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Key Terms 1 Martin Luther History 1003 Quiz 10 1 a 16th century Changed history humanist monk wrote 95 Theses translated the bible and looked at scriptures as inspiration Humanist movement upset about indulgences and other abuses in the church all you need to be saved is faith very smart and among the elite excommunicated from the church for views ides spread like wildfire wanted to do away with the catholic church and replace it with a different ordering of relations between humans and the divine reformed idea of the essential meaning of Christianity one of history s greatest radicals unlikely candidate to bring about the re formation of the Christian religion 95 Theses 1517 2 a Series of complaints about the church focusing on selling indulgences written by Martin Luther repenting instead of paying for indulgences faith and good works and confession of sins would get you to heaven 3 John Calvin a Second generation of Protestantism believed in predestination promoted strict moral discipline even if you were already predestined promoted idea of communal order first protestant leader to work out ideas about the relationship of church and the state in a systematic way 4 Protestant a Sole authority of scripture salvation with faith alone God already determined moral choices for you opposed to catholic church and teachings and practices 5 Act of Supremacy 1534 a An law passed by parliament that established the monarch as the supreme religious authority in the realm with the right to determine church doctrine and practice Henry VIII passed this and got his own church and claimed all of church lands 6 Peace of Augsburg 1555 a Treaty between protestant and catholic powers that every state in Holy Roman Empire was allowed to develop its own religions as it wishes but either Lutheran or Catholic and suppressed if Calvinist 7 Catholic Reformation Counter Reformation a Catholic resist the spread of Lutheranism Catholics were worried about the future of the catholic church because everyone was leaving i Council of Trent Catholics start meeting together about spread of Lutheranism wanted to heal schism and reunite all Christians in western Europe under the same Church ii Society of Jesus i e Jesuits 1540 go out and bring the teachings to the people activists foot soldiers of catholic reformation became teachers for aristocrats and nobleman 8 French Wars of Religion late 1500s 80 remains catholic but Calvinism is starting to spread Huguenots vs Catholics destruction and a disorder in a prosperous kingdom pushed French monarchy into a period of decline i Huguenots French protestants influenced by Calvin ii Edict of Nantes 1598 compromise of the war Huguenots allowed to keep their faith as long as they don t start another war and overtake the kingdom Protestants and Catholics could coexist within France 9 Little Ice Age cold weather in 17th century a Temperatures dropped and ice fields and glaciers advanced b Countries that are normally warm had freezes some scientists note that there were fewer solar flares some think it had to do with volcanic activity some blame El Nino 10 Thirty Years War 1618 1648 a Most murderous of Europe s conflicts ever sparked intra European hostility unfinished business of religious reformation changing in balance of power monarchs drift towards absolutism culmination of religious warfare destructive for families because armies didn t have supply lines war ended with peace of Westphalia History 1003 Quiz 10 1 11 Absolutism a Ruler want more power for themselves absolute rule had the right to rule without legal opposition to his or her authority claimed state dominance over the churches b Claimed control over church hire better tax collectors raise taxes for army claim divine right dilute power of nobility replace ministers that are directly under your control 12 Louis XIV ruled 1643 1715 70 years a Main example of absolutist king made himself the embodiment of a new kind of state one with its own increasing appetite for power did everything to make France more centralized and in his control built states and prevented the spread of Protestantism 13 Divine Right a Some kings claimed that God alone and not the kingdom s other nobles or advisory assemblies had given them the divine right to rule rulers act of ministers of God doesn t exactly mean the ruler will act morally 14 English Civil War 1642 1651 a Between Roundheads vs Cavaliers b Brings stability to a nation that has not had stability for a while c Parliament given its first little say continue to ask for more say after this point 15 Whigsa Want to exclude James II from the throne because he s Roman Catholic b Opposed James and wish to have Parliament choose a new king c Grow strong in Parliament 16 Toriesa Cavaliers turn into Tories basis of political parties now b Those who made the case for James legitimate succession 17 Old Regime 1600 1800 a Clergy Nobility and Everyone else were the 3 estates b Most common in France but other countries has this too c Most worked on the land and didn t travel more than 5 miles away from home d Hesitant to adopt new ways of thinking thought they should be doing what their ancestors were doing e Whatever estate you were born into you were in 18 Society of Orders Three Estates Clergy Nobility Others a Applies most directly to France Old Regime but most countries had a similar hierarchy subdivision in each estate level you enter determines everything you do in your life taxes political laws marriage where you live wear carry a sword or not clergy had a direct relation to God 19 Serfdoma Tied to the land or a particular place type of slavery but not as extreme no mobility contract that ties you to a particular estate or piece of land along with your children 20 Scientific Revolution a Changed how we know about the world could only become a lawyer doctor or clergy at the time didn t happen in universities but royal academies funded by the royal and Jesuits started up their own colleges through books and letters publishing was important turned away from the bible for knowledge but relied on what they saw messed up biblical understandings of the worlds 21 Rationalism a Descartes the philosopher our senses can deceive us how do we even know the world exists the truth of our existence is our cognition we have reason in ourselves and it lets us know about the world we can ascertain truth through thinking rather than through experimentation and observation b Truth lies in reason logic

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