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Ryan 1 8 25 15 Anna Ryan tuf39865 temple edu Kinesiology 1223 Notes Introduction Homeostasis A Anatomy and Physiology a Anatomy the science dealing with structure i how things are put together b Physiology the science dealing with function i How the body works c Physiology works the way it does because of how the anatomy of the body is structured Structure dictates function i But Function can modify structure ii The body adapts itself in order to better meet stresses Which is why you can look at a body of different athletes and see how their body changed in order to meet the stresses that come with their occupation 1 Ex swimmers body wider shoulders d Functional Characteristics to Maintain Life 8 i Boundaries ii Movement 1 Body must be able to keep the outside but allow some things but not all to pass through The skin does this job for us iii Responsiveness or Irritability 1 Ability to respond to stress reactions instinct how we survive Ryan 2 1 Chemical process where food is broken down into substances to be used by the body 1 All chemical reactions in the body 1 Body s ability to rid the body of waste and unneeded substances 1 Cell replacement body constantly renovating let cells get to old body starts making mistakes results in cancer iv Digestion v Metabolism vi Excretion vii Reproduction viii Growth i Water ii Food iii Oxygen iv Body Temperature e Environmental Factors necessary to maintain life 4 1 Energy in the form of heat necessary for many body processes 2 Thermo regulate ability to regulate body temperature a We are better than everybody i Dogs and horses have the same of sweat follicles per square inch of skin as us Ryan 3 b Little body hair allows us to thermos regulate better because the sweat does not get caught on body hair also allows us to detect parasites better B Organization a Total body the body is made up of a series of components ranging from simple to complex i Molecules are composed of atoms 1 Molecules is the smallest particle in a chemical element or 2 Atoms basic building block of matter held together by chemical ii Organelles are composed of molecules 1 Organelles are the part or the cell that preforms a function such compound bonds as a nucleus iii Cells have organelles 1 Cells basic structural functional and biological unit of all known living organisms building block of life iv Tissues are made up of cells v Organs are made up of tissues 1 Tissue made of group of cells that preform a common function 1 Organs are complex groups of tissues the preform a common function vi An organ system is a group of organs that preform a common function Ryan 4 1 Ex digestive system vii All of the components are interrelated the body is highly organized which is a shining point of organic life b Homeostasis is a property of a system to keep things stable and constant i The body s ability to stable internal conditions regardless of external ii Doctors look for irregularities in the homeostasis to determine what is conditions is a survival factor wrong with a patient iii Structures the enable the body to maintain Homeostasis 1 Receptor is the body s sensor that moderates the environment and alerts the body to changes that would require a response form the body 2 Integrator acts as the brain reviews the signal sent by the receptor and then tells the effector what to do in response of the environmental change 3 Effector carries out the change ordered by the integrator c Negative Feedback Loop abnormal values trigger mechanism that returns the system to normal values keeps a variable close to set point i most of the body works on negative feedback d Positive Feedback Loop self amplifying change can be very dangerous for the body i Ex childbirth contractions blood clotting Ryan 5 e Gradient a difference in chemical concentration electrical change physical pressure temp or other variable from between one from another i Down the gradient when a variable in a high concentration moves to an area of low ii Up the gradient opposite i Disturbs homeostasis f Stress any stimulus that creates an imbalance in the internal environment 1 Mild stressors homeostatic mechanisms can cope 2 Severe need medical intervention medicine Ryan 6 8 27 15 A Describing the body a Anatomical position person stands erect feet flat on floor arms at sides palms up something is i Always assume body is in this position when describing where ii When looking at the heart you must assume that it is your heart and Ryan 7 adjust according b Description terms i Anterior ventral front ii Posterior dorsal back iii Supra superior above iv Inferior below v Medial closer to mid line vi Lateral closer to outside vii Proximal closer to point or origin limbs viii Distal farther away from point of origin limbs ix Superficial closer to surface x Deep closer to inside xi Ipsilateral same side ex eyes xii Contralateral opposite side ex ears xiii Cranial toward the head xiv Caudal toward the tail trunk xv Visceral inner part xvi Partial pertain to walls of a cavity c Sections of the body i Axial a Skull b Hyoid bone Ryan 8 a Under skull helps breathing c Vertebral canal spine d Ribs e Sternum middle chest bone connects ribs ii Appendicular a Pectoral girdle scapula shoulder blades and clavicles b Upper and lower extremities arms and legs c Pelvic girdle hip bone d Body Cavities i Ventral body cavity diaphragm separates a Thoracic cavity heart and lungs b Cranial body cavity ii Abdominopelvic cavity a Abdominal cavity stomach liver spleen gallbladder small and most of large intestine b Pelvic Cavity end of large intestine bladder reproductive organs e Body Planes i Sagittal separates the left and right sides of the body Ex Mid sagittal goes down the symmetry line ii Frontal coronal Plane separates the front and back of the body iii Transverse plane separates the top and the bottom of the body going through the waist B Chemistry of life Ryan 9 a Elements simplest chemical substance cannot be broken down Periodic table of elements composed of molecules b Minerals inorganic elements that are extracted from the soil by plants and make their way up to the food chains by the food chain c Molecule chemical particles composed of two or more atoms united by a chemical bond covalently i Isomers same chemical formula but are structured differently d Compound two or more atoms of different elements bonded together e Atoms simplest particle electrically neutral made up of elements f Isotopes are variations of elements that differ only

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