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European and North american capitalism matures seek new markets for investment loanss made with gurantees from national govt 9 11 Manuall de rosas govenor of buenos aires province Why do caudillos dsecline and liberal states builders ascend Elitees inked to merchant capitalism New tech nind provinces together politically cost of resisting the national states rises Caudillos in some way held seeds of their own destruction Argentina Rise of Liberal state Builders JUAN mANUEL dE rISAS 1829 31 18 35 52 Excited unitarian writers generation of 1837 o Domingo Sarmiento Facusndo or Civilization and Barbarism 1845 o Esteban Echeverrias s El matadero writtenn in 1839 published in 1871 o Juan Batista Alberdi The Giant Amapolas and his Formidable Enemies 1842 o Jose marmol Amalia 1844 Civilization vs Barbarism Justo Jose de Urquiza 1853 federalist Constitution Slavery abolished in 1853 1852 1862 Provinces vs Buenos Aires President Bartolome Mitre 1862 1868 The War od the desert 1879 President Julio Argentino Roca 1880 86 1898 04 1901 Law of Residency Argentina s population growth 1859 1 3 million 1895 4 million 1914 7 8 million more than 50 urban Immigration 1 million italians 800 000 spaniards 94 000 Russian Jews 86 000 French 80 000 Ottoman Turks Liberal State Builders Domingo Sarmiento 1868 1874 War of the triple Alliance 1864 1870 Unitarian Party becomes the conservatice party to govern is the populate Juan Alberdi The Indigenous Afro Argentine and Guacho Population Pastoralist nomads vs Sedentary argiculture Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer Positivism Aususte Come Order and Progress Sarmiento Contemplates Boston the cradle of the modern republic the school for all of america he described Boston as the pioneer city of the modern world the Zion of the ancient Puritans Europe contemplatess in New England the power which in the future will supplant her Economic Expansion 2 1 of Buenos Aires Population foreign born in 1914 Anti immigrant sentiment growths because of radical labor movement Labor movement socialist and Anarcho syndicalists Swift and Armour u s meat packing insudtry Social Rural rule society Argentina s per capita income equivaentg to that of germany and Holland and higher than that of spain italy sweeden and switzerland Value of Argentina s export 50 higher than its main regional rival Brazil brazil dominates in coffee production 9 23 COlonial Mexica Hacienda Charateristics Heart if the Spanish American Empire New Spain o 1 Modern Capital inputs o 2 Moderate Labor inputs in the 16th century o 3 Markets Mostly Local systen born amidst demographic collapse of indians population Problem Of geography Mexican lacks navigable rivers and is divided by mountain ranges that makes long distant trade difficult ranges that makes long and loyalty to the patria chica little father land loya ty to local caudillos Vera Cruz Santa Anna s patria chica principal port import export Outcomes of the Mexican American War Defeat lays a foundation for the rise of Mexico s liberal state builders 9 25 Ejido Indigenous common landholding Ley Lerdo Limits collective landholding Geography made it difficlut for mexico to trade Mexican Liberal State Builders 1877 1911 Value of mexican esports expanded eight fold and the vloume expands seven fold silver gold copper oil Mexican silver peso becomes one of the most valued currencies in the global economy Mexican gov t has a balance budget 1894 Mexican Peons wages 35 cents a day do not rise in the 1800s but the cost of food rises 200 to 1877 400 miles of railways 15 00 miles 1911 600 percent Peons standard of living higher in 1810 than 1910 Low wages attract few immigrants unlike Argentina and Brazil where economic booms and high wages prevailed Terraza Creel Clan Of Chihuahua Don Luiz Terraza Creel Largest hacendado hacuanda owner in Mexica by 1890 he owned 50 haciendas 7 million acres 9 30 Planatation System of Production 1 Capital Intensive 2 Labor Intensive innbrazil both indigenous and African Slavery 3 Heavy dependence on foreign markets an agro export economy Plantations do not weather instability well Plantation system protoindustrial Sugar in 1822 30 of the value of Brazil s national exports Coffee in 1889 67 of the value of Brazil s National exports Brazil Independence 1807 Napolean Invades Protugal 1808 King Joao VI and the Portuguese Court Relocate in Rio de Janeiro 185 Brazil Raised to status of Kingdom 1817 Pernambucan Republican Revolution 1820 Portuguese Cortes Recalls Joao VI 1822 Emperor Pedro I declares Brazil s Independence 1824 Constitution Constitutional Monarchy Brazil Post Independence Emperor s Moderating Powers Cisplatine War 1825 1828 uruguay 1826 Trade Treaty With Britain 1831 parliament bans transatlantic slave trade Para Ingles ver for the English to see pedro 1 Abdication 1831 Regency Period 1831 40 1834 Additional Act federalist Policies Regent Padre Diogo Antonio Feijo 1835 37 1837 Regresso or Turning back Regent Pedro de Araujo Lima 1838 40 Emperor Pedro 11 Reign 1840 89 Conservative and Liberal Parties Emerge as national parties in the late 1830 s 1850 Brazil begins to enforce its ban on the transtlanic slave trade 1850 Land Law Political Conciliation 1850s and 1860s Why did Brazil split up into numerous nations like Spanish and British American Slavery abd the plantation system Monarchy Centralized education of political elite centralized gov t Long coast and navigable riverways Portuguese Languages and Luso Brazilian Culture Change in gov t happens in the capital 10 2 Brazil From Empire to Republic Emperor Pedro 11 1840 89 Brazil Second Empire Political Conciliation 1850 64 1852 Platine War Brazil and allies in Uruguay and Argentina overrthrow Govenr Juan Manue de Rosas Pillars of Support for the Brazilian Empire o Slaverholding Planters and Merchants o Slavery itself o Military o Catholic Church o Abolition of the Translantic Slave Trade 1850 From Africa to Brazil o Internal Slave trade 1850 1870 Mostly from northeast to southeast War and the Pillars of Empire Indianism Representation of Brazil s Empire President Bartolome Mitre Argentina Paraguayan President Francisco Solano Lopez War of the Triple Alliance Paraguayan War 1864 70 Duke of Caxias military Impressment Liberal Party Conservative Party Republican Party founded 1870 Paraguay and Brazi c 1864 The value of Brazil s export are twenty times that of Paraguay s export Constitutional monarchy vs Barbarism Paragusy s population mostly mestizo mix of indian and euripean

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