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Practice Activity Diagram Questions Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question The following four questions relate to the following activity diagram which describes the process by which a customer at a Fitness Center enrolls in a new class A Fitness Center may also be known as a health club or gym Members pay a monthly or annual fee to have the opportunity to use the gym s facilities which include weights cardio machines such as treadmills or elliptical trainers and other exercise equipment In addition members have the option of enrolling in fitness classes These classes typically meet twice each week Classes involve group workouts using a wide variety of techniques including bicycling aka spinning free weight training step aerobics kick boxing Yoga and Tai Chi Enrollment in each class is limited Once all the spaces in a class are filled that class is closed and no more enrollments are accepted There is no additional charge for taking classes but they are only open to current members Enrollment in a class is done in person at the front desk of the Fitness Center The desk clerk handles the enrollment process and uses the Fitness Center s information system to do so The customer enrolling in a class does not directly use the information system but instead communicates verbally with the desk clerk Customer Desk Clerk Request class Check membership status No Yes Renew membership Yes Check class availability Membership valid No Offer renewal Yes Space available No Yes Offer another class Confirm enrollment Choose to renew Choose other class No Receive confirmation 1 Which of the following descriptions MOST closely matches the activity diagram a A customer asks to enroll in a class The desk clerk checks the customer s membership status If the customer s membership has expired the desk clerk offers the customer a chance to renew If the customer decides to renew the clerk processes the membership renewal If the customer has just renewed his or her membership or already had a valid membership then the desk clerk checks the availability of the requested class If the class is available then the clerk enrolls the customer in the class and provides a confirmation to the customer Otherwise the clerk offers the customer the chance to enroll in another class If the customer selects another class the clerk checks availability for that class and proceeds as above b A customer asks to enroll in a class The desk clerk checks the customer s membership status and also the availability of the requested class If the class is available then the clerk enrolls the customer in the class and provides a confirmation to the customer Otherwise the clerk offers the customer the chance to enroll in another class If the customer selects another class the clerk checks availability for that class and proceeds as above c A customer asks to enroll in a class The desk clerk checks the availability of the requested class If the class is available then the clerk enrolls the customer in the class and provides a confirmation to the customer Otherwise the clerk offers the customer the chance to enroll in another class If the customer selects another class the clerk checks availability for that class and proceeds as above Finally the desk clerk checks the customer s membership status If the customer s membership has expired the desk clerk offers the customer a chance to renew If the customer decides to renew the clerk processes the membership renewal d A customer asks to enroll in a class The desk clerk checks the customer s membership status If the customer s membership has expired the desk clerk offers the customer a chance to renew If the customer decides to renew the clerk processes the membership renewal and provides the customer with a confirmation Otherwise the desk clerk checks the availability of the requested class If the class is available then the clerk enrolls the customer in the class and provides a confirmation to the customer If the class is not available the clerk offers the customer the chance to enroll in another class If the customer selects another class the clerk checks availability for that class and proceeds as above e All of the above descriptions are equally correct 2 Which of these is LEAST likely to represent a step in the activity diagram where the desk clerk would interact with an information system a Check membership status b Offer renewal c Renew membership d Check class availability e All of the previous answers are equally likely to involve an information system 3 A customer approaches the desk clerk about enrolling in a fitness class After talking with the clerk the customer walks away without having enrolled in a class If this interaction proceeded according to the activity diagram which of these is the MOST likely explanation for this a The desk clerk finds that the class is NOT available at which point the customer decides b The desk clerk finds that the class IS available but the customer decides not to renew her not to renew her membership membership customer decides to take customer decides NOT to take c The desk clerk finds that the class is NOT available and offers another class which the d The desk clerk finds that the class is NOT available and offers another class which the e According to the activity diagram NONE of the previous explanations is possible 4 Which of the following statements is MOST consistent with the activity diagram a Receive confirmation is always the last step in the process b Confirm enrollment can never occur if Offer another class has also occurred in the process If a member chooses to renew class availability is always checked c d The process describes what happens when someone who has never been a member asks to join a class e None of the previous statements is consistent with the activity diagram Practice Activity Diagram Questions Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 ANS A 2 ANS B 3 ANS D 4 ANS C

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BU SMG IS 323 - Practice Activity Diagram Questions

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