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History Final Study Guide The exam will have three sections 1 Identifications 20 Of the 20 quotes on the exam review 6 will be on the exam required to choose 4 Need to explain who said it or the source it is from general time period and context significance to the class to get the full 5 points 2 points for correctly identifying the ID who said it where it s from 3 points for correctly saying context and significance why it s important to consumerism and this class the so what 2 Essay 1 40 They will give us three choices from the options on the review you choose 1 to write Must make an argument and support it with evidence Include evidence from lectures readings films any essay that does not include references to the relevant reading will be considered incomplete 3 Essay 2 40 Was the emergence of a consumer culture economy a positive development in American history Must include specific historical examples on which to build argument Can t just rely on feelings or beliefs Include evidence when appropriate from lectures readings films Identifications 20 Please fill in the answers for any that you may know below the quote if we all contribute a few we can get all 20 down to study from I already did 4 5 6 and 20 in blue Remember to include who said it context significance etc 1 For over half a century the automobile has brought death injury and the most inestimable sorrow and deprivation to millions of people A principal reason why the automobile has remained the only transportation vehicle to escape being called to meaningful public account is that the public has never been supplied the information nor offered the quality of competition to enable it to make effective demands through the marketplace and through government for a safe nonpolluting and efficient automobile that can be produced economically a Who By Ralph Nader from a book titled Unsafe at Any Speed in 1965 that a Who Ralph Nader In his book Unsafe at any speed b When 1965 The New Consumers Movement at looking at the faults of industry C Significance because it showed a movement in stressing the importance of consumer protection Book highlighted car companies inability to make cars safe and purposefully not fixing problems because it would be more expensive to fix them than to pay court settlements One car that sparked the popularity of this novel was the Ford Pinto that exploded at crashes over 25mph 2 Wal Mart plays a curiously illustrative role in this jobs phenomenon not just in the creation of low paying jobs and the downward pressure on wages and benefits but also in the export of existing manufacturing jobs to foreign countries offering cheap labor Wal Mart markets itself with a patriotic small town red white and blue advertising motif But Wal Mart s trade practices are anything but small town Indeed Wal Mart conducts international trade in manufactured goods on a scale that can bring down entire nations economies While the red white and blue banners remain long gone are the days when Wal Mart abided by the mottos of Buy American and Bring It Home to the USA In 1995 Wal Mart claimed only 6 percent of its merchandise was imported Today an estimated 50 60 percent of its products come from overseas a Who Congressman George Miller b When 2004 C Significance Wal Mart ruins economies Walmart exports jobs and replaces them with minimum wage and little benefits jobs Shows how people value saving money over affecting people s lives Although Wal Mart supported the Buy America campaign to help prevent Americans from losing their jobs they still outsourced low paying jobs to other countries Also this shows how such big corporations can hold so much power even in todays economy Think about it they hire the best corporate law grads and take them under their corporation They re practically untouchable There s a reason nothing much has been done 3 In a study of McDonald s in the United States the anthropologies Conrad Kottak describes how family members go through the rituals of ordering and eating food it is clear from their actions that Americans feel comfortable and safe in McDonald s I must admit that I was surprised to find a similar set of attitudes prevailing in Taipei where many consumers treat McDonald s as a home away from home Furthermore in many neighborhoods Taiwanese have transformed the essentially foreign setting of McDonald s into a place at once familiar and indigenous a Who David Y H Wu from Wu on Taiwanese McDonald s b When Globalization vs Buying American 1970s and 80s C Significance American Corporations are going to foreign countries and imposing American culture such as Mcdonalds in Taiwan Chinese Taipei Taiwan 4 Thousands of peddlers wander about America young strong men they waste their strength by carrying heavy loads in the summer s heat they lose their health in the icy cold of winter And thus they forget completely their Creator Every day I must ask and importune some farmer s wife to buy my wares a few pennies worth Accursed desire for money it is you that have driven the Bavarian immigrants to this wretched kind of trade a Who A Jewish Peddlar s diary 1842 1843 b When Rise of Immigration era Brought new consumers to america too C Significance Abram shows immigrants had bad jobs not a lot of opportunity when they came to this country shows what peddling life is like for immigrants the difficulty of it shows their lifestyle and why it s important all of that stuff about their life sucking America isn t as promising as people had thought it would be Other types of peddlers would give them bad name such as Medicine Men 5 Some of the stories that traders told were quite simple advertisements that put forward as qualifications accounts of past work through which buyers could view a certain future first rate cotton picker experienced drayman cooper carpenter cook nurse and so on And some were more detailed in the words of a slave trader s handbill Bill Negro man aged about 28 years excellent servant and good pastry cook From Walter Johnson chapter 4 or soul by soul talking about how they made up stories for slaves to make them more appealing on the slave market turned people into commodities marketing goods so more people will consume shows importance of early advertising and marketing techniques slaves were consumer products important ones Excellent cotton picker or whatever Careful This text was written recently in 2000 s It s an analysis of the slave market Don t say it was written in 19th century a

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UMD HIST 289R - History Final Study Guide

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