02 16 2015 Exam 5 EC answer grinch Key Neurotransmitters Acetylcholine Ach o rapidly destroyed by Ach esterase o Cognition behavior glands and organs Biogenic amines o Dopamine issues with parkisons o Norepinephrine o Serotonin Impacts mood and behavior o Histamine During spring when pollen is out this activates nose o Brainstem and hypothalamus o Consciousness histamines mood serotonin endocrine regulation histamine dopamine Amino Acids some excitatory others inhibitory Neuropeptides 2 aa s endocrines and paracrines Nervous System Central Brain S C Peripheral efferent afferent Efferent PNS autonomic automatic something that happens on its own and Somatic can think about and change skeletal muscles conscious thought and activity Sympathetic Parasympathetic o Autonomic Somatic Both send signals from CNS to effector cells FIGURE 6 46 Somatic Neuron one Autonomic two Result EXCITES can only tell when muscles can contract Excites inhibit Innervates Skeletal muscle Smooth muscles cardiac muscles glands GI neurons Autonomic Nervous System Purpose regulate automatic visceral responses Method o Two opposing systems gas brakes o Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic Most effectors innervated by both Cluster of cells ganglia not nucleus b c cell body has to be outside CNS Preganglionic cell body in CNS always receives stimulus vs postganglionic always talks to effector neuron Parasympathetic vs Sympathetic Why do these ganglion have to be in two locations Function Sympathetic Ganglion Location Spinal cord Pre neurotransmitter ACh Post neurostransmitter Norepinephrine Epinephrine Parasympatheti c Effector Organ ACh ACh Fight or flight gas Rest or regroup brake o Sympathetic subcategory Adrenal medulla inner part of adrenal gland d Ganglion that releases to plasma Epinephrine and norepinephrine aka adrenaline Distant organs Parasympathetic vs Sym FIGURE 6 44 Contract Pupil o Decrease cardiac output o Contract Bronchioles o Increase gut motility Dilate Pupil o Increase cardiac output o Relax bronchioles o Lower gut motility Sensory Nervous System CNS Purpose detect and relay info about environment around you to the Stimulus receptor afferent neuron s Pressure Afferent axon terminal s Generate AP s Or specialized cells Temperature Specific to stimulus type Convey info to CNS Light Produce receptor potentials Sound Chemical 02 16 2015 02 16 2015
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