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COMMUNICATION JANUARY 15 Chapter 1 Communication and the Changing World of Work The Key Question of the Class What kind of communication is needed for survival and success in today s world of work One part of the answer lies in the history of human civilization and socialization It is a history of collaboration communication and organizing Any collaboration with people or groups has required communication and organizing We need to understand how communication and collaboration have evolved in our society to understand today s rules of communication behavior and practices what is the best way to communicate how those rules develop overtime One part of the answer lies in us Our identity and sense of self are functions of our communication and interaction with others As members of our society we identify with the social norms and rules to a certain point our own rules Because of our own rules there is something we are not willing to do Why aren t some people nice to others if even we learn that in an early age Pressure others not nice drop things I usually do Communication with other people can be so challenging Examples why Communication and Cooperation are not easy tasks Different Identities Diverse Worldviews The idea that everything is negotiable and open to Different Personalities interpretation Ex manager sets up rules for employees everybody is cool with those and after a few days people complaining about how these rules are not right for their situations and they do not want to follow it A First Definition of Organizational Communication is the interaction required to direct individuals or a group toward a set of common goals Study Question Do you think that an organization company can define an effective way of internal communication between employees and managers If yes would it also fit for other organizations And could it stay the same over time ex stuff meeting transparent know what others are doing to understand why my part is important for the company The Definition of Effective Communication Constantly Changes Effective communication varies By company or industry Internal structure People involved The culture It must be flexible and dynamic Need to understand what is the company dealing right now what is working what is not working It has to be situated must fit and perishable must go to be effective Note Similar to lifelong learning Ongoing voluntary and self motivated pursuit off knowledge for either personal or professional reasons What is important to know to communicate effectively at work Your co workers and managers Need to care others in order to maintain a good working atmosphere and keep the company operate The organizational structure Processes rules and regulations The external environment of your organization What happens outside changing that change my company To establish effective communication and competitive business processes is not an easy task Many factors influence how people think about work and businesses Study Question Can you imagine how the following world events have changed the way how people think and feel about organizations and their attitudes about work Examples of not effective communication The financial misconduct of companies such as Enron and WorldCom booking of money that was not earned Enron employees The dramatic decline of stock market overrated shares The terrorist attacks of September 11 2001 The latest financial crises not motivate difficult to communicate no interest to cooperate World events change the way how people think and feel Dimensions of loyalty time and space have changed dramatically Loyalty Yesterday a respectable CEO with responsibility for thousands of employees today a prisoner trust trust communicate people adapt to that the disloyalty of company and Time Yesterday a stock of great worth for retirement themselves today recycling paper Space Yesterday on TV civil war on the other side of the world today the fall of the WTC in New York Today people have a greater sense of skepticism toward organizations and how safe their working places are how long will you stay at this company shock Today s Corporations Key Goal Making profit Who makes no profit cannot pay salaries cannot invest in new products cannot advertise products cannot attract investors Competition creates pressure Higher productivity lower costs Changes in society create pressure people care about their natural environment What changes out there that cause work risk Give money back to the society socialism people care about people in the other countries especially the poor People care about democratic principals and freedom even at work Many goals need to fulfill Study Questions What do you think how much profit is enough profit A CEO may earn up to a hundred million dollars a year This may seem unreasonable to some people Profit relate to how much would you want to work how much to devote Globalization Definition the closer integration of the countries and peoples of the world which has been brought about by the enormous reduction of costs of transportation and communication and the breaking down of artificial barriers to the flows of goods services capital knowledge and to a lesser extent people across borders Positive changes Companies can have easier access to new foreign markets with products with investment more customers more money Worldwide innovations international know how standards regulations hire those people in those county and they do good things for our country Negative thing challenge of globalization cheaper labor don t need many employees here anymore Businesses today search the globe for the lowest possible labor costs and move jobs wherever cheap labor can be found Outsourcing The most critical discussed issue of Globalization The worldwide competition about the lowest possible labor costs Buy many products cheaper competition Study Question What arguments speak for pro and against contra that kind of competition Most critical discussed issue of Globalization Pro Companies from developed countries like the us Europe Japan can remain competitive Help for the economies of less developed countries They at least have a job even if they don t earn much money New international customers Attract new customers ex Honda produce in America to attract more people even labor cost here is higher Why they do here Shipping cost especially million stuff Contra country Plant closings and widespread layoffs in the home Questionable labor

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OSU COMM 3325 - Communication and the Changing World of Work

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