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History 1500 Western Civilization 1 14 2013 Abandon assumptions Religion and politics are not separate Religion as all encompassing vision of world explains not just death but social hierarchy your place in the world nature Vatican as major player in European politics Vast majority illiterate have never left village town religion Reformation is what permanently splits the church Protestants and many other religions become their own sect It is a time of enormous religious turn Martin Luther He was influenced by trends of politics and religion such as Humanism best described as a new style of learning it rediscovered ancient Greek and roman texts such as Socrates etc Humanism was against monasticism comes from the idea of monks living in Gods image and denying pleasures of the human world Luther believed in seeking knowledge and wisdom in the bible It was very rare for individuals to read bibles before Luther Erasmus Believed in Humanism as well The Print revolution First printed book was the bible it weighed 70lbs Printing press eventually makes books cheaper to purchase over time It allowed information to spread faster it allowed texts such as the bible to spread Woodcuts A carved piece of wood pressed onto ink Papacies Vatican had just survived as schism there was two popes at one time because people could not agree on who was going to be the pope People were upset over the distance of the church from the everyday person Sale of indulgences buying your way into heaven You could buy a piece of paper that said you are saved from your sins this was a fundraiser for the church It created corruption and weakness within the church Martin Luther He reformed university curriculum he was a professor In 1517 Luther developed his complaints against the church called 95 theses He says to be a true Christian all you need is faith One of Luthers Key theses Protestant Reformation 01 14 2015 Six distinctive features of Protestant Reformation 1 Insistence on sole authority of scripture 2 Doctrine of salvation by faith alone no good works come into play 3 Sermon over ritual action 4 A priesthood of all believers dignity of lay believer 5 Holy community Whole town or village must share the same beliefs 6 Confessional state Rulers use powers to promote faith Visual propaganda was a big part of society The pope was depicted as a devil figure by protestants Martin Luther starts the protestant reformation but then everyone take his ideas and make it into other things Luther said only baptism and communion should remain all else in the catholic church is irrelevant Some people took Luthers knowledge and said well if Luther says its faith then why do we even need communion Anabaptist these people said that anybody can baptism anyone There was a series of revolts 12 Demands of Peasants 1525 1 2 Control over minister No slavery Economic Rights including common access to rivers woods fields Oppression by Lords laws Luther in no way supported the reforms John Calvin and Calvinism Predestination People are either born into heaven or hell Good works Moral Discipline you need to act as Godly on earth Communal Order everyone in the community needs to belong to the same faith Calvinism was most popular in Geneva Catholic Reformation Counter Reformation Councils of Trent 1545 63 They did not make any reforms in doctrines of the church but they said organizationally we need to crack down on corruption and run a tighter ship Drinking and whoring around was very common A lot of the protestant reformation encouraged an active spiritual engagement with their believers Ignatius Loyola founder of Society of Jesus Jesuits Jesuits were missionaries teachers they would go to central Jesuits America to spread the word of God Index of Banned Books books that were outlawed to print Europe was divided by religious beliefs in the 1600 s Holy Roman empire was made up of 1800 states Some were big and some were small Each state had their own beliefs and were split up accordingly Many people would invade into other states to spread the word of truth and belief of their religion all in the honor of faith small wars started breaking out Charles the 5th Holy Roman Emperor also Emperor of Spanish Emperor He was catholic and very much wanted to convert to Catholicism He announced a Peace of Augsburg 1555 it was meant to say Each prince duke and ruler can decide their faith He wanted to stop battles within faith this included Lutherans Protestants Excluded Calvinism Ruler in each state eyed themselves as the mediator between God and the people French Wars of Religion 1562 1598 Huguenots French Protestants influenced by Calvin vs Catholics usually monarchy 2 4 million die ends with Edict of Nantes 1598 Act of Supremacy 1534 Henry VIII wanted to divorce his first wife so he created his own church so he can have a divorce This was called the Anglican church 01 14 2015

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LSU HIST 1003 - Western Civilization

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