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Buying and Selling two syllabi on elms 18th CENTURY Native Americans available to trade with By 18th century Native Americans were so much like the colonists due to the trade women had to give up their valuables women home spinning making things in loo of britain s items colonists were dependent on britan so they began to tax them colonists mad about importation taxes because they re british too founding fathers just mad they weren t getting good things from britian not just mad b c of the independence colonies weren t producing anything colonists gave up everything that were taxed by Britain right after the revolution colonists need to start producing on their own 19TH CENTURY Market revolution American system free produce non intercourse rebel consumerism from consumers to producers Early 19th Century Americans mostly rural not as much stuff per person few clothing or little items like silverware could buy simple things in country general stores not as much cash used either make a tab or exchange w other goods Market Revolution 1800 1860 internal improvements and innovations transportation communication maunufacturing production canals and steamboats were used important was Erie Canal railroads were invented telegraph invented interchangable parts to make products you could hire unskilled parts and its faster so that American System interchangeable parts Mills and factories impact home goods cheaper uniformity of goods nationwide people can get luxury items cheaper and more easily people start using cash more people relying on eachother across the country more pedlers middle men who went between urban and rural areas to bring goods back and forth bad rap for salesmen Medicine men like pedelers who would entertain the people and tell them that their products to fix many ailments sweenytodd bad reputation as well sometimes had freak shows to gain more money circus like Antebellum North wider variety of goods and work in the north wage labor Set price with set amount of time factories that don t need skilled labors Antebellum South cotton Jen able to produce cotton much more easily cotton textiles King Cotton severe increase of cotton production and wealth slaves not wage labor most valuable property in south owning slaves could change your social class higher likely slave physically fit young and well tempered Free produce movement tried to boycott slavery by having products not made by slaves failed due to verifying goods as not made by slaves and trying to change peoples thoughts Non intercourse Consumerism boycotting northern goods and promotion south industry and home manufacture Impact of the 19th century boycotts laid the groundwork for future consumer activism different form 18th cen Boycotts nonimportation homespun because they acknowledged the need for consumer goods and advocated for alternative purchases buycotts instead of simply boycotting goods Argued that it was CONSUMERS not merchants or producers that had the real power and responsibility to change impact the economy The Civil War Northern Homefront Large Population extensive transportation networks and booming industry by the Civil War able to equip and transport its soldiers and provide for its citizens on the homefront FINISH Sanitary Fair women organized them to have marketers sell their products and make some profit for their soldiers Southern Homefront depended largely on Northern goods Lacking adequate industry transportation networks and military equipment smaller population than north crisis of consumerism Confederate Homespun women making their own clothes and items women eventually gave up because they were suffering and starving to death 2 5 INDUSTRIALIZATION THE GILDED AGE AND CONSUMERISM Conspicuous Consumption Gilded age rich become richer and the poor become poorer huge class differential factories are able to start coming into the cities due to the presence of electricity Businesses are getting bigger horizontal integration buying out your competitors fewer choices vertical integration control everything from production to consumption Animal s whole bodies are used for consumption consumers spend less on their products producers make more money because of the more product potential Population in cities growing at rapid rates and are crowded into tenements mostly immigrant neighborhoods unfulfilling jobs but consumption in the cities made satisfaction wanted to consume to create a new identity wear American clothes and seem American Rich families showed their power by how they displayed their wealth CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION buying things to make sure others know and see it New Port Rhode Island was a major area for extravagant summer houses worry of narcissism discussion market revolution everyone working on their own farms to canals and railroads and shops with 20 workers industrial revolution market revolution on heroine Slavery in south sellers would make the slaves seem better to sell they categorized them to de humanize them and make them comparable nation wide slaves can boost your status can move with you earn you money but they have feelings that can backfire on the buyer slaves could act bad or good when sold depending on what they wanted to be seen peddlers bad reputations bringing items to rural areas from cities mainly Jewish immigrants 2 10 14 The Progressives and Consumer Protection Progressives tried to respond to the effects of industrial revolution want things to be safer for workers and consumers Consumer movement 1900 1915 major progressive tactics regulation of industry consumer protection laws and organizing positive buying campaigns to help businesses with good records on worker safety and product safety Upton Sinclair wrote the Jungle shows how the meat is produced and the workers meat inspection Act1906 for slaughtered beef and the safety of the consumers and the food that they re eating big businesses liked this because they could afford the regulation changes pure food and drug act1906 if your product makes someone sick then you can no longer manufacture it and the labels must be truthful on products or be fined Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire hundreds of women died when locked in factory when fire starts National Consumers League movement by progressives to buy products only made from safe conditions White label is given to companies who are investigated by NCL that pass rewarding those who are doing good Buycott consumer power as a political tool 2 12 Selling in

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