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2 24 15 Week 7 Intro Psych Cognitive Development cont d Piaget s 4 Stages of Cognitive Development 1 Sensorimotor from birth 2 years infants construct an understanding of the world through sensory experiences motor actions ex don t understand time and thinking of it backwards Hallmarks development of object permanence object permanence gain pleasure from sensory and motor interactions child develops abilities for symbolic thought and pretend play but not complex logical thought Hallmarks language development egocentrism incapable of reversibility incapable of conservation http www youtube com watch v gnArvcWaH6I feature related reversibility they cannot realize that something works one way not the other way ex 17 year old and 4 year old cannot understand that they have the same grandma but knows 2 Preoperational from 2 7 years old that they have the same characteristics Can t understand back in time that their parents used to be young together brother sister 3 Concrete operational from 7 11 years old child uses operations and replaces heuristic strategies with logical reasoning skills in concrete situations set of heuristic strategies and are now learning how to understand that things can be different Hallmarks capable of conservation more mass or more volume can look different but it is still the same capable of reversibility creating mental sets when putting things into categories in your mind barriers can be to problem solving not good with hypothetical thinking 4 Formal operational from 11 adulthood thinking about things that are not concrete making hypothesis and predictions Hallmarks capable of hypothetical thinking speculation regarding the future capable of abstract thinking ex playing baseball discouraged finally got a hit double he realized that his parents weren t there thinking about concepts of time travel coming up with scenarios to why it could not have happened if they were there WHAT IF ideas Chapter 8 Part 3 Socioemotional Development in Children Adolescence Morality Development Temperament set of innate characteristics established at birth that typically prevail through adulthood characteristics babies have right when they re born ex babies that don t like change more cautious of change throughout their whole life eventually develop ways to deal with it other people easily adapt can deal with change could play a role in character development but its not not personality and not characteristic The Easy Child sleep good schedules don t cry that much unless something is wrong happy regular feeding The Difficult Child just a little more difficult with change not necessarily a bad child The Slow to warm up Child takes a while to feel comfortable can easily be stressed out Infant Attachment the emotional bond between and infant and its caregiver temperament does play a role in attachment oxytocin bonding chemical Mary Ainsworth the Strange Situation Experiments Observational Conditions double sided mirrors parents knows they are being watched 9 10 mo Old baby let child just play Mary watches while they just play and interact together then a stranger enters and sits in a chair nearby how does baby react then mom gets up leaves What does baby do mother then returns stranger leaves based on observations identified 4 different attachment styles Attachment Styles 1 Securely Attached Child not upset easily 2 Anxious ambivalent clingy doesn t want to be sat down when stranger child is visibly upset mom leaves child goes absolutely crazy when mom comes back child wants to be picked up but then they push them away because the child is so upset refuses mom s comforting behavior takes a long time to calm down child 3 Avoidant detachment towards mother not cautious with stranger 4 Disorganized Disoriented don t know how to react weren t sure what was even happening upset at inappropriate times happy other times had children that don t fit in another category Harry Harlow the Wire Mother Experiments food comes from mother that s why we are so attached he said during infancy oral fixation oral pleasure stage early 1940 s 50s he said there must be something more because of food bond with others AKA father also monkey experiment they both get food milk bottle from one cloth mother vs wire mother If Freud is correct they should spend more time with the cloth mother if they are getting the food from there whichever one has the food NO he showed that even monkeys that were fed from the wire mother they still spend majority with the cloth mother Contact Comfort Contact between infants and caregivers is critical for normal social and emotional development monkeys during experiment that had the wire mother ended up being psychotic didn t have normal or healthy social or emotional skills the ones that had the comfort of the cloth mother were completely healthy emotionally socially and health NBC video prenatal twins and kangaroo care kept baby alive disciplinary corporal punishments Diana Baumrind Parenting Styles 4 General Categories of how children raise their children Authoritarian Parenting Restrictive Punitive Authoritative Parenting limits but encourage independence Neglectful Parenting not around workaholic or have to work all the time single parents nanny s babysitters they don t necessarily don t care Permissive Parents no limits on behavior punishments are enforced but less corporate contemplative think about what would be appropriate explanation why they got in trouble and most likely in U S may be highly involved set no limits No one to set any rules cool mom Outcomes for the Children Authoritarian Parenting lack social skills poor initiative social comparisons compare yourself to others are you better or worse than those who meet you low self esteem look to others for something to do or direction Authoritative Parenting socially competent self reliant socially responsible Neglectful Parenting less competent show poor self control Permissive Parenting low competence lack respect entitlement low self control

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KSU PSYC 11762 - Cognitive Development

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