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UNIT 1 Nutrition Notes 9 3 14 Anything we produce or do not need is non essential Vitamin A is optimal for the eye Our body creates back up vitamins that we can rely on Everything in the body is made up of cells on test Being protein efficient decreases life threatening events of blood cells Malnutrition can be both overweight and underweight Steps of seeing physical signs and symptoms o Step1 decreased intake o Step2 decreased storage or back up sources o Step3 body holds needed vitamins mineral from tissues Drink fluids and fiber when taking iron Vitamins and minerals transport nutrients We cannot store protein Why do individuals gain weight after diets EXAM Adaptation Feast or famine cycle 9 8 14 disease Cancer patients start to lose weight because the body is using all its energy to fight off the Obesity is primary cause of heart disease and diabetes which is most of the time genetic Cholesterol comes from meats and meat byproducts Life style behaviors have the most impact on the body Elderly people have an increase recommendation of vitamins and minerals and they have a lower recommendation for calories which put them at a higher risk for being inadequately nourished A direct risk factor for diabetes is OBESITY Bones and teeth have highest strength of calcium Vitamins and minerals are responsible for multiple organs Sodium salt constricts blood vessels which increases blood pressure Color of foods provide different nutrients Milk broccoli chicken and apples give you all the nutrients you need Nutrient dense food have a lot of vitamins and minerals but less calories o Broccoli carrots Energy dense empty calorie foods have a lot of calories o Cookies o Cake o Donuts There are some food that are both nutrient and energy dense o Salmon EXAM quality quantity and frequency is what impacts health the most 50 of what affects longevity and health has to do with our lifestyle behaviors We see more and more problems with toxic deficient levels of vitamins and nutrients Rickets is a state of vitamin D deficiency bowed legs caused from porous bones not mal nourished state reversible Pellagra is a niacin deficiency UNIT 2 9 15 14 Symptoms o dermatitis o diarrhea o dementia o death Best source of vitamin D is in salmon almost twice as much as milk Diabetes can cause death if it is uncontrolled it is 100 preventable with diet and EXAM Heart disease is leading cause of death exercise EXAM High sugar intake does not cause diabetes it s excessive body fat and obesity Chronic means long term acute means short term Iron deficiency is more common in children and women o Iron is extremely important for growth and health Iron deficiency is directly related with intellectual disabilities Obesity can increase the risk of hypertension Only 50 of population is sensitive to dietary cholesterol We store fat very efficiently Anything is excess will cause obesity and that is mal nutrition Eat a well balanced diet to prevent mal nutrition 9 17 We are not born knowing what to eat we are born knowing that we need carbohydrates fats and proteins We base our diet off of culture and environment Iron deficiency and protein deficiency can cause intellectual deficiencies cant reverse in kids but can reverse in adults Carbohydrates will increase blood levels of tryptophan high levels of tryptophan will increase high levels of serotonin which affects mood sleep and appetite Beef consumption has decreased and fruit and vegetable consumption has increased When making changes in diet start with a small achievable goal Children is at highest risk of iron deficiency EXAM Kids who don t eat breakfast have an increase in obesity and not paying attention KNOW STAGES OF CHANGE 9 22 Nutrition Labels Sugar starches and fiber make up carbs Sugars and starch provides energy Fiber does not because we do not digest it Starch Starch Fiber make up total carbs Percentages are based off of a 2 000 calorie diet look at percentages The grams reflect what is in the actual food EXAM every food item that has more than one nutrient has to have a food label EXCEPT local bakeries For exam all needed to know is that vitamin d and vitamin b12 is voluntary to put on labels while sodium dietary fibers and sugars are mandatory Is there is more than 5 servings or trans fat than it HAS to be put on the food label if less than 5 than it doesn t have to be Oil that is partly or fully hydrogenated that means it is a trans fat Anything frozen is not to be considered fresh Sugar should not be in the first 3 ingredients of food A product cannot reduce the risk of a disease but a single ingredient in it can When you don t see a FDA stamp company has decided not to go through FDA to put Structure and function claims can only be used for supplements food on shelf that means don t buy it 9 24 My Plate The dash diet is originally created to treat hypertension We take much more added sugars than recommended We tend to take in more saturated fats then unsaturated fats Low sodium is used to decrease hypertension Potatoes corn and peas are considered starches Meats will have the highest amounts of trans fats nuts and seeds as well Beef is very high in fat and cholesterol monthly consumption of beef and wine moderation is different in the Mediterranean food guide then ours 10 1 Exam 2 Chemical Biological Physiological Aspects iron is the core of a red blood cell Digestion starts with sight and smell Fiber helps the gut stay healthy and cleans out the gut Red blood cells carry oxygen The small intestine is the major site of absorption The PH of the stomach is much less than the PH of the gut The difference between a starch and sugar is how long the chain is of enzymes Starch change is much longer than a sugar chain Saliva lubricates food The stomach has hydrochloric acid that breaks down fats proteins and carbs Pepsin breaks down proteins Bile is produced in the liver and break down occurs in the stomach Lipase is the ENZYME that breaks down fat Bile hydrochloric acid and lipase breaks down fat Trypsin found in pancreas pepsin in stomach and hydrochloric acid break down proteins Trypsin and pepsin are the enzymes you can t have a carb without having a glucose molecule lactose tolerant people don t have the enzyme lactaid every enzyme is specific to a nutrient 10 6 8 First Slide Continued pH of stomach is acidic pH of gut is basic fiber does not provide calories but it cleans out gut high intake of fiber and low intake of fluid causes constipation carbs and proteins

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Nutrition Notes

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