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3 30 15 Nutrition Week 11 Exam 4 15 Carbohydrates Classification of Carbohydrates Simple Carbohydrates Galactose Fructose Monosaccharaides 1 sugar unit aren t attached w anything carbon hydrogen oxygen ratio 1 2 1 hexose sugars have 6 carbon atoms abundant forms in food structure of monosaccharides on PPT Glucose bodies prefer as sole source photosynthesis provide cells with source of energy can be converted into protein amino acids can be stored as fat if too much preferred or sole energy source nervous system red blood cells storage as glycogen food sources in everything because it s cheap high fructose corn syrup consumption almost 35 lbs per person a year roles in the body Disaccharides 2 sugar units two monosaccharides bonded together common disaccharides Lactose milk sugar galactose glucose Sucrose table sugar fructose glucose Maltose glucose glucose Oligosarrrarides 3 10 sugar units how they connect is by glycocidic bonds every time it gets longer longer another will attach food sources Raffinose Stachyose roles in the body undigested in the body Complex Carbohydrates many monosaccharides bonded together most common types Glycogen Polysarracrides 10 sugar units stored in liver skeleteal mucles more branched amylopectin highly branched arrangement of glucose broken down quickly for energy carbohydrate loading sources right before athletic performance Starch Amylose linear glucose chain Amylopectin more branches arranged of glucose often added to food texture stability Dietary Fiber health benefits cardiovascular disease cholesterol obesity type 2 diabetes digestive health prevent constipation diverticular disease small intestine doesn t digest it promotes growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria dissolves swells in water oat barley multigrain reduce glucose levels insoluble for constipation diverticular disease Nonsugar Sweeteners pregnant women are told not to consume more than 2 nonsugar products day just because they don t know the effects on baby sometimes they combine these different types Saccharin ex Sweet Low first on market taken off because after research it was causing gullbladder cancer on mice diabetics love it because it s very heat stable can go in any products not bad aftertaste to humans we don t have same outcomes as mice so they put it back on market Sweet Low Sucralose Splenda Stevia ex Truvia Aspartame PKU we are all tested for it when we re born if you have high levels of phinomalonine amino acid means your body can t break this down it stays elevated in blood causing brain damage comes from sunflower seed plant Potassium Acesulfame K Sugar Alcohols Complex Carbohydrates Sorbitol mannitol xylitol in gum we often consume high sugar gums How are Carbohydrates digested absorbed circulated in the body ultimate goal of digestion starch digestion salivary a amylase dextrin s begins in mouth small intestine pancreatic a amylase maltase a dextrinase disaccharide digestion small intestine lactose intolerance disaccharides sucrose lactase maltase

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Carbohydrates

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