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12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Exam 2 Deck Exam 2 Deck Stacy Lu Sat Dec 27 18 24 02 CST 2014 Evolutionary motivated to behave in ways that enhance survival motives naturally selected to optimize reproduction survival Instinct innate unlearned universal biological behavior pattern Drive Reduction Theory PUSH GOAL OF DRIVE REDUCTION HOMEOSTASIS Incentive Theory PULL Incentive external goal that can motivate behavior external stimuli regulate motivational states emphasizes environmental factors Intrinsic motivated to do act for its own sakeDO IT B C YOU LIKE IT Drive organism engages in activities to REDUCE DISCOMFORT from internal tension have to satisfy basic needs in order to survive driven to satisfy uncomfortable body stages Extrinsic reinforcements punishments the act may bring AVOID PUNISHMENTSCARED OF CONSEQUENCES Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow behavior influenced by ranked needs motives 1 Self Actualization most complex 2 Esteem Needs3 Love Belonging Needs4 Safety Needs5 Physiological Needs most basic Central State Theory of Drives different drives correspond to neural activity in different sets of neurons Central Drive System set of neurons that regular ALL behaviors HYPOTHALAMUS likely source of all drives Regulatory Drive preserve homeostasis e g hunger Nonregulatory Drive does not preserve homeostasis e g sex Hunger Bio REGULATORY DRIVE supply body with fuel to function survive https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326057 note true 1 10 12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Exam 2 Deck feel hunger when stomach 60 empty feeling full depends on CALORIC DENSITY APPETITE CONTROL CENTER HYPOTHALAMUS Arcuate Nucleus neurons that regulate appetite weight Appetite Stimulating Neurons I M HUNGRY promote effects with being hungry Appetite Suppressing Neurons STOP EATING promote effects with cessation of eating Glucostatic Hypothesis levels of blood glucose signal body s need for food Insulin hormone secreted by pancreas to help cells take glucose from blood HUNGER DEPENDS ON GLUCOSE IN BLOOD Lipostatic Hypothesis lipid levels in blood signal body s need for food Leptin hormone produced by fat cells to tell hypothalamus about fat storage APPETITE SUPPRESSANT HUNGER DEPENDS ON LIPIDS IN BLOOD Hunger Environmental availability of food related cues conditioned to eat certain times EAT OUT OF HABIT NOT NECESSITY dining with others peer pressure self conscious about eating not paying attention to intake cultural norms special events dictate eating Stress Eating only short term benefits reduce stress by eating something I like tend to eat more than normal amount guilt later Brain Mechanisms Controlling Sleep Suprachiasmatic Nucleus in HYPOTHALAMUS acts on internal clock for sleep wake light synchronizes internal clock with light dark cycle Preservation Protection Theory https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326057 note true 2 10 12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Exam 2 Deck sleep preserves energy protection during part of day with least amount of danger hidden protected from predators other dangers CONSERVE ENERGY INCREASE SAFETY Body Restoration Theory body needs sleep to recover from wear tear growth hormone for body repair secreted at higher rate muscles relaxed metabolic rate down Brain Maintenance Theory sleep may maintain brain circuits solidify new info regular exercise for groups of neurons amount of sleep dependent on each individual sleep deprivation reduces performance Sexual Motivation nonregulatory drive not necessary to live Sexual Scripts cognitive influence stereotyped patterns of expectancies for sexual behavior Factors Affecting Degree of Sexual Motivation apparent willingness of potential partner perception of safety danger presence absence of conditioned stimuli for sexual experience concerns about long term consequences Male Sex Drive Bio Hormone TESTOSTERONE testes Medial Preoptic Area in hypothalamus neurons sustain sex drive more self confidence more testosterone fluctuating testosterone levels affect aggression competitiveness Male Sex Drive Non Bio Conquest Sexual Script Female Sex Drive Bio get it in man s needs woman s needs more sex more confidence success Hormone ESTROGEN PROGESTERONE ovaries Ovarian Cycle does NOT control drive some influence on motivation https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326057 note true 3 10 12 27 2014 Female Sex Drive Non Bio Romantic Sexual Script long term sexual strategy more emotional investment attachment StudyBlue printing of Exam 2 Deck Arousability capacity to become sexually aroused by appropriate stimuli Proceptivity motivation to seek out initiate sexual activity even when stimuli not present Sex Societies 1 Permissive open discussion about sex available sex ed SEX IS NORMAL2 Semi Restrictive pre marital sex not accepted exposure to sexual content SEX IS BAD BUT OKAY USA 3 Restrictive sex only accepted in marriage very strict rules SEX IS PRIVATE Components of Sexual Orientation Sexual Romantic Attraction attracted to which sex Sexual Behavior sexual acts with which sex Sexual Identity description of self hetero gay lesbian bi Fraternal Birth Order Effect more older brothers more likely man is gayhomosexuality increases with number of prior male offspring produced by biological mother Concordance proportion of twins who exhibit characteristic when other twin exhibits characteristic Sexuality Women vs Men women more flexible with orientation experiences in life more likely to influence orientation more capable of switching orientation any time in life hypothalamic cell cluster smaller in gay men Prenatal Effects androgens marinate brain masculinize de feminize prenatal environment genes influence orientation Conversion Reparative Therapy intervention designed to change sexual orientation assumes homosexuality is mental disease IT IS NOT A DISEASE high drop out right not effective Sensory Adaptation decreased sensitivity to unchanging stimulus Transduction https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326057 note true 4 10 12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Exam 2 Deck conversion of energy from environment into form of energy brain can understand Sensory Receptors produce electrical changes to initiate neural impulses in sensory neurons in response to physical stimuli Analgesia inability to feel pain Belief Induced Analgesia PLACEBO EFFECT expectations personality mood gender Treating Pain Stress Induced Analgesia outside stimuli distract from feeling of pain endorphins

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OSU PSYCH 1100H - Exam 2 Deck

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