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THE SOCHE BUFF S GAZETTE Professors Noh et al 2 IDEOLOGY Ideology information people use to interpret experience make sense of experience and help social order Three main components beliefs values and norms General Theory of Society and Social Change 1 2 3 4 Ideology Beliefs to Values to Norms Ideologies Adhere to Social Political Conditions Hunting and Gathering Societies Animism the notion that everything is alive and has a force of its own Ex wind rocks animals have a force of their own and humans have to that they are aware of their forces Theocracy rule of the priesthood have multiple gods for different things act in a way Horticultural Societies Agrarian Societies Monotheism one true god like there is one true leader Industrial Societies Secularism not sacred Reality Is Not What We Thought It Was 1492 Columbus Geography Discovery of new continents w ocean going ships and new technology Religion 1517 Luther Protestant Reformation Astronomy Galileo Microbiology 1610 Earth is not the center of the universe 1683 Leeuwenhoek pease umd edu 1 31 2023 Discovery of the unseen world through the use of a microscope First to observe bacteria Archeology 1824 Buckland Discovery of the prehistoric world figured out about the dinosaurs Biology 1859 Darwin Discovery of human evolution What major changes in ideology accompanied the rise of industrial society 1 Increase in the importance of ideology on collective decisions 2 Decline in hold of theistic religions 3 Rise of secular ideologies Ideologies new to the industrial era Power to the people Repudiates the hereditary monarchy Republicanism Capitalism Government intervention in the market retards economic activity Socialism Role of government is to enforce contracts Economic inequality is necessary for motivation Basic economic resources common property of all top benefit all Critical of capitalism Low wages o o Child labor o Unemployment Inequality o o Harsh working conditions o Shoddy goods and services Private ownership of property is the root cause of problems within the society When where and why did modern social science begin 1837 or 1842 when the word first emerged Auguste Comte thought of as father of sociology because he thought of the word Some say credit should go to Carl Marx for his theories or Herbert Spencer 1871 Father of anthropology is E B Tylor 1875 Sociology Anthropology Psychology Wihelm last name is the father Or William James 1 Industrial Revolution a Change in material conditions that radically changed the social organization of the societies which brought forth new ideas pease umd edu 1 31 2023 b Changed peasants into workers c Moved work outside of the house d Accelerated social change e Sociology and modern social science emerged in Europe largely because of the industrial Rev New Knowledge Social Inequality Research Methods 2 3 4 pease umd edu 1 31 2023

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