Astronomy Pre Exam Lecture and Review Critical density corresponds to completely flat space We can see the visible size of the universe but there still be more universe beyond the visible universe Light can go through hydrogen atoms If you don t have the right frequency of light the electron is not going to move We are limited by the speed of light During the development of the universe neutrons turned into protons It was just protons in the beginning Deuterium is a proton and a neutron There is dynamic equilibrium between energy and matter antimatter The universe started at 3 billion degrees Kelvin The universe was a soup of bound light in charges At 100000 years old the universe was 3000K Recombination was the formation of hydrogen or helium atoms Photons become free because the universe is transparent Before recombination the universe was opaque Because the atoms have very precise levels they cannot be excited Wilson and Penzias found Planck s curve The universe is 2 735 K right now You get slightly different temperatures across the microwave background The fluctuations of temperature shows the formation of matter The slight differences are in the fourth decimal place You can map the distribution of density in the universe The universe grew from very very small to a centimeter in size very quickly this is the inflationary epoch Anisotropy Baryonic density When you are expanding at constant speed you are at critical density We look at the abundance of elements
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