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1 You have discovered a new species of fungus associated with plant roots It invades the cells in the roots forming arbuscular mycorhizzae Based just upon this character you confidently determine that this fungus is member of the Points Awarded Points Missed Percentage 56 25 43 75 56 2 A Ascomycota B Basidiomycota C Glomeromycota D Zygomycota Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 C 2 You are conducting experiments with the ciliated protistParamecium These graphs show the results that you obtained when the Paramecium were placed in pond water in Solution A or in Solution B with the number of times that the contractile vacuole pumped out water recorded over a period of time Based upon these results you conclude that and B A The Paramecium in Solution A are taking up more water than those that are in either Solution B or in pond water B The Paramecium in Solution B are taking up more water than those that are in either Solution A or in pond water C The Paramecium is pond water are taking up more water than those in Solutions A D The Paramecium in all three solutions are taking up the same amount of water 3 Which of these relationships are a mutualism between a fungus an another organism Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A A Lichens B Dutch Elm Disease C Athlete s foot D Mycorhizzae E Lungworms Points Earned 2 5 2 5 A D Correct Answer s 4 You are studying a eukaryotic cell and have found that a protein that should be synthesized in the rough ER is being synthesized on free ribosomes in the cytoplasm This would most likely be due to a A mutation in the SRP that binds to that protein B malfunction in the Golgi Apparatus C mutation in a gene that codes for microtubules D malfunction in the lysosomes that break down gangliosides Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A 5 In this figure mitosis is represented by which numbered part of the cycle A I B II C III D IV E V Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 D A meiosis diploid B mitosis diploid C meiosis haploid D mitosis haploid 0 0 2 5 Points Earned 6 During the human life cycle the process of is responsible for producing sperm and eggs the only cells are the gametes 7 In Mastering Biology you watched a video about biofuels research The research group investigating the use of algae for biofuels is trying to find algae that Correct Answer s C A produce the most lipids B will grow in very low light conditions C produce the most proteins D will grow in very deep water Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 A 8 What do kinetoplastids and apicomplexans have in common A They both use an apical complex to enter the cells of their host B They both have cavities underneath their plasma membrane C They both are members of the Kingdom Euglenozoa D They both have complex life cycles that include an insect and a human host Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D 9 Why are the filamentous body forms of cellular and plasmodial slime molds myxomycetes and acrasiomycetes water molds oomycetes and the hyphae of fungi considered a case of convergent evolution A Hyphae are necessary for locomotion in all of these groups B Body shape reflects ancestor descendant relationships among organisms C Filamentous shape is an adaptation for a nutritional mode as a decomposer D Fungi are closely related to slime molds and water molds Points Earned 0 0 2 5 A bringing food particles into their cells through phagocytosis B using carbon dioxide as a source of carbon and sunlight as a source of energy C filtering particles from the soil using their hyphae to grab them D secreting digestive enzymes into the environment and transporting nutrients into 11 You are examining a single celled organism that was recently discovered in a sample of water collected from a lake The cell has a nucleus it is diploid and it has a cell wall made of cellulose It feeds by absorption Based upon this information this organism is most likely Correct Answer s C 10 Fungi obtain nutrients by their cells Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D A a bacteria B a fungus C an oomycete D a green algae chlorophyte Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 C 12 The major groups of fungi can be most readily distinguished by the A presence of a heterokaryon or dikaryon stage in the life cycle B reproductive structures that they produce C structure of their hyphae D ability to act as plant pathogens Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 B Strombodinopsis a naked ciliate protist is able to eat the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium aureolum that is responsible for red tides in coastal waters of the eastern United States These red tides can result in massive fish kills that negatively impact the fishing industry A research team is proposing to introduce Strombodinopsis into the areas where this dinoflagellate lives You would expect that when populations of Strombodinopsis are high that populations of Gymnodinium would be making for an effective biocontrol Both of these organisms are members of the 13 A low alveloata B high oomycetes C low apicomplexans D high stramenopiles 2 5 2 5 A Points Earned Correct Answer s 14 For a diploid organism a major difference between Meiosis I and Meiosis II is that Meiosis II A homologous chromosomes align in pairs during metaphase of B DNA does not replicate before C sister chromatids are not separated in anaphase of D the daughter cells are diploid at the end of Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 B 15 Over time organelles within a cell wear out compromising their function These organelles are so that the components can be reused by the cell A detoxified by the smooth ER B recycled by lysosomes C modified by the Golgi Apparatus D stored in vacuoles Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 B Two energy organelles within eukaryotic cells originated as prokaryotic endosymbionts Which of these statements does NOT provide evidence for the origin of these organelles as endosymbionts A These organelles both have their own circular DNA molecule B These organelles both perform oxygen generating photosynthesis C These organelles both reproduce by binary fission D These organelles both have DNA sequences that are more similar to prokaryotes than eukaryotes Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 B 16 17 The movement of white blood cells through your body engulfing of foreign particles and the movement of chromosomes during mitosis are A both performed by microtubules B each performed by different components of the cytoskeleton C both performed by microfilaments D each performed by

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