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Control of ventilation Brainstem medulla oblongata o Respiratory rhythm generator RRG Sets ventilation rate Inputs to set ventilation rate 1 Pacemaker potentials Set pace of ventilation rate RRG works off of this rate 2 Chemoreceptors If chemical factors are off the chemoreceptors can change it to the ventilation rate 3 Pulmonary stretch receptors Make sure you do not put too much air in the lungs Saves them from exploding Created from very set manor Stimulates skeletal muscles contract expansion inspiration Stimulates diaphragm on bottom intercostals on sides Creates our inhale No stimulation relax rebound expiration If we have a very large inhale heavy exercise Pattern from RRG Chemoreceptors for Po2 Pco2 and H o Impact of Po2 Threshold at 60 We stop We are expanding so long Pulmonary stretch receptors activate and tell us we cannot inhale anymore Causes inhibition of motor neurons o Even if we are consciously trying to expand our lungs further we are impacting motor neuron which does not allow us o A reason we do not do rescue breathing for CPR anymore can risk taking an adult size breath and put it into a child size lungs and blowing them out The majority of the blood in the body is attached to hemoglobin about 100 60 is the number where we see that hemoglobin cannot hold on to oxygen anymore But CR only bind free oxygen Ventilation rate does not change bc we have no way of registering it So we see no response with o Changes in hemoglobin s affinity for oxygen o Q of the week raise carbon dioxide level carbon monoxide replaces oxygen temperature pH DPG We will not see a change in ventilation rate o Anemias occur o Do not have change in ventilation rate do not breathe any harder Losses of Hb Need more sensitivity CO2 and H Impact of Pco2 Main system for determining ventilation rate amount of CO2 in the blood If you turn up co2 then you will breathe more Sensitive to small changes Dominant one that sets ventilation rate Hyper and hypo ventilation But o High levels of CO2 wehre we expect high levels of ventilation rate o Kills critical cel type Neurons When we get up to a certin level of CO2 our neurons die Neurons are what make up RRG if they get killed then nothing can make up the ventilation rate o High levels of CO2 NO VENTILATION Impact of H due to 1 HCO3 2 Anaerobic exercise o Taking out production of co2 we do not have krebs or electron transport so our glycolysis creates lactic acid o Create lots of H and anaerobic exercise creates metabolic acidosis o Creates acid that needs to be replaced o Creates a basic situation called metabolic alkalosis 3 Vomiting o Tied to energy creation component metabolism o The brain tries to do anaerobic exercise enter metabolic acidosis brain says you are tired brain still cannot get rid of acid individual vomits lowers amount of H Blood pH is messed up Hypoxia Deficiency of oxygen in the tissues Types of hypoxia o Hypoxic o Anemic o Ischemic Not getting enough O2 in the lung area or the alveolar sacs We might not have access to the flow Trachea is blocked and cannot get enough air in Normal amount of oxygen into alveoli but not enough total O2 Do not have the correct transportation All anemias are causing anemic hypoxia Blood flow too low to deliver sufficient O2 If we get enough oxygen in we have to move it from the lungs to the tissues we have to have a properly working heart If we prevent flow to the brain A stroke is ischemic brain cells die Deliver normal amount of oxygen to the cells but tissues are unable to use it o Histotoxic If we have something that damages mitochondria or cells that help with electron transport chain we have histotoxic hypoxia Cyanide cannot allow tissues to stay in aerobic Have too much of an ATP need to have all cells stay in anaerobic Renal system Kidneys Filtering place of the blood Functions o Primary function to regulate water and ions Make sure they stay in appropriate range o Others Removes metabolic wastes and foreign chemicals and toxins If incorrect things get into blood alcohol Huge problem for pharmaceutical industry They create drugs if you take a pill most of it gets secreted Need to give you a pill so you can have enough doing its job while the rest gets filtered out from the kidneys Gluconeogenesis during fasting The making of new sugar If were fasting we are not ingesting sugars and need to get there from some place so we can run our cell metabolism Endocrine and enzyme production RBC synthesis erythropoietin When oxygen level drops Ca regulation 1 25dihydroxyvitamin D Regulation of blood pressure through sodium level balance Urine formation renin Want to create product of urine Basic process filter blood and return good o Status depends on what is good If you are overhydrated water is not in good category o Formed in kidney subunits called nephrons In cortex and medulla Cortex outer medulla inner o Renal pelvis ureters urinary bladder urethra All nephrons create filtration process and is pulled into the ureters 2 kidneys 2 ureters Ureters flow into urinary bladder Micturition How we urinate empty the bladder Muscles in play o Ureters smooth muscles o Bladder smooth muscles control parasympathetic NS o Internal urethral sphincter IUS smooth muscle control sympathetic NS Create urine in bulk amount bc sympathetic nervous system is holding it closed and letting it filled up External urethral sphincter skeletal m Blood flow in Kidneys spaces between epithelial cells so that things can leak like a coffee maker still has to go through the body fenestrated capillaries filtering whatever isn t filtered goes out Efferent efferent arteriole not venule NEPHRON ANATOMY Glomerulus key spot that gets stuff out of the blood Bowman s capsule catches what goes out through the openings afferent arteriole fenestrated capillary E goes out via efferent arteriole SIZE MATTERS based on size of protein collects filtrate where X proteins X glucose amino acids urea ions if oxygen is small enough it can go through these openings but majority of it doesn t end up in urine because it s bound to something bigger that can t go through the openings Hb issue drugs they give you come right out of urine and don t help can make drugs bigger or attach something bigger to it so that it can t leave not X proteins can leave 110 all about size like coffee filter what comes through is small enough to make it through the hole what s small enough to go between epithelial cells glucose amino acids ions waste products urea breakdown

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OSU EEOB 2520 - Control of ventilation

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