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Protists Paraphyletic group that doesn t include all descendants of a common ancestor Monophyletic the best group containing all descendants of a common ancestor Paraphyletic group containing all individuals with similar characteristics but different ancestors Kingdom Protista is considered paraphyletic because Archaea and Eukarya are more genetically related with each other than either are with bacteria Protists with Modified Mitochondria Two groups diplomonads and parabasalids Diplomonads Parabasalids Paraphyletic Parasitic mainly on animals Modified mitochondria mitosomes Ex Giardia caused by drinking contaminated water symptoms include intestinal distress Symbionts with animals parasitic mutualistic Modified mitochondria hydrogenosomes Ex Trichonympha mutualist with termites live within their intestinal tract breaks down cellulose Trichonympha vaginilis causes STD in humans Used to think that these two were related because neither had mitochondria but they both have mitochondria just modified and are no longer used in the same way Kingdom Euglenozoa Monophyletic All have a flagella which is a rod like structure used for locomotion Two groups both have flagella but are very different Euglenoids Found in pond water Photosynthetic Free living non parasitic Kinetoplastids Predominantly parasitic Not photosynthetic One or two flagella DNA containing granule kinetoplastid found in the mitochondria Causes for some human diseases African sleeping sickness tsetse fly Chagas disease kissing bug Every member has alveoli membrane enclosed cavities that hug the Kingdom Alveolata Monophyletic internal surface Three groups Ciliates Pond water Dinoflagellates Complex form due to the cellulose plates Armored with cellulose plates Two perpendicular flagella which allows them to whirl around Abundant in the ocean plankton Plankton small organisms that live near the surface of the water Zooplankton non photosynthetic animal like forms Phytoplankton photosynthetic important role in controlling atmospheric CO2 and heat retention Harmful Algal Blooms Responsible for Red Tides Results in excess nutrients in the water Nitrogen or Phosphorus Usually occur in the summer Economically significant especially with tourism can t swim during a red tide because of neurotoxins in the water possible paralysis Could be passed on by shellfish Neurotoxins in the water kills fish Apicomplexans Apical Complex used for penetration of host cells Parasitic Ex Malaria Plasmodium causes malaria kills 600 000 each year Insect born from mosquitos Most prevalent in equatorial Africa South America and Asia Kingdom Stramenopila Monophyletic Flagella with hair like projections called stramen Diatoms Bacillariophyta Silica glass shells Photosynthetic Responsible for 20 of CO2 fixation Gold Algae Chrysophyta Gold color Colonial Autotrophic or predators Attack other cells with pseudopodia cytoplasmic feet Free living Potentially result in harmful algal blooms Water Molds Oomycota Convergent with fungi Convergent Evolution independent evolution of similar features in unrelated species occurs when different species live in similar environments Heterotrophic fed by absorption Cell wall cellulose Diploid Responsible for the Irish Potato Famine decomposers parasites that secreted digestive enzymes on the potatoes Brown Algae Phaeophyta Seaweeds Kelp forests Multicellular tissue differentiation division of labor Plant like Stipe stem Holdfast roots Laminae leaves Conductive Tissue cells that can move nutrients around an organism s body Kingdom Rhodophyta Red Algae Monophyletic Phycoerythrin a special photosynthetic pigment that gives the algae its red color allows it to grow in deeper water absorb blue UV light less competition Kingdom Chlorophyta Green Algae Monophyletic Most closely related to plants chloroplasts chlorophyll B plants and green algae Stores carbohydrates as starch Cell wall if present is made from cellulose Fungi Absorptive Heterotrophs secrete digestive enzymes which breaks down food then the fungi absorbs the material that remains Humans are considered ingestive heterotrophs Predatory fungi Ex Nematode trapping fungi Characteristics Spores NO GAMETES NO MALES FEMALES Cell wall chitin Ploidy level usually haploid Made up of hyphae long filamentous body form Mycelium collection of hyphae reproductive structure Lichen contains a fungus and a photosynthetic partner such as green algae or cyanobacteria Can live on bare rock may have played a role with early colonization of land by terrestrial plants Mutualistic relationship Mycorrhizae association between fungus and plant roots mutualistic Hyphae work as an extension of the root network Fungal reproduction Life cycle predominantly haploid Sex not obligatory only occurs when the species is under stress which means genetic variation is necessary for survival The brief diploid stage helps define groups Reproductive structures are used for classification Mating Types Only and can reproduce Plasmogamy fusion of the cytoplasm of two cells Karyogamy fusion of two or more nuclei Sexual Reproduction Step One mycelium of and mating type grow together plasmogamy and form a dikaryon Dikaryon 2 1N nuclei in one cell Step Two the dikaryon undergoes karyogamy to form a 2N cell Step Three the dikaryon undergoes meiosis to produce haploid spores Step Four the spores undergo mitosis to grow and become fully grown fungi Microsporidians Recent addition to Fungal Kingdom Intracellular parasites Lack functional mitochondria mitosomes Used to think they were related to diplomonads parabasalids Cause of human microsporidiosis Only attacks people with compromised immune systems Ex people with AIDS or organ transplant receivers Chytridiomycota Not monophyletic Flagellated spores only flagellated cells in the kingdom Aquatic Lead to amphibian declines the chytrids grow on their skin and block gas exchange Zygomycota Not monophyletic Terrestrial Most are saprobes Most common bread molds Defining characteristic zygosporangia Glomeromycota Monophyletic Arbuscular resembles a shrub or bush All are mycorrhizal Ascomycota Monophyletic Sac fungi Asci structures that contain 4 8 spores Conidia a sexual spores Ascospores sexual spores Ex Sordaria Model organism Mycotoxins Toxic compounds produced by fungi Aflatoxins potent carcinogen liver damage wide known Affects birds mammals Ascomycetes grain plants legumes Ergot grows on grains causes hallucinations and muscle tremors Sick House Syndrome

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PSU BIOL 110 - Lecture notes

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