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Exam 2 Study Guide 4 8 2013 Sport in American society Theme 3 or 4th lecture not on exam De Naturalizing the Gendered Sexed Body not just a natural entity but also a physical and social construction The Social and Cultural Construction of the Body ideological formations institutional structures cultural texts cultural practices all influence body Sex and Gender Classifications sex biological gender social Gender Performance and Performativity what we perceive as male female is socially determined not biological communication of gendered selves through physical activity The Hierarchical Gender Binary the historic separtation of men and women in sports men are viewed as better for sports because they are more aggressive Patriarchy and Patriarchal Institutions A system of UNEQUAL gender roles identities and experiences which privilege the position of men i e pope president general doctor The Corporeal Origins of Patriarchy males gained social power through strength aggression and violence women thru beauty and grace Sport as a Performative Gendered and Gendering Institution becoming more male oriented because sport favors strength toughness aggression and violence The Embodied Bases of Masculinity strength toughness aggression and violence The Social and Cultural Construction of the Sporting Active Body ideological formations institutional structures cultural texts cultural practices Gendered Sporting Ideologies Institutions Practices and Texts women are physically inferior to men so they play more gracefully while men play aggressively The Hyper Masculine Centre of American Sport Culture the closer something is to football the more overtly masculine the sport practice is perceived these sports are the largest spectacles of all the sports Physicality and Masculinity go hand in hand The Primary Sources of Masculinity sporting prowess physical aggression sexual conquest The Demands of Hyper Masculine Sport Performance hyper masculine epicenter and gender ambiguous periphery spectators want to see masculine performances because they are thought to be the best in sport The Triad of Sport Related Violence violence against other athletes violence against themselves violence against outsiders Sport Masculinity and the Fear of Social Rejection if you do not fit the ideal image of a masculine image you may face social rejection Sport and Hegemonic Masculinity the commonly accepted and seemingly natural ideals of male form what the male body looks like and male function what the body does what it means to be a man The Process and Practice of Mosaic Masculinity mosaic masculinity when men negotiate masculinity drawing upon pieces of hegemonic masculinity which they have the capacity to perform and piecing them together to redefine and reformulate what masculinity means to them in order to best fulfill their new definition of masculinity so that they dominate their own standards Instrumental Professional Exercising and Representative Masculinities instrumental discipling and modification of male body for masculine sport professional disciplining and modification of the male body for according to hyper masculine structural norms exercising fit and healthy bodies have come to play an increasing role in the informal expression of masculinity for the professional male representative to reinforce male authority power and privilege over women The Homosexual and Able Bodies Centres of Masculine Sport Culture the heterosexual matrix Judith butler Emergent Sporting Masculinities Cosmetic Homosexual and Adaptive Masculinities adaptive men who are physically impaired have redfined masculinity in order for to fit them The Gender Order femininity ideology notion that women should be beautiful thin etc Objectifying controlling the female body to perform gendered roles Females accumulate flexibility poise according to their embodied socialization Gendered Body Performance women construct their bodies as objects to be ecaluated by the external male gaze of society The Myth of Female Frailty Physical Inferiority females are physically inferior to men The Self Disciplining Objectification of Female Bodies Diet weight control exercising hair removal cosmetics dress are all objectify and control the body in order to be seen in accordance with gender norms Gendered and Gendering Disciplinary Institutions family commercial culture media culture sport and exercise culture The Gendering Strength Weakness and Embodied Socialization building masculinity builds strength whereas doing femininity builds weakness Roth Basow 2004 p 247 masculinity muscles femininity flexibility and poise upper body weakness The Traditional Sporting Patriarchy system of unequal gender roles identities and experiences privileged position of men Examples men lax vs women s lax The Olympic Games and Female Advancement Reinvention more and more females participating starting to include boxing and rugby as Olympic events for women Emphasised Femininity Social Power and Constricted Bodies exists at the opposite end in relation to the physicality of HEGEMONIC MASCULINITY Certain sporting forms and bodies that derive from them are considered suitable expressions of emphasized femininity Sources of Emphasised Femininity and Emphasised Sport Performance Body shape and size Body adornment physical activity Physical structure and form physical grace and beauty capacity for physical expression The Codes Expectations of Sporting Emphasised Femininity A body which is petite slender toned yet not overly muscular The Embodied Paradox of Constricted Sporting Emphasised Femininity females must endure the sexualization of their performance as well as the infantilization Embodied Constriction Sexualization and Infantalization Sexualization treating the female body as an object of male desire Infantilization to present treat the female body as a child like state embodied constriction the female body constrained by and shaped according to traditional codes and conventions of female physicality The Female Athlete Triad 1 disordered eating 2 amenorrhea 3 osteoporosis Women can have 1 2 or all 3 of these parts of triad The Psychological and Physiological Consequences of Sporting Constriction unhealthy physical and dietary regimes Instrumental Bodies and Emergent Femininities Invading the Male Preserve of Invasion Games more females are starting to participate in such games consequence of challenging hegemonic perceptions related to the accepted norms of feminine

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