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The War of 1812 1812 1815 At the end of Jefferson s 2nd term he is going to name his successor James Madison President James Madison 1809 1817 James Madison 4th President of the United States Democratic Republican One of the reasons Madison wins is because the Federalists can t find anyone else who can beat him Two patterns are established concerning who becomes president s precedents 1 Presidents come from Virginia The only exception so far is James Madison who s from Massachusetts 2 The position of Secretary of State becomes the stepping stone towards presidency James Madison was Thomas Jefferson s Secretary of State Causes of the War of 1812 Settlers in the northwest wanted Canada How is this relevant Idk Tenskwatawa and Tecumseh Both were half brothers from a Native American group named Shawnee Tenskwatawa was known as The Prophet These two were important because they were leaders of a joint Indian movement made up of various tribes Goals of the Indian movement To reject white encroachment intruding on their land They are going to encourage other Indians to reject resist anything related to They tried to convince the tribes to tear up their contracts that they had white culture negotiated with the whites Headquarters HQ Prophetstown In 1811 a guy named William Henry Harrison future 9th President of the US governor of the Indiana territory is going to lead a group of white men to attack Prophetstown The attack is known as the Battle of Tippecanoe defeat both Tenskwatawa and Tecumseh William Henry Harrison and his men are going to be successful and After the defeat from the Battle of Tippecanoe Tecumseh is going to lead small raids on the whites Problem Tecumseh is going to get resources from the British The Americans Wanted Canada because the British were supporting the Native American raids in the Great Lakes region If you cut off the Native American s resources from Canada you could stop the war American settlers who owned slaves wanted Florida Slaves in southern states were escaping to Florida Florida at the time was controlled by Spain American sailors were still being impressed forced into British service for their navy Neutrality between England and France had failed Still trying to be neutral American nationalism was starting to emerge The longer that England and France ignored American the more they wanted to impress and prove themselves to them Trying to confirm their American experiment War Hawks Henry Clay John C Calhoun War Hawks Individuals who wanted to go to war wanted to prove themselves to the rest of the world They wanted to succeed and establish America once and for all War of 1812 lacking British At first President James Madison is going to resist going to war All the things needed to be successful in going to war is what America is Not prepared for war and they lack a Navy James Madison is forced to declare war June 1812 Madison is going to receive a declaration of war to declare on the War of 1812 against the British has begun Early on the US is largely unsuccessful because They were not prepared to go to war They re not even fighting the best British army and the US still isn t winning Most of the battles were naval The US lacked a navy The British capture Washington DC and light the White House on fire Washington D C 1814 Battle of Baltimore 1814 The British then march to Baltimore which is defended by Fort McHenry The Star Spangled Banner poem is written here by Francis Scott Key Key is writing what he sees is going on at Fort McHenry British and Americans send negotiators to Ghent Belgium Napoleon French is defeated in 1814 The Hartford Convention 1814 Radical Federalists against Madison call a meeting aka the Hartford Convention 1814 James Madison DR They are political enemies of Madison They secretly discuss secession and making their own peace treaty with the British Treaty of Ghent 1814 Christmas Eve 1814 Ends War of 1812 Britain agree to negotiate land disputes in the future Despite the status quo America is still going to claim victory Battle of New Orleans January 1815 Andrew Jackson and his American army is going to fight the British The Americans are victorious This was America s first major military victory The War of 1812 was already over but news traveled slowly Timeline of Events Hartford Convention December 1814 Treaty of Ghent Christmas Eve 1814 Battle of New Orleans January 1815 Delegates from the Hartford Convention arrive in Washington DC at the same time news of Andrew Jackson s victory Battle of New Orleans reaches the city February 1815 Thought they were pretty exceptional for the victory The Federalists are going to become synonymous with being unpatriotic disunion treason being un American Results of the War of 1812 Pre war land boundaries The British were forced to withdraw New generation of leaders They are the people that follow War Hawks are going to rise James Monroe John C Calhoun John Quincy Adams Henry Clay Martin Van Buren Andrew Jackson Confirmation of the American experiment Federalist Party was destroyed Very important Because of the timing of everything the political party is going to be destroyed What happened to this party Why did it go away As a result of the Treaty of Ghent Hartford Convention Battle of 1812 etc Era of Good Feelings 1816 1824 Many of the Federalists are going to change political parties to Democratic Republican Now Democratic Republican is the only political party When Federalists stop being Federalists this is the end of the first two party system This period becomes the Era of Good Feelings 1816 1824 because from the outside everyone was on the same team Democratic Republican But it didn t mean everyone was thinking the same essentially James Monroe Becomes 5th President of the United States after James Madison Monroe is president during the Era of Good Feelings This Era refers to the political climate during this time CONCLUSION QUESTIONS Question 1 Why was the War of 1812 fought Was it a success for Americans No it wasn t a success because things about the war didn t get solved But it also was successful because of the removal of the British and new national Question 2 How did the War of 1812 and the events immediately following it help lead to the demise fall of the Federalist Party Start with the slide with timeline of events then expand on that

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