females triceps suprailiac thigh Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry DXA GOLD STANDARD o Low radiation x ray to determine fat free tissue fat tissue and bone density Extremely obese people are not good candidates for this treatment Hydrostatic Weighing Underwater weighing FORMER GOLD STANDARD o Patient has to be completely submerged under water o 1 2 error margin Air Displacement Body Pod o Device measures volume o Pressure volume relationship Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA o Sends small electrical currents through body distinguishing lean mass from fat mass o Gives body fat and BMI How can I change my body composition Determine if your percent body fat is within a healthy range Monitor your body size shape and composition regularly Set reasonable body composition goals Follow a well designed exercise nutrition plant o Body size shape mirror and fit of clothes assess daily or weekly o Weight assess weekly o Circumferences measure monthly or less frequently o BMI measure monthly or less frequently o Percent body fat measure every other month or less frequently Women Athletic low 14 20 Fitness 21 24 Acceptable 25 31 Obese 32 Men Obese 26 Athletic low 6 13 Fitness 14 17 Acceptable 18 25 Chapter 7 October 21 2014 Nutrients chemical compounds that supply the energy and raw materials for survival Our cells breakdown food molecules and change their shape and release energy stored in their chemical bonds The energy become available to drive the activities within our cells tissues and organs The breakdown of nutrients also liberates raw materials that cells can take in modify and use in repair and growth Nutrition study of how people consume and use the nutrients in food A good diet can help alleviate feelings of stress and depression While a poor diet can contribute to them Help prevent chronic disease frequent colds and infections and the effects of vitamin deficiency Why college years are a nutritional challenge Most students have less than optimal eating habits o Eating habits describe when where and how we eat with whom we eat what we choose to eat and why we choose to eat it Examples of poor eating habits fast food eating while driving or watching tv Good eating habits include sitting down to a relaxed meal and consuming fresh fruit and College life presents obstacles to good nutrition vegetables every day o Time and money pressures o Lack of home cooking facilities o Poor personal habits and attitudes about food o Emotional stress o What are the main nutrients in food Essential nutrients o What we need to obtain from food for normal body functioning o Water proteins carbohydrates lipids vitamins and minerals o Measure Calories released energy one calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius Calories and kilocalories used to describe larger measures of food and nutrients equals about 1000 calories Small apple is about 50 50 Calories Active adults need about 2000 to 2500 calories of food energy per day The more you exercise the more you need Six Groups of Essential Nutrients o Provide Energy Carbohydrates Fats and oils Proteins Vitamins Minerals Water o Replaces fluid in cells and tissues o Facilitate Energy Use growth repair and reproduction Enzymes help facilitate any chemical reaction that needs to take place Can be used as energy source if necessary Amino acids carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen 20 different amino acids and our body can build 11 of them Other 9 we have to consume through what we eat and what we drink Essential amino acids Protein can be complete or incomplete source Complete supplies all 9 essential amino acids animal Meat chicken Incomplete missing 1 or more essential amino acids plant sources Bean nuts and grains If eaten in combination of something it can become complete Complementary Protein Protein building blocks for structure and function made up of amino acids make up cells tissue and help make up organs When eating beans and rice together it

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LSU KIN 2504 - Body Composition Concepts

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