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1 is are combinations of hardware software and telecommunications networks that people build and use to collect create and distribute useful data typically in organizational settings a Technology b Business c Routers d Information systems 2 Which executive level person is responsible for overseeing and managing the organization s information systems a Chief Technology Officer b MIS Project Manager c Chief Information Officer d Chief Operations Officer 3 A n is a report which tells your vendors what your requirements are and invites them to provide information about how they might be able to meet your requirements a Proposition b RFP c Proforma d Purchase order 4 A system that provides periodic and pre defined reports summarizing information stored in the organization is a a Transaction processing system b Customer integrated system c d Management information system e Executive support system Intranet 5 A database is composed of information only information and procedures that act on that information two dimensional tables or files information and the logical structure of the information a b c d e none of the above 6 Which of the following is NOT an ADVANTAGE of a database management system DBMS a Avoids unnecessary data duplication b Ensures integrity of data c d Helps decision making in a unstructured problem solving environment e Ensures physical independence of data Incorporates logical relationships among the data elements 7 A good method to identify one more business processes that are valuable to an organization and therefore require IT support is a Evaluating Porter s Five forces model b Choosing a Value discipline c The Just in time method d Analyzing the value chain e none of the above Part II The following questions require short precise answers 1 Boston Soup Sandwich BSS is a company in New England that makes bread and ready to mix soup packages The head office in Boston has a large IBM computer that supports the computing needs for all its departments Each department sales manufacturing personnel marketing shipping distribution creates its own set of files that contain that department s data and stores it on this IBM computer BSS has identified that each department can access its own information files and nothing else BSS wants to improve the structure of information in the organization What would you recommend as the best structure for processing and storing information in BSS 6 points Why 8 points A single enterprise wide database to Eliminate duplication of data and storage Facilitate knowledge sharing across department boundaries Support cross functional business processes 2 Explain Merv Griffin s business strategy 5 points Discuss the role played by IT in this strategy 10 points Its strategy is to use information about its customers to increase business volumes while at the same time implement a tighter control of related costs IT will provided the capabilities needed to systematically collect customer related data permit the sharing of customer data across the organization Part III Longer essay question 1 If you visit Barnes and Nobles Bookstore at BU and buy a product for example IS 323 text the store clerk scans the book on the scanner Scanning the bar code shows the price of the product to the customer and captures the sales data at the point of sale for the store The sales data are captured for all the products that you buy such as folders notebooks pencils pens tables chairs etc and for all other customers like you that buy products at the store Barnes and Nobles is an organization and we know that organizations may have many types of information systems Focus on the following three information system types a A Transaction Processing System TPS b A Management Information System MIS and c An Electronic Data Interchange system EDI Part A Provide one example for each type on how that information systems might help the bookstore use the sales data collected Your answer should specify how each information system would utilize these data in Barnes and Nobles 15 points Part B What are your suggestions for managing the enormous amount of sales data collected 5 points A TPS example use sales transactions to update in store inventory records MIS example use sales history to generate reports on popular items and other EDI example support a pull inventory system to generate orders to replenish sales trends inventory as it s sold B Store sales data in a single high performance data base Archive old sales data

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