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Why You Lead Determines How Well You Lead Article By Kolditz Asking what motivates you to be a better leader This says a lot about the person o Personal effectiveness o It is expected as part of their professional development o Sense of leader identity purpose or personal obligation to their organization o Mix of motives external and internal rationales West Point Study Study students motivation to attend the academy and their performance and potential Those with intrinsic motives performed better than those with external rational as is Those with internal AND external rationale are worse investments as leaders than those with less rationale External motives leadership poison Veteran s Heath Administration These leaders have strong internal motivations to serve American veterans Adding bonuses as motivation leads to a significant leadership problem Some administrators appear to have lost sight of the core purpose of the VA Step in right direction renewed focus on the internal motivation to help sick and injured veterans Robert McDonald What I Believe In Starts it off with his motivation to lead living life driven by purpose is more meaningful and rewarding than meandering through life without direction Purpose is to improve lives which operates on many levels o Billions of lives with P G brands o Every day working to have a positive impact on one person s life Teach leadership as skills that lead to higher performance OR a complex moral relationship between the leader that whoever is being led Studies show those who were taught values based motivation outperformed those who were taught with outcomes and rewards instrumental consequences increase in performance after a program which shows a return on investment for the program Decision makers cannot allow external consequences of leader development to form To Attract Millennials A company Changes Its Product and Workplace By Dickerson The company LifeSize has formed a new image to attract millennials Need millennials for new technology and social networking Company now focuses on mobile apps and software that requires minimal technology to use Switched to offices to desks separated with glass to foster collaboration and innovative ideas baby boomers protested He was the first to move out of his office to encourage the change Baby Boomers view an office as a status of achievement and is a reward The change has pushed some older employees away from the company but CEO says these changes are inevitable

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