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1 Congress of Vienna 1814 1815 a b c First time in history where European leaders thought to get together to hash out the future of Europe among every country Trying to decide what to do after Napoleon wrecked Europe Decided on three things France had to be disarmed and contained the revolutionary spirit it had unleashed had to be put back into the bottle and power in Europe needed to be balanced in order to prevent the outbreak of another devastating war d Unofficially led by Clemens von Metternich e Relatively effective not a major European war for another 100 years 2 Clemens von Metternich Foreign Minister of Austria who was responsible for all foreign policies a b Wanted to undo the radicalism of the French Revolution very conservative c Wanted to create a balance of power doesn t want one country to control all Europe 3 Balance of Power around same time as congress of Vienna 1814 1815 a No one state is too strong to conquer all of Europe b c European states exist at a balance where each power is a counterweight to the others Signed Holy Alliance a united front concerned with restoring religious institutions except church can t get lands back because people were living on them 4 Liberalism 19th century a b c d e f g For equal rights protecting personal freedoms constitutions free markets and private property religious toleration some separation of church and state political reform limited suffrage partial democracy of elites most are pro colonialism Businessman traders most lawyers other professionals Against conservative political order church that has political power unrestrained kings slavery universal suffrage All men equal before the law The people were only a limited number of men with property Disliked clergy because they were responsible for spreading superstition and intolerance Removing society of guilds taxes and local tariffs 5 Utilitarianism 1748 1832 Jeremy Bentham true radical in his day was the founder of utilitarianism Secular moral philosophy a Maximize people s utility or happiness no one knows your interests as well as yourself b c d Good should not be defined by traditional Christian ideas but simply as that which benefits the most people e Each person is the master over their own pain and pleasure 6 Industrial Revolution 19th century i Maximize pleasure and minimize pain Changed the way we were making stuff marks the onset of modern times Experienced development rather than an event Laid foundations for 19th century European colonization as well as for the destructiveness of the great wars of the 20th century a b c d Need capital raw materials new machines energy coal and labor e Contributions large population revolutions in transportation and communications the end of serfdom advances in mining and metalworking legal revolutions such as the breaking of guild monopolies or the churches rights to declare holidays Three revolutions in one a revolution in technology revolution in capital and revolution in labor First industrial revolution happened in England 1820s 1840 f g i England had a big population for labor and all of the best things that were needed readily available Small minority benefits large majority ends up being losers because they have to do hard work manual labor i No regulation of working conditions child labor flourishes ii Factory owners traders bankers etc were the small minority that benefited Cotton and textiles were the most popular to make 7 Socialism 1820 1850 Rejection of industrial capitalism completely end private property social equality and collective ownership Everybody lives in a community and shares everything amongst the people Early socialists were also Christians thought they could create a utopian place where everybody could be equal Important because communism is a type of socialism communism eventually impacted the world immensely 8 Communism around 1848 Branch under socialism created by Karl Marx became famous in the 1900s a b Motivates millions of people to take radical political views he believed his ideas were the one of ultimate form of freedom the division of labor enslaves us you should be able to wake up in the morning and do the things you re passionate about and not work or die h i a b c d c d Laws give us false freedoms Our freedom is an illusion and capitalism teaches us to deny ourselves of what we really want religion is set of chains created by man Answer to these problems is to get rid of private property writes about this in Communist Manifest 1848 9 Proletariat 1848 in Communist Manifesto a b Karl Marx writes about this lower poor class in Communist Manifesto when talking about 3 stages of history Class of people that own nothing including property during the Capitalism face of history massive underclass of factory workers who own nothing Karl Marx thought they were destined to rise up against the minority of rich capitalists and lead the last revolution into Communism 10 Karl Marx mid 1800s c a Main supporter thinker behind of communism believed his ideas were the one of the ultimate form of freedom your idea of freedom isn t freedom there s freedom beyond freedom b We should be able to wake up in the morning and do the things we re passionate about extremely against capitalism wanted to get rid of private property c Write Communist Manifesto to talk about his radical idea wasn t popular until 1900s d Has a vague vision a vision of freedom that we can t even imagine what would look like for society 11 1848 Revolutions a b c d Europe divided into three groups conservatives upper liberals bourgeoisie radicals working class Troubles popular movements are giving people a greater voice people want change i Europe is growing very fast difficult to feed everyone Two oppressed classes liberals and radicals united against their common enemy conservatives Battles mostly happened in German Confederation lands and the Italian lands Started in Paris France and then copied in major cities of Germany and then in Austria and then in Italy i ii Doesn t happen in England and Russia e Not the revolutions Marx was talking about he talked about proletariats rise up against rich capitalists f Liberals want constitutions equality under law tax reform tend to be elites i ii In German lands want to unify 38 states the country with a republic In France want a Republic radicals and liberal unified government had legislature g h Radicals want social equality radical change and tend to be poor workers peasants Common enemy

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