Science of Human Nutrition 23511 Final Exam Know and understand the following Fatty Acids Carbon carbon bonds ex icing using lard doesn t move now frosting moves Saturated fatty acids SFA Unsaturated fatty acids liquid at room temp but have more saturated fat Lipids fatty acids What is the structure of fatty acids Coconut oil Palm Kernel Oil has at least one double bond MUFA more than one double bond PUFA they re on the same side Cis or trans double bonds bonds where they re on the same side Trans fatty acids in foods changed the bonds so that they taste better hydrogen atoms aren t on the same side anymore configuration made it Monounsaturated MUFAs polyunsaturated PUFAs any good fat Influences physical nature of fatty acid Arrangement of hydrogens trans double bonds main difference bad fats that are solid at room temperature don t have any only single bonds aren t good Saturated unsaturated polyunsaturated monounsaturated and essential fatty acids Fat calculations AMDR Food sources Chain length Signs and symptoms Essential fatty acid deficiency Cis and Trans fatty acids Arrangement of hydrogens Cis or Trans double bonds bonds where they re on the same side Phosphates Phospholipids Phosphates inorganic chemical salt of phosphoric acid on phosphorus atom surrounded by 4 oxygen atoms in tetrahedral arrangement Phospholipids contain a glycerol molecule bonded to fatty acids has 2 fatty acids body requires for cell function helps with digestions brain lungs etc Amphipathic contains both polar nonpolar regions have 2 ends 2 Properties Phosphate containing polar head group Major component of cell membranes Hydrophilic polar head group like water Hydrophobic fatty acids don t like water yolks liver wheat germ peanuts prevents breakdown of ingredients look for the word lecithin Food sources naturally found in most foods used with food additives egg Phosphatidylcholine like mayo prevents separation of water oil Recommendations of lipids consume adequate amounts of the essential fatty acids too much of the right kind or wrong kind can be associated with health problems AI s for linoleic acid 17 12 g day for adult males females AI for linolenic 1 6 1 1 day for adult males females Omega 3 fish oils or fish at least twice a week 3 5 oz cooked or about cup of flaked fish minimize intakes of Tran s fatty acids as low as possible AMDRs 20 35 How many grams of fat are provided ex approx 1 tbsp of corn oil 3000 kcals with 30 kcals coming from fat 100g 1500 kcals with 25 kcals coming from fat 41 6g 2800 kcals with 35 kcals coming from fat 108 9g 18 carbons two cis double bonds 6 fatty acid Linoleic linolenic acid the TWO essential fatty acids Linoleic acid nuts corn soybean sunflower seeds etc Linolenic acid can literally count the bonds 18 carbons three cis double bonds 3 fatty acid Cardiovascular diseases and development how does cardiovascular disease develop warning signs sudden numbness or weakness esp on one side of body transient ischemic attacks TIAs mini strokes when brain blood flow is Stroke brain is deprived of oxygen nutrients temporarily disturbed confusion slurred speech dizziness loss of balance or severe headache weight treatment depends on type location of stroke Modifiable Risk factors smoking diabetes stress excessive alcohol intake sometimes medications can be given that break up blood Nonmodifiable risk factors age sex genetics prior stroke or heart attack low birth Stroke TIA Stroke brain is deprived of oxygen nutrients transient ischemic attacks TIAs mini strokes when brain blood flow is temporarily disturbed Modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors of heart disease stroke Nonmodifiable risk factors age sex genetics prior stroke or heart attack low birth weight inactivity and obesity diabetes stress and excessive alcohol consumption hypertension Modifiable Risk factors Smoking high blood pressure elevated blood lipids physical Risk factors for heart disease and how is it diagnosed Risk Factors age sex genetics prior stroke or heart attack low birth weight an electrocardiogram assesses heart function by recording electrical activity an echocardiogram assesses the structure function of the heart using sound waves that create a moving image during an angiogram the coronary blood vessels are visualized with the use of dyes Phytochemicals found in plant based foods fruits veggies beans grains beta carotene vitamin C folic acid vitamin E diet rich in the sources reduces risk of certain types of cancer other diseases Vitamins Know Understand and Define Antioxidants beta carotine precursor to vitamin A vitamin E vitamin C FAT SOLUBLE fruits veggies whole grains other plant foods contain thousands of naturally occurring Selenium Zinc found in fruits veggies whole grains Functions deficiencies and food sources of water soluble and fat soluble vitamins Deficiency Excess taking more vitamins than necessary with supplements either 1 Don t do anything 2 Become toxic Water soluble vitamins only B12 can be stored in the body all others become deficient in weeks to months if not consumed B12 stored in body different than the other water soluble vitamins not as much toxicity because they re not stored as long you just urinate them out Niacin B6 Choline C cause ill effects if consumed in excessive amounts lower risk of toxicity because we just urine excess out Thiamin water soluble 2 Types Beri Beri helps body release energy from carbohydrates ingested facilitates growth and maintenance of nerve muscle tissues promotes normal appetite when deficient Beri Beri alcoholics are at high risk of thiamin deficiency Beri Beri food sources grains grain products ready to eat cereals pork ham liver milk cheese yogurt rice cereals dried beans nuts during milling process these vitamins are lost are then enriched 1 Wet Beri Beri picture fluid retention build up or have edema 2 Dry Beri Beri more muscular pain Riboflavin Niacin helps body capture use energy released from carbs proteins fats aids in cell division promotes growth tissue repair promotes normal vision deficiencies have red lips cracked on sides of mouth fatigue sources milk yogurt cheese liver poultry fish beefs eggs grains grain products ex dairy products thick dark containers is because sunlight could destroy riboflavin helps body capture use energy released from carbs proteins fats assists in the manufacture of body fats helps maintain normal nervous system functions deficiency that killed over 80k people in South Pellagra group of
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