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History Final Exam History 1003 Dr Karch Week 9 Monroe Doctrine 1823 named after president Monroe who said that he will protect the Western Hemisphere So Europeans need to keep off Which included North South and Central America Suez Canal Built in the 1860 s by Egypt to make transportation from Britian to Indian easier Egypt France and Britain all own a share of it Egypt was forced to sell the land to British in 1875 The French and British now own this company causing Egyptians to resent other countries owning their own land Scramble for Africa Scramble for Africa was the name for the invasion occupation colonization and annexation of Africa territory by European powers during the period of New Imperialism between 1881 and 1941 Boer Wars Boer Wars was the name given to the South African Wars of 1880 1881 and 1899 1902 that were fought between the British and the descendants of the Dutch settlers Boers in Africa After the first Boer War William Gladstone granted the Boers self government in the Transvaal British East India Company was an English joint stock company formed to pursue trade with the East Indies but which ended up trading mainly with the Indian subcontinent and Qing China The company rose to account for half of the worlds trade usually in goods like cotton silk Indigo dye salt saltpeter tea and opium Sepoys name given to Indian soldiers Indian Rebellion Mutiny 1857 This was complaints against infidel and treacherous British rule Indians felt the British were misruling their country by 1 Excessive taxes seizure of lands for debts on landowners 2 British have monopoly on trade of expensive items leave only cheap goods to local traders Hard to make a profit plus excessive taxes Want equal access to ship transport networks for trade 3 Army and civil servants always low on ladder receive poor wages 4 Artisans disrupted by manufactured goods 5 They believe English do not have respect for their religion Civilizing Mission plan to spread civilization across the indigenous people It was notably the underlying principle of French and Portuguese colonial rule in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Social Darwinism late 19th and early 20th centuries the idea that humans should follow natural selection Human Zoos African people that were put in captivity to show off to European people as display of how African people live Week 10 Modernism The experimentation of new things Such as Automobiles printing press telegraph safety bicycle light bulb Avant garde is defining what is new in the future Cartels Monopolies that became so powerful that can destroy the cartel market Second industrial revolution Steel chemicals petroleum and consumer goods Suffragettes Women were trying to gain the right to vote women who were pressing forward for their rights Revolutionary socialists vs revisionists revolutionary socialists were people who believe a revolution is necessary for a transition from capitalism to socialism Revisionists believed that it was more effective to create a doctrine or policy for revision Anarchists a person who seeks to overturn violence all constituted forms and institutions of society and government with no purpose of establishing any other system of order to replace it Christian socialism is a form of religious socialism based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth Many Christian socialists believe capitalism to be idolatrous and rooted in greed which some Christian denominations consider a mortal sin Anti semitism prejudice and hostility against Jews Pogroms An organized massacre of particular ethnic group in particular that of Jews in Russia or Eastern Europe Dreyfus Affair was a political scandal that divided France from its beginning in 1894 until it was finally resolved in 1906 French officer was sentenced to life imprisonment for allegedly communicating French military secrets to the German Embassy in Paris Zionism is a nationalist and political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the re establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel Balkan Wars included Serbia Greece Bulgaria vs Ottoman Empire Around 340 Ottoman Empire soldiers die Hundreds of Turkish and Muslims were forced to go back to the Ottoman Empire It was a mass ethnic cleansing Bulgarians kick out Muslim subjects Serbia wins the Balkan war but they wanted to keep expanding so their next target was Bosnia Week 11 Franz Ferdinand He was the Archduke set to inherit the thrown He visited Sarajevo Serbia for a parade The Terrorist group in Serbia wanted to kill him At their set plan of murder failed then Gavrilo Princip shot him from a restaurant Bosnia believed that the death of their future king was worth going to war against with Serbia Central Powers Germany and its Allies Austria Hungary Bulgaria Ottoman Empire in World War I Entente means a friendly understanding of informal alliance between states or factions France UK Russia Serbia Italy U S Schlieffen Plan was a 1905 German General Staff thought experiment which later became a deployment plan and set of recommendations for German Commanders to implement using their own initiative Total war Is a style of war where all of the government resources are dedicated to winning the war That means the entire billing economy A war economy private citizens loaned the government money in order to finish up the war Home front The Home front was part of total war Women were working in factories and took on jobs that their husbands would usually do Women became more politically involved at this time Armenian Genocide 1915 Armenians wanted an independent state and were willing to take violent efforts The Ottoman Empire took Armenians to be a suspicious group so they decided to do a mass slaughter of Armenians They force marched Armenians to deserts where there is disease lack of food and water About 1 million Armenians were lost in the 1915 Genocide This was the greatest civilian violence of World War 1 The U S does not recognize this event Treaty of Brest Litovsk was a peace treaty signed on March 3 1918 between the new Bolshevik government of Russia and the Central Powers ended the war between Russia and Germany in 1918 It ended Russia s participation in World War I Russian Revolution The collective term for a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917 ending centuries of imperial rule and setting in motion political and social changes that would lead to the formation of the Soviet Union In March growing

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