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EXAM 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 The Science of Psychology Psychology scientific study of behavior and mental processes philosophy What does it mean to be scientific Empirical approach gaining knowledge through observations collections Unbiased Critical thinking asking questions Behavior natural things we do that can be observed Mental processes thoughts feelings that is experienced privately not observable Goals of Psychology Describe explain predict and control behavior Structuralism basic elements of mental processe what is the mind History Wilhelm Wundt German Reaction time Introspection Gestalt Psychology William James John Watson Functionalism functions purposes of the mind behavior to the environment Behaviorism physically observed behavior of people animals Little Albert Experiment Psychology Today Biological focusing on brain nervous system Behaviorism physically observed behavior of people animals Psychodynamic unconscious thoughts early childhood experiences Humanistic persons positive qualities for growth freedom Cognitive think remember store and use information Evolutionary natural selection adaptation and evolution of behavior Sociocultural social interactions of behavior mental processes around the world Scientific Method Steps of the scientific method observe form H test H conclusions results Research Methods Descriptive Correlational Experimental Descriptive research describing phenomenon Naturalistic Observation natural behavior Case Study study on one person in depth Surveys Correlational Research relationships between 2 variables Cannot determine cause effect Characteristics Strength Strong vs Weak Direction Positive Correlations Negative correlations Correlation Coefficients r Experimental Research manipulates variables holding factors constant Can determine cause effect Operational Definitions measure and observation of variables Independent variable vs Dependent variable Experimental group actual vs Control group placebo Chapter 2 The Brain and Behavior Nervous system body s electrochemical communication system What is electrochemical communication system Behavioral Neuroscience how NS affects controls behavior Electrochemical transmission Electrical impulse and chemical message Organization of the nervous system Central Brain Hindbrain medulla functions cerebellum balance pons sleep Midbrain tectum tegmentum visuals R Formation arousals Forebrain Limbic Sys amygdala fear anxiety Spinal Cord hippoC learning memory hypot body regulation Thalamus sensory Basal Ganglia Cere Cortex Frontal prefrontal motor Parietal somatosensory Temporal auditorial Occipital visual Peripheral connects brain and SC to parts of body Autonomic takes messages monitors heart rate digestion Sympathetic activates when aroused for action Parasympathetic inhibits after being relaxed Somatic relays on info for responses functions muscles Sensory Motor Neurophysiology of the Peripheral Nervous system Autonomic nervous system involuntary motor system Somatic convey information to CNS pain temperature Sympathetic fight or flight Parasympathetic calm Sensory info Voluntary movement Neurophysiology of the Brain Hindbrain structures Medulla vital functions Pons sleep and arousal Cerebellum balance and coordination Midbrain structures Tectum and Tegmentum visual reflexes Reticular formation arousal Brainstem Medulla pons and reticular formation Forebrain structures The limbic system emotions and memory Amygdala fear and anxiety Hippocampus learning and memory Hypothalamus body regulation The Thalamus sensory relay station Basal Ganglia movement The Cerebral Cortex Right vs left hemispheres Contralateral organization The corpus callosum connects right left hemispheres 4 lobes Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex higher cognitive thinking Motor cortex Temporal lobe Auditory cortex Parietal lobe Somatosensory cortex Occipital lobe Visual cortex Viewing the brain Imaging the brain Computerized Tomography CT scans Uses multiple x rays Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI Uses large magnetic fields and radio frequency waves Measuring activity in the brain Electroencephalogram EEG Measures surface brain activity through the skull Positron Emission Tomography PET scan Measure radioactive glucose uptake Functional MRI Images the brain AND shows activity Uses oxygen uptake Parts of a Neuron Cell body Dendrites receive messages Axon conducts message Myelin sheath speeds up message Terminal buttons releases chemical messages The Neural Impulse Resting Membrane potential no action potential More negative inside axon than the outside 70 mV Na ions attracted to negative charge inside Na channels in axon membrane are closed Action Potential Wave of positive charge that sweeps down the axon Threshold minimum stimulation needed to open Na channels Step 1 Na rushes in Step 2 K repelled by positively charged Na ions Step 3 K rushes out This process travels down the axon Refractory period nerve muscle is unresponsive All or none law nerve will only give complete response to exceeded threshold potential Synaptic Transmission Synaptic gap space between neurons where N impulse is transmitted Step 1 Action potential reaches terminal buttons Step 2 Terminal buttons release neurotransmitters into the synapse Synaptic vesicles stores neurotransmitters Step 3 Neurotransmitters bind to dendrites receptors on neighboring cells Receptors cell responsible for stimulus transfer Excitatory Synapse action potential increases vs Inhibitory synapse NA comes in Elimination of Neurotransmitter from synapse Enzymatic degradation removing excess NT with enzymes Reuptake absorption by a presynaptic nerve ending of neurotransmitter Chemicals in the Brain Endogenous within Exogenous outside Agonist Drugs vs Antagonist Drugs Neurotransmitters Acetylcholine ACh Movement learning and memory Diseases problems associated with Ach Drugs that affect ACh Dopamine DA Movement attention short memory planning reward Diseases problems associated with DA Drugs that affect DA Serotonin 5 HT Mood sleeping eating Drugs that affect 5 HT Norepinephrine NE Attention arousals Glutamate Excitatory GABA Inhibitory Drugs that affect GABA Endorphins Pain inhibition and pleasure Drugs that affect endorphin release Principles of Psychopharmacology Dose effect curve Measuring the effectiveness of a drug Tolerance drugs effect with repeated use Withdrawal symptoms after stopped use of drugs Physical dependence body undergo physical change to compensate with drugs Psychological

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KSU PSYC 11762 - Chapter 1 – The Science of Psychology

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